Political Science Project Topics

Youths and Political Participation in Nigeria

Youths and Political Participation in Nigeria

Youths and Political Participation in Nigeria

Chapter One


The objectives of this study are as follows:

  1. To provide the necessary orientation for the Youths to actively participate in politics.
  2. To find out the factors hindering youths from contributing to political development in Nigeria.
  3. To examine the level of encouragement of Youth’s political participation by Kaduna North Local Government in Kaduna State




A number of literatures have been written on youth participation on electoral process in Nigeria. There have been several  views contributed by scholars on electoral process in Nigeria. Some of those literatures were reviewer, assessed and analyzed. This is to enable this research to find out a clear picture of youth participation in electoral process in kaduna north local government area kadunametropolis.1

Similarly, of Nigerian’s Population of 166 millions, 50 percent are youth. The involvement of young people in 2015 general election is not surprising in the sense that they constitute about 70% percent of general population. The impact of young people in 2015 general election mostly face on social media flat form, mobilizing, youth population for  campaign voting process and also participated in build up to election by attending ralies, and engaging in dabate.2

  • Youth have played a significant role for the emergence of Muhammad Buhari, from opposition party as the Nigerian president. Looking at the enormous roles played by the youth in canvassing for vote and promoting his acceptance, it was apparent that his electoral success cut across various political parties. A good pointer to this fact that suffice in the impact of public engagement of our youth through various The youth have mobilized to serve in all constituency to ensure strict observance in electoral process with a view to prevent all form of electoral fraud and manipulation.3
  • Furthermore, Nigerian Youth have been a crucial partner in the struggled apty recorded during previous Era up to our independence in 1960. Even till data the survival of Nigerian dynamic electoral process therefore, depends on the role of youths in the participatory democratic plat form.5 Nigerian Youth have been the engine of democratic flavor and struggles that made moment of democratic victories.
  • The crucial role and activities of youth as pre-democratic agents assisted the popular agitations to fuel change in government as we have today in Nigerian political structure. The survival of all political system depends on the role of youth in participatory democratic plat form, which allowed groups regardless of their position to articulates, anticipate, and negotiate their interest in nationalpolicy.6



 General Political Culture of kaduna north local government area kaduna

The political culture of kaduna north local government area kaduna people like in most monarchial societies essential parochial in nature. The people tend to follow and abide by whatever, the preceding generation put in place and practice. Socially conservatives and politically unconscious and in assertive this may not be unconnected with the fact that generally speaking the political culture of people in any given society is embedded on certain factors that made possible for biding of cooperative existence of that human group as a nation of people living together. Since, political culture essentially connotes people response or behaviour, norms or values towards politics and political socialization as yard stick or track through which people cross to acquire political culture, it is necessary therefore, to identify those factors that deform the political culture of any society in attempting to bring out what form of political culture of any society.5




This chapter attempt to provide the presentation, analysis of all data received from the field through the use of research questionnaire as the instrument used in collecting data from the respondents. The data will be present demographically and non demographically.



 Summary of Findings

The findings of this research indicate that, majority of respondents based on age are between age range of twenty four years to twenty nine (24-29) which constituted the highest percentage. Moreover, majority of the respondents basd on ethnic groups, are Hausa/Fulani, while the analysis also revealed that most of the respondents based on marital status are singles, also analysis shown that, majority of respondents practice Islam as their religion, however, majority of respondents based on educational status under gone secondary and tertiary education and majority of respondents based on occupation are students.

Likewise, the research findings, revealed that majority of respondents participated in the last general election in which most of them capacitated as voters, while, the majority of the respondents revealed they influenced by money and religion to participate in the last general election with reference to table (4.3.3) revealed that respondents indicated those assess the youth participation in the last general election as good constituted the majority.

However, research findings shown that majority of respondents indicate illiteracy are in place to hinders youth participation in the last general election. Consequently, the research findings shows that, majorityoftherespondentsindicatepoliticalelitesaretheinstigators of electoral related vices, in the last general election. Going by the analysis, majority of respondents indicated that literacy will improve youth turn out during the electoral process.

The thirty two (32) respondents shown they are not aware of any non-governmental organization campaigning against electoral vices and majority of the respondents assess the activities of those group as good


Lack of adequate knowledge or information on electoral process, coupled with low level of depriviation, unemployment, electoral violence and absence of free and fair elections are in place to affect the youth participation in the electoral process in kaduna north local government area kaduna metropolis.

Consequently, more of the youth participated in the last general election in kaduna north local government area kaduna metropolis are motivated by religion. From their leaders and money given by political elites, political elits are mostly  found the instigators of electoral related vices in kaduna north local government area kaduna Metropolis. It is therefore, necessary for all stakeholders in the electoral process to appropriate specific role to the youth. They need to be guided and sport in the initiatives and interest in public and political causes. This is necessary to sustain the democratic culture while educating and empowering the manifest needed leadership attribute that would prepare them for a better society in future. Investing in youth is investment in greaterfuture.


Considering the outcome of the research findings the following recommendations are hereby made in order to increase the participation of youth in electoral process in kaduna north local government area kaduna metropolis

  1. There is need for government and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to accord much priority toward increasing turn out youth in electoralprocess.
  2. There is also need for government and Non-governmental organizations to adopt to increase youth turn out during the electoralprocess.
  3. Nevertheless, there is need for government and civil societyto organize regular educational programmes i.e capacity building in every part of kaduna north local government area kaduna metropolis in which they described how electoral related vices affecting theyouth
  4. Those who are educated among the youth should volunteer to educate and advice others on the importance of their participations and problem of electoral realtedvices
  5. Media organizations i.e Television, radio, should continue to educate, enlightening and inform youth to participate in electoral process.
  6. There is need for political elite to stay away from money politics that could easily influences youth into electoralvices.
  7. There is need for government to eradicate poverty among youth, through job creation so as to allow successful electoral process to take place.


  • Ibrahim Hussain, (1964) International Journal of Politics, Published in Lagos University, freed Press, 2009,Pp.6-7
  • Maxweber, (1980), “The Democratic Reform in Africa, Ibadan University MacMillian Press, 2004,Pp.2-4
  • Kenneth Wabara (1967), The Nigerian Journal of Politics, published by peace Research Institute Nigeria, crown press, 2006, Pp.7-9.
  • Molose H. (1964), Political participation and interaction, University of Abuja, press 2003,Pp.1-3
  • Jhonson Evans (1996) The Participation and political system, published Cambridge university, press, London, 2008,p.6
  • Bello Usman, “Youth Participation in Politics, BSc Project Summited to the Department OF Political Science, 2008,p.9
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