Estate Management Project Topics

The Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Practice of Estate Surveying and Valuation With Particular Reference to Abeokuta, Ogun State

The Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Practice of Estate Surveying and Valuation With Particular Reference to Abeokuta, Ogun State

The Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Practice of Estate Surveying and Valuation With Particular Reference to Abeokuta, Ogun State

Chapter One


This study is aimed at examining the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the practice of Estate Surveying and Valuation with particular reference to Abeokuta, Ogun State. The specific objectives are;

  1. To examine the extent to which Estate Surveyors and Valuers apply ICT in performing their professional tasks in the study area
  2. To assess the contribution of ICT to real estate practice in the study area
  3. To examine the constraints associated to the use of ICT to expand the practice of Estate Surveying and Valuation in the study area




Information and Communication Technology (ICT) stand for information and communication technologies and is defined as a “diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage information”. “It implies the technology which consists of electronic devices and associated human interactive materials that enable the user to employ them for a wide range of uses. These technologies include computers, the internet, broadcasting technologies (radio and television), and telephony. ICT is that technology which uses the information to meet human need or purposes including processing and exchanging. ICT has brought the world closer together by improving the dissemination of knowledge, accelerating research, stimulating innovation and facilitating collaboration.

Development from the First World Countries suggests that ICT as a sector is capable of contributing immensely to the national GDP of a nation and thereby caused an improvement in the market competitiveness of the nation’s products and services.

ICT are important for sustainable development particularly in the developing countries. It is one of the technological discovery that have influenced our lives and this trends will continue until the end of the first half of the century, when other major technological breakthroughs in the area of new materials, biotechnology, or energy, may provide new ways of living.





In the earlier chapter, efforts have been made to discuss the aim and objectives of the study, the source of data collection, problems and significance of the study, and literature review have been examined extensively. Hence, to achieve the aim and objectives of the study, an attempt will be made in this chapter to examine the study population, sample frame, sample size, source of data, data collection instrument, questionnaire design and as well as methods of analysing and presenting the data collected. Also, description of the study area will not be left out.


The study which focuses on examining the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the practice of Estate Surveying and Valuation with reference to Abeokuta, the case study area, and by so doing, focuses on Estate Surveyors and Valuers as the population of the study.








After a detailed analysis of data gathered from the respondents which follows by interpretation, the following are the summary of findings;

The survey findings reveal that ICT has contributed positively to real estate practice in Abeokuta. Meanwhile, there are constraints is associated to the use of ICT to expanding the practice of Estate Surveying and Valuation. It was also discovered that some Estate Surveyors and Valuers have not been using ICT platform due to the reason that some property sites do not meet clients’ needs. However, lack of partnership and digital divides are major challenges facing Estate Surveying and Valuation profession in the use of ICT tools.


Apart from the general and common ICT tools and software, the real estate practitioners have to learn and embrace the use of ICT tools and software that are specific to real estate. The curriculum of the institutions providing both the academic and professional certification should be improved upon by expanding the number of training period on subject matter of ICT. ICT laboratories should be set up in estate management departments to enhance e-learning and therefore prepare the students ahead of the use of ICT tools when they start practicing. This will make the profession of estate surveying and valuation more efficient; make their job easier and faster.


Estate Surveying and Valuation like other forms of built-up profession has a big challenge in today’s fast-changing market environment of economic downturns, globalization and mergers and acquisitions, rebasing, and so on. The findings in this study reveal that the economic impact of using the right ICT tools, applications and software to manage real estate holdings can enhance the performance of Estate Surveyors and Valuers and ultimately result in a significant contribution to the growth and prosperity of the profession of estate surveying and valuation.


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