English Language Project Topics

Using Scaffolding Technique to Address the Identification of Verb Phrases Problems in Sentences

Using Scaffolding Technique to Address the Identification of Verb Phrases Problems in Sentences

Using Scaffolding Technique to Address the Identification of Verb Phrases Problems in Sentences

Chapter One

The objective of the Research

Based on the previous explanation, the objective of the research was to know whether there was a significant influence of using scaffolding techniques toward students’ identification of verb phrases problem in sentences.





 The Concept of Writing

Talking about writing, most people did writing. when they asked what is writing, they may answer that writing is one way to communicate with each other through a paper and a pen. actually, the role is of writing in foreign language explore. Some of them gave their understanding of writing on the internet, book, and also a magazine of language discussion. There were so many understand of writing that can be found. For example, Heaton said that writing skills are complex and sometimes difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only of grammatical and rhetorical devices but also of conceptual and judgemental elements.13 But we knew and believed that writing is a skill that anymore can learn to manage. In addition, Raimes gave his complex opinion about writing, he states that :

Writing reinforces the grammatical structure, idioms, and vocabulary that we have been teaching our students. Second, when our students write, they also have a chance to be adventurous with the language, to go beyond what they have just learned to say, to take risks. Third, when they write, they necessarily become very involved with the new language; the effort to express ideas and the constant use of eye, and the brain is a unique way to reinforce learning.14

From Raimes we knew that the more complex opinion states that writing is a process of getting a new language where should be transformed into writing. So, writing requires meaningful communication to someone, whether this audience consists only of the writer or is a group of someone beyond the writer.

According to Means and Lindner writing is thinking on paper, but trying to draft and think simultaneously is difficult. Unlike thinking, writing is both linear and sequential; that is, it must be done one word at a time in a certain order.15 It means that writing is pouring thoughts and stringing word by word in written form together so that it forms a sentence.

Writing is a social act that can occur in particular situations. It is therefore influenced both by the personal attitudes and prior experiences that the writer brings to writing and the impact of the specific political and institutional contexts in which it takes place.16 It means that a social activity occurs in the experience of the previous author, because of that the author is influenced by experiences that occurred in the previous period.

written text has a number of conventions that separate it out from speaking. apart from differences in grammar and vocabulary, there are issues of letter, word, and text formation, manifested by handwriting, spelling, and layout and punctuation.17 It means that writing has a number of agreements that differentiate from speaking by the reason that the difference consists of grammar, vocabulary, the formation of letters and layout in punctuation in a paragraph.

Based on all definitions above, we can concluded that writing is a cognitive process to express thoughts to others in written form. Some people consider that writing is a difficult thing to do. A person who wants to construct writing should work hard, and good writing just can be reached by work harder. Because of that, writing needs a routine practice in order to have a good writing ability.




 Research Design

In this research, the researcher used quasi-experimental design. Quasi- experiment included assignment, but not random assignment of participants to group. This is because the experimenter cannot artificially create group for the experiment.76 Thus, it is more efficient if the researcher use quasi-experimental design because it is not random participant. We can apply the pretest and posttest design approach to a quasi-experimental design. The researcher assign intact groups the experimental treatment activity with the experimental group only, and then administer a posttest to asses the differences between the two groups.77 The researcher gave pretest and post test to both of class group to know the differences between the two groups. The researcher design can be presented as follows;

The Variable of the Research

According to Creswell, A variable is a characteristic or attribute of an individual or an organization that (a) researchers can measure or observe and (b) varies among individuals or organizations studied. They are key ideas that researchers seek to collect information on to address the purpose of their study.78 It means that variable is all of the something that can be resource or object that we got information for our research and knew the influence after giving treatment for target research.

