Criminology Project Topics

Youth Empowerment as a Strategy for Reducing Crime in Nigeria

Youth Empowerment as a Strategy for Reducing Crime in Nigeria

Youth Empowerment as a Strategy for Reducing Crime in Nigeria

Chapter One


To determine Youth empowerment as a strategy for reducing crime in Nigeria



Skills acquisition and crime control

Giving more power through skills acquisition and amplify the possibilities to get or create a job or business, trough micro-credits, access to ICT networks is one of the best way to fight crime and criminal elements. According to Ajufo (2013), skills acquisition as an empowering tool might help people to change the conditions of their lives by taking action while having knowledge and relevant skills of a trade that will make them competitive in the particular productive field. This to a large extent would keep them away from crime, because their mind is activated towards positive activities. Aremu and Ahmed (2011) posit that empowering people through skills acquisition can help check crime because those who have been empowered become self-reliance and independent. Similarly, Awogbenle and Iwuamadi (2010) noted that skill acquisition programmes could be a strategy to improve the income status at the bottom line by making people aware of their potentials, which if properly harness would keep them away from poverty and criminal behaviour. Empowering people through skills acquisition programmes give them control and ownership of their lives, which consequently, discourages them from engaging in criminal behaviour. When youths are empowered, they see themselves as stakeholders in the development of any society they found themselves (Aremu & Ahmed 2011).

Skill acquisition programmes is one of the non-violent ways of checking crime and deviant behaviour among youths. It is critical for controlling crime in any human society (Okafor, 2011). The fact remains that youths should be made to be aware of the potentials they command, equipped them with skills to make informed choice and negotiate for their rights, and have access to resources for their development, this will help keep them away from crime (Adenikinju, 2005). Empowering youths through skills acquisition according to Akpan (2006) implies the recognition that anyone can make the difference in his/her life and other people’s lives. Ekpo, (2006), observed that when people are empowered they are equipped with skills and knowledge with which they would be able to earn a living and eschew violent crime. In this way, they will both be able to get paid employment or start up a business and earn an income that will make them avoid crime. Earning income is the first step towards a crime free life (Akpan, 2006). Empowered people can help to achieve a sustained economic growth and sustainable development, through investing in income generating activities (Ekpo, 2006). Skill acquisition makes people powerful, able, and active participant in the development of their society.





The study adopted survey design. The design was adopted for because it allows participants to air out their opinions on the relationship between the variables under investigation. It was opted for because it is used to study people’s feelings and attitudes about social events. The design allows for the use of questionnaire thus making it cheaper as compared to other research designs. More so, the design allows for the selection of samples and the generalization of findings.


The study was carried out in Southern Senatorial District of Cross River State, Nigeria. The senatorial district is situated within the tropics and shares boundary with Republic of Cameroon in the East; Yakurr Local Government Area in the North, in the South by Calabar Sea, in the South-West by Akwa Ibom State, and in the North-West by Ebonyi State. With an area of 9,972 square kilometres and a population of 1,190,354. According to 2006 National Population Census, Southern Senatorial District is one of the largest Senatorial Districts in Cross River State and the Niger Delta Region.


The population of Southern Senatorial District of Cross River State is one million, one hundred and ninety thousand, three hundred and fifty-four (1,190,354) people (National Population Census, 2006). The study purposively selected four hundred (400) respondents from four communities in Southern Senatorial District of Cross River State. The instrument for data collection was 18 items questionnaire entitled “Youth Empowerment”.



This part of the work identifies the variables of the study, their mean and calculated standard deviation. The researcher uses the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 18 to perform frequency counts, percentages, mean, standard deviation, simple linear regression (R). It is important to state at this point that four hundred (400) questionnaires were distributed, only three hundred and ninety six (396) was returned and considered valid for this study. The percentage distribution of respondents’ demographic information revealed in respect to gender, that majority 50.8 per cent (N = 201) were male while only 49.2 per cent (N = 195) were female. The responses to the questionnaire in respect to age reveal that majority 29.3 per cent (N = 116) were below 30 years, respondents between the ages of 41-50 years were 29.0 per cent (N = 115), respondents in the group of those between the ages of 31-40 years were 25.5 per cent (N = 101), while those from 51 years and above had a representation of 16.2 per cent (N= 64).



The study assessed the Impact of youth empowerment as a strategy of reducing crime visa vis crime control in Southern Senatorial District of Cross River State, Nigeria. Emphasis was on the relationship between skills acquisition, economic empowerment, and crime control. After extensive statistical analysis of each of the formulated hypotheses, the following conclusions were arrived at: There is a significant relationship between skills acquisition and crime control in Southern Senatorial District of Cross River State. Economic empowerment has significantly contributed to crime control in Southern Senatorial District of Cross River State. Accordingly, Youths occupy a prominent place in any society. Apart from being the owners and leaders of tomorrow, they outnumber the middle-aged and the aged. Besides numerical superiority, youth have energy and ideas that are society’s great potentials. This energy and strength if not properly harness can be channel towards negatives activities that would threaten the safety of lives and properties in any society.


Existing skill acquisition centres established by government and private individuals should be strengthen and encourage. This will improve the quality of skills acquire by youths which can make them self-employed and productive

Government at all levels should endeavour to create enabling environment for small and medium enterprise to grow and expand. This can be achieve through the provision of affordable loans with little or no interest, tax holiday, regular and steady power supply efficient transportation system, readymade market and other incentives should be provided for youths who are industrialists.


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