Statistics Project Topics

Traffic Speed and Delay Studies in Uyo Metropolis: A Comparative Analysis of Some Intersections Along Abak Road (IBB Roundabout, Ukana- Offot Junction and Udo Eduok Junction)

Traffic Speed and Delay Studies in Uyo Metropolis: A Comparative Analysis of Some Intersections Along Abak Road (IBB Roundabout, Ukana- Offot Junction and Udo Eduok Junction)

Traffic Speed and Delay Studies in Uyo Metropolis: A Comparative Analysis of Some Intersections Along Abak Road (IBB Roundabout, Ukana- Offot Junction and Udo Eduok Junction)

Chapter One


The aim of this research is to check the level of service and efficiency of the assigned routes by studying their delays and hence providing measures of minimizing conflicts.

Objectives / Reasons for Engaging in this Research

This research will be carried out to assess user in travel time caused by congested conditions.

To determine the level of service and delay on these routes

To suggest measure of improving traffic circulation on our road for the motoring public.

To assess the effectiveness of improvement measures

For determination of traffic control measures and signal suitable for these routes.

To assist the public in best selection of model devices while working towards the routes.



 Traffic Survey

Traffic engineers and planners need information about traffic. They need information to design and manage road and traffic system. They use the information for planning and designing traffic facilities, selecting geometric standards, economic analysis and in determination of priorities.

They use this to justify warrant of traffic control devices such as signs, traffic signals, pavement markings, school and pedestrian crossings. They also use this information to study the effectiveness of introduced schemes, diagnosing given situations and finding appropriate solutions, forecasting the effects of projected strategies, calibrating and validating traffic models.

Transportation system is a dynamic system. Information about traffic must be regularly updated to keep pace with ever-changing transportation system. Data must be collected and analyzed systematically to get representative information. Traffic surveys are the means of obtaining information about traffic. This is a systematic way of collecting data to be used for various traffic engineering purposes.

Main purposes of traffic survey:

The main purposes of traffic survey are: traffic monitoring, traffic control and management, traffic enforcement, traffic forecasting, model calibration and validating etc.

Parts of traffic studies:

Traffic studies include:

    • Inventory of road traffic physical features
    • Traffic stream characteristics- volume, speed, density, occupancy studies
    • Capacity studies of streets and intersections
    • System usage studies- Travel time and delay, O-D survey
    • Travel demand- home interview survey
    • Road users cost- Value of travel time, vehicle operating cost
    • Parking supply & demand studies
    • Axle load survey
    • Mass transit performance and usage studies
    • Traffic accidents studies
    • Environmental impact studies of transport

Traffic Speed Study

Traffic speed data are needed in research, planning, designing and regulation phases of traffic engineering and are also used in establishing priorities and schedules of traffic improvements. The traffic engineer must acquire general knowledge of traffic speeds in order to set different limits, setting different distances i.e. passing sight distance, stopping sight distance.

Definition of Speed:

In simple words, speed is defined as the distance travelled in a unit time. Speed is expressed in m/s, fps, mph etc. units. Speed is given by:

V= x/t                                                                                                                    (2.1)

V= dx/dt                                                                                                                    (2.2)


x = Distance (mile or meter or feet) t = Time (second or hour)

Speed acquired by using Eq 2.1 will give the average speed. If Eq 2.2 is used the instantaneous speed will be found.

Graphically speed can be measured from time space diagram. Time space diagram is a diagram in which position of a vehicle is plotted against time chronologically. A qualitative time-space diagram is shown in Fig 2.1.




Methods for Travel Speed Study:

  1. Matching Registration Plate or License Plate
  2. Floating Car Method- by using test
  3. Elevated Observer

Method Applied and Reason: We have used “Matching Registration Plate Method”.

This method was used because:

  • Able to obtain travel times from a large sample of motorists, which is useful in understanding variability of travel times among vehicles within the traffic stream;
  • Provides a continuum of travel times during the data collection period and ability to analyze short time periods (e.g., 15-minute averages for continuous data);
  • Data collection equipment relatively portable between observation

Chapter Four

Data Analysis

For group 1:





  • Side friction should be reduced by removing dustbins, vendors, rickshaws parked in the
  • There should be proper lane markings with additional lane for non-motorized
  • The quality of the road should be improved by removing cracks, potholes.
  • High rise buildings should have frontal roads so that the traffic generated doesn’t interfere with the through traffic of main road
  • Pedestrians shouldn’t roam around irregularly on the Often they run to cross the road.


The total cost of delay in the Panthapath – Russell Square Road section is estimated to be 94454852 Taka per year. This amount could have been added to revenue, rather it is now wasted. Our economic growth in turn is affected. Not only does it waste money, but also eats up a lot of time. People spend so much time stuck in congestion. On the other hand, if the delay was minimized, they could have done something productive, earn more money and live in a better way. This is just the delay cost of a particular road section of Dhaka city. There are numerous roads and streets in the city and if we add up the cost of delay for all, the sum would be enormous and quite alarming. Dhaka City Corporation should act immediately and take measures to resolve this. The metro project that is underway could relieve the roads of the heavy traffic load, reduce the traffic flow and minimize congestion a bit. The aforementioned recommendations should also be taken into account.

Speed (space-mean) Flow Curve

The relationship between speed and flow has been a topic of intense research in traffic flow theory. Assuming that traffic conditions on a given road segment are stationary and that drivers behave the same way, on average, under the same average conditions, a relationship between speed and flow exists.


  • 2001. A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (Green Book). 4th ed. Washington, D.C.: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
  • Ewing, 1999. Traffic Calming Impacts. In Traffic Calming: State and Practice. Washington, D.C.: Institute of Transportation Engineers, pp. 99–126.
  • CE 351: Transportation Engineering I: Transport & traffic design, Haque,S.
  • ferdous1004137-buet?qid=4a120f65-321c-4be2-a2ac- 00c20a33c0f9&v=&b=&from_search=1
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