Building Project Topics

Use of Ceramic Tile as Coarse Aggregate in Concrete

Use of Ceramic Tile as Coarse Aggregate in Concrete

Use of Ceramic Tile as Coarse Aggregate in Concrete




One of the disadvantages of concrete is its high self weight. Density of normal concrete will be in the range of order of 2200 to 2600 kg/m3. This heavy self weight will make the concrete to some extent as an uneconomical structural material. Attempts have been done in the past to reduce the self weight of concrete to increase its efficiency of concrete as a structural material. The light weight concrete density varies from 300 to 1850 kg/m3 by the use of various ingredients.

Basically, there is only one method for making lightweight concrete, by inclusion of air in concrete. This is achieved in actual practice by three different ways.

  • By replacing the usual mineral aggregate by cellular porous or lightweight
  • Introducing the gas or air bubbles in mortar, known as aerated
  • Omitting the sand from the aggregates, called as No-fines

Lightweight concrete has become more popular in recent years and have more advantages over the conventional concrete.




Being the major component of structure, many researches have been done on concrete to improve its properties in every possible manner to develop a sustainable concrete mass. The concrete can be strengthened only by the replacement of its ingredients by better ones. Not only replacing by some material but using an waste material makes the environment friendly at the same time more suitable to construction. In this aspect lot of researches have been done on using the tile aggregate in concrete which is a waste material directly from industry or indirectly from demolition of a structure. The present study is focused only on the literature related to usage of tile aggregate in concrete as a replacement to coarse aggregate. The details of literature review are given below.

Literature Review:

Aruna D (2015)[1]: For tile waste based concrete, coarse aggregates were replaced by 20mm down size, tile wastes by 0% , 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% and also the cement is partially replaced by fly-ash. The average maximum compressive strength of roof tile aggregate concrete is obtained at a replacement of 25%. A reduction of 10-15% of strength is observed compared to conventional concrete at 25% of roof tile aggregate replacement. The workability of roof tile waste concrete is in the range of medium. Overall, the replacement of tiles in concrete is satisfactory for small constructions.

Batriti Monhun R. Marwein (2016)[2]: The ceramic waste adopted is broken tiles. Ceramic waste concrete (CWC)made with these tiles at 0%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%. M20 grade concrete is adopted; a constant water cement ratio of 0.48 is maintained for all the concrete mixes. The characteristics properties of concrete such as workability for fresh concrete, also Compressive Strength, Split Tensile Strength are found at 3, 7 and 28 days. The paper suggests that the replacement of waste tile aggregate should be in the range of 5-30% and also it is suitable to ordinary mixes like M15 and M20.

TOPÇUAND M. CANBAZ (2010)[3]: The amount of tile waste generation is enough to use in concrete as a replacement to coarse aggregate. The use of ceramic tile waste has a positive effect on environment and in the cost aspects too. By the useof tile aggregate, the self weight of concrete is reduced about 4% which makes the structure economical. Coming to the strength aspect, the tile aggregate replacement has a negative effect on both the compressive and split tensile strength of concrete. But this paper studied maximum replacements of tile waste which can be further divided into smaller percentages and can be utilized in concrete with desirable properties.

Julia García-González, Desirée Rodríguez-Robles, Andrés Juan-Valdés, Julia Ma Morán-del Pozo and M. Ignacio Guerra-Romero (2014)[4]: The study concentrates on the ceramic waste from industries in Spain. The concrete design is done as per the Spanish concrete code and the recycled ceramic aggregates met all the technical requirements imposed by current Spanish legislation. The ceramic aggregates are replaced up to 100% replacement of coarse aggregate. Appropriate tests were conducted to compare the mechanical properties with conventional concrete. The ceramic ware aggregate concrete was exhibited a feasible concrete properties as like the normal gravel concrete.





In this investigation, the following materials were used

  • Ordinary Portland Cement of 53 Grade cement conforming to IS: 169-1989
  • Fine aggregate and coarse aggregate conforming toIS: 2386-


Ordinary Portland cement is the most common type of cement in general use around the world as a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar, stucco, and most non- specialty grout. It developed from other types of hydraulic lime in England in mid 19th century and usually originates from limestone. It is a fine powder produced by heating materials to form clinker. After grinding the clinker we will add small amounts of remaining ingredients. Many types of cements are available in market. When it comes to different grades of cement, the 53 Grade OPC Cement provides consistently higher strength compared to others. As per the Bureau of Nigerian Standards (BIS), the grade number of a cement highlights the minimum compressive strength that the cement is expected to attain within 28 days. For 53 Grade OPC Cement, the minimum compressive strength achieved by the cement at the end of the 28th day shouldn’t be less than 53MPa or 530 kg/cm2. The color of OPC is grey color and by eliminating ferrous oxide during manufacturing process of cement we will get white cement also.

