Religious Studies Project Topics

The Theology of Prayer and It’s Implication for the Contemporary Church

The Theology of Prayer and It's Implication for the Contemporary Church

The Theology of Prayer and It’s Implication for the Contemporary Church


 Research Objectives

  1. To examine the diverse theological perspectives on prayer in contemporary churches in Lagos, Nigeria.
  2. To analyze the influence of theological perspectives on the prayer practices of congregants.
  3. To explore the role of the theology of prayer in shaping the spiritual experiences of individuals within the church.
  4. To assess the impact of the theology of prayer on the involvement of churches in community development and social issues.



Conceptual Review

Prayer in Nigerian Christianity

Prayer holds a central place in the religious life of Nigerian Christians. Rooted in a diverse cultural and historical context, prayer practices vary widely among different denominations and ethnic groups. The conceptualization of prayer reflects a rich tapestry of beliefs, customs, and syncretic elements that contribute to the unique expression of spirituality in Nigeria.

Theology of Prayer

The theological understanding of prayer in contemporary Lagos churches is multifaceted. Scholars and theologians have engaged in a dynamic discourse, exploring diverse perspectives on the nature, purpose, and efficacy of prayer. Doctrinal variations exist, ranging from prosperity gospel teachings to Pentecostal charismatic practices, shaping congregants’ theological frameworks and influencing their spiritual experiences.

Cultural Dynamics and Prayer

Cultural dynamics play a significant role in shaping the conceptualization of prayer. The syncretic nature of Nigerian Christianity, blending indigenous beliefs with Christian doctrines, results in a diverse range of prayer customs. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for grasping the nuanced theological perspectives that influence congregational life and community engagement.


Health and wealth

It is taught within Pentecostal circles that divine health and material prosperity are the rights and privileges of every believer who will appropriate enough faith to receive them. The secret to appropriating such faith comes in making a positive confession and avoiding all kinds of doubt that prayer of faith has been answered. According to James R. Goff, Jr. (2000), Pentecostals have long heralded divine healing as a cardinal theology, indeed, divine healing was an important part of the nineteenth-century holiness movement that gave rise to one of the central wings of the early Pentecostal revival and by the late 19th century, healing had become an integral part of the theology of many who frequented the holiness meetings.

In the words of John F. MacArthur (1992), health and wealth and the Pentecostal/charismatic movement have grown up together. To him, Charles Fox Parham, the father of contemporary Pentecostal movement, came to the conviction that divine healing is God’s will for all true believers, from where he developed an entire system of Pentecostal beliefs around that conviction. The message so adopted and preached by prosperity teachers is that of a radical faith in God to heal all manner of sicknesses without man-made medicines. Not only that, but also that God was and can turn obscurity into prominence and poverty into wealth. The claims and methods of the prosperity theology of health and wealth as noted by MacArthur range from the eccentric (deviating from an established or usual pattern or style, in odd or whimsical ways) to the grotesque (departing markedly from the natural, the expected, or the typical).

Quotations from the Bible are cited and used to project the teaching such as, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth.” (3 John 2 KJV). This passage and others like, Deuteronomy 28:1-14, Psalms 1:3, 84:11 are used as back-up texts for the propagation of the prosperity theology. The health and wealth party looks at success as a corollary to prosperity.


Chapter Three

Research Methodology

Research Design

This study employs a mixed-methods research design, combining both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The mixed-methods design enables a comprehensive exploration of the impact of the theology of prayer on contemporary churches in Lagos, Nigeria. Qualitative methods allow for an in-depth understanding of participants’ experiences and perspectives, while quantitative methods facilitate the analysis of broader patterns and correlations.


The population for this study comprises members of contemporary churches in Lagos, reflecting the diversity of denominations and theological orientations present in the city. The inclusion criteria encompass congregants actively participating in church activities and leaders with insights into the theological discourse on prayer.

Chapter Four

Results and Discussion


Demographic Profile of Participants

The study included a diverse sample of participants from various contemporary churches in Lagos State. Demographic characteristics such as age, gender, educational background, and denominational affiliation were collected.


Conclusion and Recommendations


The exploration of the theology of prayer within contemporary churches in Lagos, Nigeria, has provided valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of religious practices and beliefs. This study aimed to understand the theological perspectives on prayer, their implications for congregational life, and the broader influence on community engagement.

Theological Diversity

One of the notable findings is the theological diversity within the sampled churches. Participants exhibited a spectrum of beliefs regarding the nature and purpose of prayer. While some emphasized the prosperity gospel, others focused on intercession, spiritual warfare, or contemplative practices. This diversity underscores the complex interplay of cultural, social, and global influences shaping the theological landscape in Lagos.

Prosperity Gospel Influence

The prominence of the prosperity gospel in participants’ theological perspectives indicates a significant influence on the contemporary church in Lagos. The belief in material blessings and success through prayer raises important questions about the theological foundations underpinning congregational priorities. This finding highlights the need for critical theological reflection within the church community to discern the biblical basis for prosperity teachings and their implications for authentic Christian discipleship.

Impact on Congregational Life

The study revealed that the theology of prayer significantly influences various aspects of congregational life, including worship styles, community engagement initiatives, and individual spiritual growth. The impact on worship styles reflects the dynamic relationship between theological perspectives and liturgical practices. The findings suggest that congregants’ understanding of prayer shapes the way they interact with the divine in a communal setting.


Building on the findings, the following recommendations are proposed for churches, church leaders, and future research:

Theological Education and Discipleship

Church leaders should prioritize theological education and discipleship programs within their congregations. Providing resources, seminars, and study materials that delve into the biblical foundations of prayer can empower congregants to critically engage with theological nuances and develop a robust understanding of prayer.

Interdenominational Dialogues

Given the theological diversity observed, interdenominational dialogues can serve as platforms for meaningful discussions on prayer theology. Collaborative efforts between churches of different denominations can foster mutual understanding, respect, and unity within the broader Christian community in Lagos.

Pastoral Guidance

Church leaders play a pivotal role in guiding their congregations through theological complexities. Pastoral care should extend beyond traditional roles to include addressing theological questions, providing spiritual guidance, and facilitating open conversations on diverse perspectives within the church.

Further Research

This study provides a foundation for future research on the theology of prayer in different cultural and geographical contexts. Comparative studies can deepen our understanding of how prayer theology varies across regions and denominations, contributing to a more comprehensive global perspective on contemporary Christian practices.


In conclusion, the theology of prayer is a dynamic and influential aspect of contemporary churches in Lagos. The theological diversity observed reflects the rich tapestry of religious beliefs within the Nigerian context. While challenges and differences exist, they present opportunities for growth, dialogue, and a more nuanced understanding of prayer within the Christian faith. Through intentional theological education, interdenominational collaboration, and pastoral guidance, churches in Lagos can navigate the theological landscape of prayer and foster a more robust and unified Christian witness.

This study serves as a stepping stone for further exploration and dialogue, contributing to the ongoing conversation on the role of theology in shaping the religious experiences of believers in contemporary society.


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