Business Administration Project Topics

Work-life Balance and It’s Effect on Employee’s Performance.

Work-life Balance and It's Effect on Employee's Performance.

Work-life Balance and It’s Effect on Employee’s Performance.



The objective of this study is to evaluate work-life balance and employee productivity and to identify which factors of work life balance have more influence on employee productivity. Specifically the following specific objectives will be pursued.

  1. To examine the effect of job stress on employees health.
  2. To evaluate the effect of role overload on employee job satisfaction
  3. To evaluate the influence of long working hours on employee morale
  4. To evaluate the effect of work family conflict on Job commitment



This chapter would explore, analyse and evaluate the previous works related to this topic under Conceptual review, Theoretical review and Empirical review

Conceptual Review

Work-life balance has to do with proper prioritizing between work (career and ambition) and lifestyle (health, pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development). The concept of work- life balance is based on the idea that paid work and private life should be seen less as opposite priorities and more as corresponding essentials of a full life. Lewis, (2008) observes that the way to achieve this is to adopt a system that is conceptualized as a two way process which considers the needs of the workers as well as those of employees

Work Life Balance

There has been much debate over a formal definition of work-life balance. According to Greenhaus, Collins and Shaw, (2003), most of the major reviews of work-life balance articles either do not mention work-life balance per se, or when it is mentioned it is not explicitly defined. Furthermore, in studies where work-life balance or related constructs are explored, researchers seem to have used several different approaches to operationally define and measure the construct. Greenhaus, Collins & Shaw, (2003). Potgieter & Barnard, (2010). In a review of the literature, Kalliath and Brough, (2008) identify six different definitions that are commonly used within the literature: 1. Work-life balance reflects an individual’s orientation across different life roles, 2. The extent to which an individual is engaged in – and equally satisfied with – his or her work role and family role, 3. Achieving satisfying experiences in all life domains and to do so requires personal resources such as energy, time and commitment to be well distributed across domains, 4. The extent to which an individual’s effectiveness and satisfaction in work and family roles are compatible with the individuals‟ life role priorities at a given point in time, 5. Low levels of inter-role conflict and high levels of inter-role facilitation contribute to higher levels of perceived work-family balance, and 6. Work-life balance is about people having a measure of control over when, where and how they work.

The definition of work-life balance that Kalliath and Brough, (2008) proposed is given as: work life balance is the individual perception that work and non-work activities are compatible and promote growth in accordance with an individual’s current life priorities. From this definition it is important to note that work-life balance is about individual’s perception as they fulfil multiple and often competing roles.

Grzywacz and Carlson, (2007) define work life balance as accomplishment of role-related expectations that are negotiated and shared between an individual and his/her role partners in the work and family domains. Voydanoff, (2008) posit that work-life balance is the global assessment that work and family resources are sufficient to meet work and family demands such that participation is effective in both domains.




This chapter focuses on the methodology and design adopted for the research. A breakdown of this chapter was discussed under, research design, population of the study, sampling unit, sampling frame, sampling techniques and other items of importance.



This chapter deals with the analysis of data obtained from the field. The data analysis will be done based on two methods which are the descriptive and the inferential. The descriptive was dealt with under, frequencies, percentages while the inferential analysis was dealt with under test of hypothesis, correlation and regression.



This chapter is focused on bringing the work to a close based on the introduction, literature review and findings that has been done in the previous chapters. This is a brief presentation of the process that led to the abridged findings


This study focused on work life balance and employee performance in the Nigerian banking industry. The study started by looking at various events or issues that affects the performance of employee most especially in Zenith Bank Nigeria. The study therefore proposed a statement of problem to look at and identify those anomalies that may come up as a result of poor balance between work and life.

The objectives, research questions and hypothesis were raised in line with the problems identified in the industry. The scope of the study was limited to zenith bank headquarters while the significance was given in line with the benefits to be expected by the stakeholders involved in the study.

The literature review addressed other author’s notion on the subject matters on conceptual theoretical and empirical frameworks as well as a summary and gap in the literature.

The methodology adopted as survey design with multiple regression analysis was adopted for the analysis. The data was analysed based on descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study indicated that there is a significant relationship between the impendent sub variable and the dependent variables.

The study therefore rejected all the null hypothesis because the estimates were statistically significant.

Finally, Chapter five discusses the summary of all chapters , findings and suggestions that led to the recommendations,


The study therefore concludes that:

Having flexible working hours in an organization significantly influenced employee job performance by enabling a balance between personal commitments and responsibilities and organizational roles and duties of an employee. Flexibility in working hours enhanced employee motivation and commitment to the organization. Employee assistance programmes in the organization created a good avenue for an organization extending a helping hand to individuals in the organization. This contributed highly in creating a healthy, motivated workforce; enhance cooperation and individual productivity in the organization. Finally it can be concluded that Leave from work created a change of environment and a break from the daily working environment. This has a lot of impact on employee’s psychosocial wellbeing, eliminating fatigue, and work related stress which translated to better employee performance after the leave.


The study on the basis on the findings and conclusions made recommends that:

  • ZENITHBank could share the best practices on employee work life balance with other commercial banks in the country which have been struggling with the same
  • In ensuring the psychosocial wellbeing of staff, the ministry of labour could consider revising the existing labour laws to have mandatory staff welfare programs run by the employer rather than the union.
  • Organizations in the banking industry due to the nature of the job and precision required in undertaking the jobs should exploiting leaves as a way of rejuvenating their employees by coming up with more innovative methods of implementing them rather than the traditional annual leave.

Suggestions for Further Research

Areas arising for further investigation include:

  • First, this methodology and tools should be employed in conducting similar studies in other banking institutions to establish the reliability of the study
  • Secondly,a study could be carried out to determine the optimum duration of leave from work and frequency that would ensure maximum productivity in an

Implication of the study 

The implication of the study would be discussed on the following:

Management Practice

The study of management will be enhanced as different approaches have been looked into under Work Life balance and Employee productivity. This implies that if good work flexibility, Low work pressure and good working hours are studied properly. Many organisation would be benefiting from this new strategy and thus increase efficiently in productivity.


Manager, Economists will gain in-depth knowledge. This will be able to adopt appropriate Work life balance for their employee and would help them to build a stronger organization


The society at large would benefit from this study. Being customer of the organization, as they would gain in-depth knowledge about the organisation and would be treated properly by a settled staff who has no issue with the work life balance of the organization

Limitation to the Study 

This study is limited to the effect of work life balance and employee productivity a study of Zenith Bank, thus the findings of this study might not be generalized so it can’t be applied to other industries like SMES.


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