And this research consists of two variables, they are :

  1. Independent variable or variable (X).

The independent variable in this research is Scaffolding Technique that is symbolized by (X)

  1. Dependent variable or variable (Y).

The dependent variable in this research is the students’ narrative text writing ability that is symbolized by (Y)

The Operational Definition of Variable

The operational definition of the variable used to explain the variables used in this research to avoid misconceptions of variables presented in this research. The operational definitions of variables were as follows:

  1. Scaffolding technique is one technique to teach writing by making the students want to write and help them to generate the idea and engage themselves more deeply in the process of writing dealing with their own
  2. Narrative text writing ability of the students’ to expressing ideas, feeling, and thought in a kind of text highlights ideas about a certain case and is aimed to the readers to persuade agree with the proposed ideas by paying attention to the five important points of writing such as: content, grammar, organization, vocabulary, and mechanics.

Population, Sample and Sample Technique


Population is the place where the research going conducting. In other word Ary said that, “the larger group about generalizations made is called population”79, and also Ary defined population as all members of a class of people, events, or objects that are well defined.80 Based on the definition above, the population was all subjects that will be the research in this research. The population of this research was the students at Senior secondary Rivers state 2018/2019 academic year.



 Description of Treatment

This research was conducted in five meetings for each classes experimental class (SS1 D) and control class (SS1 E). Three meetings were for the teaching control class and experimental class. While in control class the teaching by using free writing technique, in the experimental class by using scaffolding technique. On Tuesday, August 20th, 2019 pre-test was given in experimental class at 11.20-12.30 pm consist of 31 students while control class at 13.40-14.50 pm consist of 30 students.




Based on the research carried out in Senior secondary Rivers state 2018/2019 academic year, the researcher then drew some a conclusions. First there was an influence of using scaffolding technique toward students’ narrative text writing ability at Senior secondary Rivers state 2018/2019 academic year. Second the significant influence could be seen from Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.011 was lower than α= 0.05 and it means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it can be proved from the hypothetical test, that alternative hypothesis is accepted and null hypothesisis is rejected.


In reference of the conclusion mentioned, the researcher proposed some suggestions as follows:

 Suggestion for the teacher

  1. In this research, the researcher found out that scaffolding technique can be used to develop and motivate the students’ writing ability. Due the finding, English teacher can help students increase their writing ability by using scaffolding technique.
  2. The teacher should use the time effectively and efficientely so the teacher can help the students increase their ability by giving more
  3. The English teachers should provide interesting activities and materials, in order to prevent the students from being bored and encourage the students’ attention in learning English, especially in

Suggestion for the students

  • The students should practice their writing English. They can provide with the teachers or other friends. They also should be active and creative in learning activity.

Suggestion for the next researcher

  • The researcher applied Scaffolding Technique to increase students’ narrative text writing Further, other researchers should conduct this technique on the different skill or components of English.
  • In this research, the researcher used Scaffolding to help students’ in narrative text writing of Junior High School. Further other researchers should conduct this technique on different level of students.


  • A, Forget. 2004. Max Teaching with Reading and Writing. Demand: Trafford Publishing.
  • Ann, Raimes. 1983. Technique in Teaching Writing. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Arikunto, Suharmi. 2005. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
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  • Ary, Donald, Lucy Cheser Jacobs, and Chris Sorensen. 2002. Introduction To Research In Education 8th Ed. Canada: Wadsworth Cengange Learning.
  • Axford, Beverley, Pam Harders and Fay Wise. 2009. Scaffolding Literacy. Australia: ACER Press.
  • Creswell, John W. 2012. Educational Research, Quantitative and Qualitative Research., 4th Edtion. Boston: Pearson Education.
  • Dody, Ahmad, Ahmad Sugeng, and Effendi. 2008. Developing English Competencies: for Senior High School Grade X. 1st ed. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
  • E.D, Laksmi. 2006. “Scaffolding Student Writing in EFL Class”. TEFLIN Journal Vol 17 No. 2.
  • Emilia, Emi. 2011. Pendekatan Genre-based Dalam Pengajar Bahasa Inggris: petunjuk untuk guru. Bandung: Rizqi.
  • Elbow, Peter. 1981. Writing With Power, Technique for Mastering the Writing Process, Second Edition. Newyork: Oxford University Press.
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