Civil Engineering Project Topics

The Water Drainage Problems (a Case Study of IMT Campus 3 Enugu)

The Water Drainage Problems (a Case Study of IMT Campus 3 Enugu)

The Water Drainage Problems (a Case Study of IMT Campus 3 Enugu)

Chapter One


The objectives of the study work shall cover all the vital aspect of the drainage problems system. The first stage of this project work shall include the reconnaissance survey of the area covered by the campus, nothing the land scope and modal points ways, the effects of flood and erosion more prevalent, the catchments area and tributaries of the storms water that constitute the major part of the erosion and flood because it is quite noticeable that during the raining seasons that most of the road leading to campus and within the campus becomes in-accessible for motorists and part of the building, lecture rooms are highly flooded.

The next is to found out which type of the drainage system exists and the orientation, direction of the drainage channel.

Another objective where the study is going to lover is the type of hydraulic drainage design, the study shall also highlight the serviceability and cost effectiveness of the method adopted that is to say whether the design is made of press-stressed concrete or in-site concrete.

On the reasonable part of it, this study shall highlight more on the solution to this water drainage problems



The Materials used for the drainage are:

  • Clay drain and sewer pipes
  • Cast iron pipes and joints
  • Pitch fible pipes and joints
  • Concrete pipes and joints
  • PVC pipes and joints (poly vinyl chloride plus rubricants)
  • Miscellaneous drainage and joints
  • Clay drain and sewer pipes: It is used suitably for sewer and drains, in ordinary ground and particularly suitable where acid effluents or acid subsoil are encountered.
  • Cast iron pipes and joints: For this type of materials it is recommended to be considered as:
  • in the position where ground movement is expected eg unstable.
  • Where increased strength is required e.g. shallow drains.
  • Under building without the requirement of being surrounded by 150mm concrete.
  • Draws suspended in basement
  • Pitch fibre pipes and joints: This is suitable for foul and surface water drains and sewers but not suitable for continuously running hot water or waste containing pitch solvents such as petrol, oil, fats etc.
  • Concrete pipes and joints: This is suitable for surface water drains and can be used for soil drains where acceptable. They should not be used to carry acid effluent nor be laid in soil in which concrete is liable to be attacked unless suitable precautions have been taken.
  • PVC pipes and joints: It is suitable for soil and surface drainage. PVC’s remarkable resistance to corrosion and chemical attack make it ideally suitable for chemical and laboratory drainage and any position where a strong corrosive effluent is anticipated.

Methods of drainage systems

Among the methods to control the seepage into and out of land fills are:

  1. The use of impermeable cover materials
  2. The interception of high ground water before it reaches the fill.
  3. Equalization of the water levels within and outside and the land fill and
  4. The use of impervious layers of clay material or other sealant


The type of drainage used depends largely on the extend of the problem. If the water logging is not severe and there is only excess surface water, it may be possible to overcome the problem by shaping the surface so that the water flows off into ditches. These ditches should be 0.9 – 1.2m deep sides, “Ernest W., 1953”.

Alternatively, creating a soakaway may be the answer. This requires a large hole at the lowest point of the surface and filled with rubbed or broken bricks and then covered with 300mm of soil. The soakaway will need to be quite large to have the desired effects up to 1.8m deep and the same across. There is always the need for underground pipes to a soakaway, although on land that has insufficient gradient to drain into soakaway naturally underground drain pipes of some sort will be required both clay and plastic pipes are available, the latter being easier to use and lighter to handle.

Modern plastic pipe consists of crush resistance molded plastic, often covered in a fabric which is intended to prevent the system becoming clogged with sediment. The pipes can be supplied in length of up to 15m which can just be laid into a trench and surrounded by gravel, with a large area to drain, the most efficient is to lay a number of pipes in a “herring bone parttern, Ernestl 1953”.

Underground pipes should always be laid above the local water table otherwise the pipes will instead of draining the top on level ground, the pipes should be sloped.

To encourage water to drain away quickly and on slopping land, the main drain should run down the slop. Drained water obviously need some where to go all pipes should terminate in a soakaway or ditch.


The rational formular for determining the rate of the run-off in cubic meter per second (Qr) is based on the hydrology formular, Qr = Air, where Qr is the rate of run-off in cubic meter per second, A is the area of water shed or drainage area, I is the intensity of rainfall, for a selected storm of a given duration and frequency and R is the run-off factor. R is a difficult value to determine accurately, depending on the topography, vegetation, permeability and other soil characteristics and extent of paved and built up areas “Ernest. W, 1958” it will vary from 0.10 to 0.15 for flat, vegetated or gently rolling country, from 0.3 to 0.5 for built up section from 0.8 to 0.9 for completely built-up section or rocky, hilly or mountainous areas and will be 1.00 for frozen ground. This formular has been further modified to account for the time of rainfall concentration at the culvert, that is, the time for maximum run-off to reach the opening.

