Criminology Project Topics

Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Crime Detection and School Security in University of Ibadan

Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Crime Detection and School Security in University of Ibadan

Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Crime Detection and School Security in University of Ibadan


Purpose of the study

Generally, this study aims at finding out how to use ICT in crime detection and school security using University of Ibadan as case study.

Specifically, the study has the following objectives;

  1. to identify what ICT tool s are available in campuses  using University of Ibadan as case study.
  2. to determine the level of student awareness and usage of  available ICT tools for school safety in University of Ibadan
  3. to examine the adequacy and effectiveness of current ICT facililties employed in University of Ibadan for crime detection.
  4. to recommend new ways of using modern ICT tools to detect/curb  on-campus crimes and enhance school security in University of Ibadan




The Concept of Crime

Crime, the intentional commission of an act usually deemed socially harmful or dangerous and specifically defined, prohibited and punishable under criminal law (Thomas, 2023). A crime includes both the act and the intent to commit the act.

Merriam Webster Dictionary(2023) defined crime as an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government; especially: a gross violation of law.

Dauda(2014) noted that a crime is a reprehensive human conduct which is sanctioned and punished by law. A crime may be defined as an act or omission, sinful or non-sinful, which a society or a study has of thought fit to punish or otherwise deal with under its law for the time being in force.

The Law Dictionary defines a crime as an act committed or omitted, in violation of a public law, either forbidding  or commanding it; a breach or violation of some public right or duty due to a whole community. Elizabeth A. Martin noted that crime or offence (or criminal offence) is an act harmful not only to some individual or individuals but also to a community, Society or the state(“a public wrong”). It refers to actions that are forbidden by the law; an offence against the state, conducts such as committing murder, stealing property, resisting arrest, driving while under the influence of alcohol and selling illegal drugs.

Igbo(2013) posits that any act or conduct that violates the cherished norms and values of the community or group and which was visited with severe sanction, can be referred to as a crime. In order words, crime is an act that violates moral rule. A crime or an act may be minor or serious depending on the circumstances.

The legal dictionary(2023) defines crime as a violation of law in which there is injury to the public or a member of the public and a term in jail or prison, and/or a fine as possible penalties. i.e an offence against a public law.

Wayne(2009) argued that there is no one generalized definition of crime. That crime could be defined from different frameworks; it could be seen as a social construction where crime refers to some actions or omission that causes harm in a situation that the person or group responsible “ought” to be held accountable and punished, irrespective of what the law book of the state says. From a religious framework, crime is seen as an action against the law of God, whether as revealed in the Holy books such as the Bible, Quran, or Torah. Crime could be defined as a reflection of nation-state legality by which it refers to an act or omission that is defined by the validly passed laws of the nation state in which it occurred so  that punishment should follow from the behaviour.  In this, crime and criminals only exists when a public body has judged them such according to accepted procedures. It implies that without the state and criminal law, there’s no crime and without criminal justice system, there are no criminals.

Finally, the definition of crime varies with time and space. An act that was defined as a crime in the past may be decriminalised in the future and vice versa. Similarly, an act that is defined as a crime in one country may not be so defined in another country (Etannibi and Innocent, 2005).





This chapter presents the methods and procedures that were applied in this study. It describes the research design, area and  scope of the study, population of study, sample size, sampling technique,  and method of data collection. The  validation of instrument, reliability of instrument, method of data analysis, is alsp described in this chapter.

Research design

The study made use of cross-sectional survey research design. Researchers collect detail description of existing phenomena with the intention of using the collected data to justify current conditions and practice or to make better plans for improving phenomena. Surveys are generally done to collect three kinds of information .

First, data concerning existing condition.  Secondly, comparison of the existing status of a situation and required standard. Finally, data for improving existing condition.

The cross-sectional survey design enables the researcher to collect his data  at a particular point or period from the selected sample. This method was selected because it enabled the researcher to use a sample drawn to represent the various element of the population under study.

Population of study

The population consisted of all the students of University of Ibadan.

Sample size

The sample size comprises male and female students of University of Ibadan.  The total population was 9,984 students.  The sample size is considered large enough to permit the statistical computation that is involved in the analysis. Also, the size can be effectively taken care of by the researcher given the resources available to him.




This chapter shows the presentation and analysis of the data collected for the study. The instrument for data collection was the questionnaire. The questionnaire was prepared for the students of University of Ibadan which are the areas of the study. The questionnaire  was divided into two parts namely; the demographic characteristics, and the substantive issue of the research.

The data were analyzed using mean score computation and frequency table (including frequency,  percent, cumulative frequency  and cumulative percent). The result was presented and finally, the implication of the result of the research question was discussed to prove or refute the research question and also to achieve some objective of the study. Data collected are presented in table showing  various results



Summary and Conclusion

In this chapter, the researcher intends to sum up the findings of this study, draw conclusions from the result of the findings, give necessary recommendations and suggest areas for further research following the findings of the study. In evaluating the findings of this study, the focus was on the four research questions  formulated for the purpose of the study. The study sought answer to the research questions  to ascertain whether they are acceptable or not.

The research revealed that there is lack of adequate ICT tools in schools for detecting crimes and enhancing school safety. The findings of  the research shows that only video cameras (CCTV) and mobile phones  are accepted to be available in schools while facilities like metal detectors, phone signal jammers, interactive web portals for reporting crimes, electronic detectors, biometric finger print identity system, faraday cage, and walkie talkie are not available. The study further revealed that although students are aware of available facilities, they are not exposed to use them in detecting crimes and enhancing the school security. These lapses could be as a result of poor  orientation of students about the importance and usage of available ICT in crime detection.


Having conducted this research and analyzed the collected data, the researcher has the following recommendations.

Government at all levels, all stakeholders  in educational sectors, as well as  the university authorities should collaborate to provide adequate modern ICT  facilities  to be used in schools  for quick detection of crime and enhancement of school security.

The university authority should create awareness especially to the new entrants(fresh students) during their orientation on the available ICT  facilities and how to use them in detecting crimes and keeping the university community safe.

The university  authority should take more advantage of the advancement in technology by digitalizing the process of  students signing-in and signing-out of examination halls through the use of biometric finger print identity system. In other words, every student should be registered in the biometric database to ensure  legitimacy of candidates in writing examinations. Also, school authorities should consider  providing invigilators with handheld signal detectors that enable invigilators to quickly detect phones and other signal enabled electronic devices when used by students in exam hall.


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  • Crime in Canadian Context: Debates and Controversies by William O’ Grady (2nd edition)
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  • Elizabeth A.M., And Law J. (2014), Oxford Dictionary Of Law, 7th Edition, Oxford University Press. ISBN-978019126729. Retrieved From Http://www.Oxfordreference.Com
  • Etannibi E.O., (2016) Security Challenges and University System in Nigeria
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