Ordinary Portland Cement of 53 Grade of brand name Ultra Tech Company, available in the local market was used for the investigation. Care has been taken to see that the procurement was made from single batching in air tight containers to prevent it from being effected by atmospheric conditions. The cement thus procured was tested for physical requirements in accordance with IS: 169-1989 and for chemical requirement in accordance IS: 4032-1988. The physical properties of the cement are listed in Table – 1




Characteristic compressive strength required in the field at 28 days: 20 Mpa

  1. The mean strength , f1ck= fck + ks =25 + (1.65×4) = 31.6 Mpa
  1. For OPC, adopting awater-cement ratio of 44
  2. Form table 2 of IS: 10262-2009, maximum water content for 20 mm aggregates is 186 liters.

Adopting a water content of 170 liters

  1. Water-cement ratio=0.44 Cement Content, C= 170 =380 kg/m3 0.44

From IS: 456-2000, the minimum cement content is 300 kg/m3for severe exposure.

Hence O.K.

  1. From table 3 of IS:10262-2009, volume of coarse aggregate corresponding to 20 mm size aggregate and fine aggregate (Zone III) for water-cement ratio of 0.50 =0.64 %

In the present case water-cement ratio is 0.44. Therefore, volume of coarse aggregate is required to be increased to decrease the fine aggregate content. Thus, corrected proportion of volume of coarse aggregate for the water-cement ratio of 0.44 = 0.652.



This chapter deals with the various mix proportions adopted in carrying out the experiments and experimental results obtained with respect to their workability, compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength and durability test.


Different types of mixes were prepared by changing the percentage of replacement of coarse and fine aggregates with crushed tiles, crushed tile powder and granite powder. Total 14 types of mixes are prepared along with conventional mixes. The coarse aggregates are replaced by 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% of crushed tiles and the fine aggregate is replaced by 10% of both crushed tile powder and granite powder individually but along with the coarse aggregate. The details of mix designations are as follows:




The basic objective of the study is to prepare a concrete much more stable and durable than the conventional by replacing aggregates both coarse and fine. Mix designs for all the replacements of materials has done and a total of 90 specimens (42 cubes, 42 cylinders, 6 beams) are prepared and tested in the aspect of strength calculation and also comparisons has done.


The following conclusions are made based on the experimental investigations on compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength considering the―environmental aspects also:

  • The workability of concrete increases with the increase in tile aggregate replacement. The workability is further increased with the addition of granite powder which acts as admixture due to its chemical properties.
  • The properties of concrete increased linearly with the increase in ceramic aggregate up to 30% replacement later it is decreased linearly.
  • M3 mix of concrete produced a better concrete in terms of compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength than the other mixes. Butthe mixes up to 50% of ceramic coarse aggregate can be used.
  • The usage of ceramic fine aggregate has some effect on the properties of concrete in decrement manner.
  • Granite powder using as fine aggregate has more influence on the concretethan the ceramic fine because of chemical composition it is made of and works as admixture.
  • The addition of granite powder along with the ceramic coarse aggregate improves the mechanical properties of concrete slightly since mineral and chemical properties are of granite.
  • The split tensile strength of ceramic tile aggregate is very much in a straighter path compared to the conventional grades of concrete.


There is a vast scope of research in the recycled aggregate usage in concrete especially ceramic tile wastes in the future. The possible research investigations that can be done are mentioned below:

  • The usage of marble floor tiles can be studied as it is similar to that of tilewaste generation and also it is quite hard compared to the natural crushed stones using in conventional concrete.
  • The usage of granite powder in concrete as an admixture to improve the workability of concrete and the strength parameters can also be studied at various
  • A combination of different tiles (based on their usage) in different proportions inconcrete and their effects on concrete properties like strength, workability etc can be
  • By the use of ceramic tile aggregate in concrete, the physical properties like durability, permeability etc., can be analyzed to prepare a concrete with more advantageous than conventional concrete.
  • Astudy on properties of concrete made with combination of recycled aggregate and tile aggregate in different proportions can be investigated to enhance the concrete properties and also to reduce the pollution or waste generation from construction
  • A further investigation on the use of granite powder alone as a replacement to fine aggregate can be carried out the possibility of using such waste generation from
  • The mechanical properties of concrete with marble aggregate (waste) either from manufacturing units or from construction demolition can be investigated to improve the properties like permeability; resistance to sound can also be studied.
    • Ceramictile aggregate in high strength concrete can be studied further to check the possibility of its use in high rise buildings.


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