Qr = Air/f where f = a factor to compensate for surface slope, which in turn affects the time of concentration between 0.5 and 1.0 percentage or less, f = 30; for slope than 1.0 percent, f = 20 “Ernest.W, 1953”

In selecting a design storm, the minimum duration may be taken equal to the time of concentration for the area under study. Selecting storm frequency and intensity will also be influenced by the degree of risk  design vs. cost of possible washout or flooding.

Where an area exhibits more than one slope or cover characteristic, a weighted average run-off coefficient Rave may be used.

Rave = R1 + A1 + R2 + A2………..+Rn +An/A1 +A2………+An

R1, R2…….., Rn = run-off for sub areas.

A1, A2……………….An = is also the sub areas.





With reference to Enugu city map, the institute of management and technology, campus 3 Enugu is geologically made up of the lateratic shale on top and grades down ward to shale at sub-surface.

The campus3 Enugu is bounded on north, North west and North east by the independence layout, on the South East by the Ugwu Aji Community and on the South West by the University of Nigeria Enugu Campus (UNEC).

Traveling from the ESUT junction straight to the federal secretariat is about 280m and from the federal secretarial straight leads to the shantal downward to the industrial center and the civil engineering workshops, while moving working straight forwards leads to the IMT library domwards to rector’s village.

The number of the population residing within compuse starting from both shantal and the two IMT hostel (SH, FH hostel) is approximately 2000 people during academic session and about 880 people during sessionalvacation.

More information based on the location of the campus, IMT Enugu can be seen in the Enugu city map on the next page, figure 2.



Water drainage problems system for institute of management and technology campus 3 Enugu should be seen as the act of practicing maintenance culture and for this reason, the project will cover all the vital aspect of the drainage problems stages.

The first stage of this project work shall include the reconnaissance survey of IMT campus 3 Enugu, noting the land scope and points ways, the effects of flood and erosion in the catchments area and tributaries of the storms water that constitutes the major part of the erosion and flood because it is quite noticeable that during raining season that most of the road leading from ESUT to campus down to the IMT hostel and also some area within the campus 3 becomes in-accessible to motorists and some buildings, lectures rooms are highly flooded.

The next is to find out the drainage system existing and the orientation, direction of the drainage channels, the kind of hydraulic drainage design recommended for the campus 3, its serviceability and cost effectiveness of the method adopted shall be looked into.



Based on the method and approach used in the water drainage problems at campus 3 IMT Enugu, in this project work, the followings are recommended.

  • Ordinary Portland cement (O.P.C) with little heat of hydration with good proportion of water/cement ratio during mixing is highly recommend as this tends to reduce the cracks and flows on the reinforced concrete structure.
  • Standard concrete mix should be used within the areas with adequate quality control on workability with no segregation when purring it as this will guarantee a water tight structure, high resistance to wearing and scouring.
  • The limit state of design under load and serviceability as well as the inspection chamber should always be  adopted because of its simplicity and safety


Conclusively, the project work has covered most of the fundamental principles on which the water drainage problems systems at campus 3 IMT Enugu are based. Most of the information used for the water drainage problems within various campus location are purely technical and are therefore believe to work effectively on the application.

The critical analysis of this project work shall simply show that the water drainage problems within campus 3 which is the subject in quote should be strictly adhere to all principles and strategies of water drainage system in this project.

Though some of the data, values and figures used in this project were based on the assumption empirical values and even some of them were chosen just by the rule of thumb, but it will be categorically stated here that most of this facts and figures are used in day to day principle and should be applied of water drainage problems within campus 3 IMT Enugu with little or no modification.


  • Arkansas State Highway and Tranportation Deprtment (2001). Erosion and Sediment Control, Design and Construction Manual
  •  American Excelsior Company (1995). “ErosionWorks,” Reference Manual, AEC, Arlington, TX
  •  American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guidelines for Erosion and Sediment Control in Highway Construction (1992) Volume III, Prepared by the Task Force on Hydrology and Hydraulics AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Design
  •  AASHTO Model Drainage Manual, Chapter 16, Erosion and Sediment Control
  •  ASCE (1977). “Soil Erosion and Sedimentation,” Proceedings of the National Symposium on Soil Erosion and Sedimentation by Water, ASCE, Chicago, IL. 6.
  •  California Department of General Services, Soil Conservation Guidelines/Standards, Document published at: 7.
  • Dolling, H. and Cable, J. (1994). “Iowa Construction Site Erosion Control Manual” Report prepared for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 8.
  •  Illinois Department of transportation (1999). BDE Manual & Construction Memorandum 00-60, Chapter 59: Landscape Design and Erosion Control. 9.
  •  Illinois Department of Transportation (2002). Erosion and Sediment Control, Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Short Course Notes 10.
  •  International Erosion Control Association (1993). “Practical Approaches for Effective Erosion and Sediment Control,” Notes for a short course sponsored by IECA, Streamboat Springs, CO. 11.