Business Administration Project Topics

The Role of Voluntary and Open Membership in Increasing the Efficiency of Cooperative Societies

The Role of Voluntary and Open Membership in Increasing the Efficiency of Cooperative Societies

The Role of Voluntary and Open Membership in Increasing the Efficiency of Cooperative Societies

Chapter One

Objectives of the Study

  1. To examine the role of voluntary and open membership in increasing the efficiency of a cooperative society.
  2. To determine how only qualified members will be admitted into cooperative societies.
  3. To identify the importance of openness in society development.
  4. To find out how societies can abide by the principles of voluntary and open membership.




This chapter reviews related literature on the role of voluntary and open membership principle in increasing the efficiency of cooperative societies. The chapter highlights expert opinion established concepts, theories and factual statements on the subject matter of this study.

Concept of Cooperative

The word ‘cooperative is a collective noun as well as the cooperative society. Cooperative implying to work together among a group of persons originated from time immemorial. This could clearly distinguish between cooperatives on the basis of time as short term/coincidental and long term/permanent as well as informal and formal traditional and modern scientific; genuine pure and Pseudo cooperatives, para-cooperatives.

This could in the widest sense, reveal that cooperative means more than working together, but people working together to achieve commonly felt need. Hence, it is as old as mean otherwise, instinctive. The cradle of cooperation in that crude sense in the formally extending to a larger community. That could be mere mutual assistance which is mainly in this method, the people involved are:

“Mutual” Among whom are characterized by stark illiteracy, in formalized structure, short live existence and absence of legality, mainly engaging in unproductive venture without effective management.

On the contrary, modern scientific cooperatives are originated on the benchmark of industrial revolution in Europe spaning a century (1750-1850). As such, they are formal legal entities in business undertaking as a body corporate and adhering to the internationally acceptable principles. Cooperative are purely on special type of business units, others namely: The sole proprietorship, the partnership, joint stock companies and Parastatals. The modern scientific cooperative enterprise could be established in all economic systems, workers, rich, poor, and averagely poor, in the society. Thus, it has been characterized in many ways, but mainly flexible.

The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) in their congress of 1995 in Manchester England highlighted the cooperative identity which include the principle of cooperative definition and values of cooperative, the principle of cooperative as stated by them are as follows:





This study looks at the role of voluntary and open membership in increasing the efficiency of cooperative society. To this end, this chapter describes and discusses the design and procedure for the study, the population and sample used a portrayal is also made of the instrument for data collection as well as its validity and reliability. Also discussed in this chapter are the procedures for the administration of the instrument statistical analysis as well as the limitations of the study.

Research Design

A survey method was used for this method involves gathering data about the target population from a selected sample and generalizing the finding obtained the analysis of the sample of the entire population (Afolabi 1993). This method was adopted because it enable the researcher to discover relative incidence and distribution on the characteristics of the population.

Beside, it facilitated the researcher to find out the role of voluntary and open membership principle in increasing the efficiency of cooperative society.

Population of the Study

The population of this study consist of all members of (NNPC-KRPC Staff Multipurpose Cooperative Society Limited). They totaled 1600. The rationale behind restricting the population to the members is because the members is because the members are directly in the activities of the society and know the role of voluntary and open members hip in increasing the efficiency of cooperative society either individually or collectively.




This chapter presents the data on the role of voluntary and open membership in increasing the efficiency of cooperative societies. The data generated is presented using tables. The demographic variable of the respondents involves in the study are presented in table of frequencies and percentages. The respondents to the individual items in the questionnaire were scored in means and standard deviation and are presented along the research questions in the study. In the source of scoring the items the magnitude of the respondents’ responses to the options in the five likert scale was used to determine the direction of the respondent’s opinion.




This chapter presents the summary of this research repost, conclusion drawn from the findings of the study and recommendation that could lead to role of voluntary and open membership in increasing the efficiency of cooperative societies. The chapter equally contains suggestions for further research.


The study examines the role of voluntary and open membership principle in increasing the efficiency of Cooperation Society with reference to NNPC-KRPC Staff Multipurpose Cooperative Society. The research questions that guided the study were: What is the role of voluntary and open membership in increasing the efficiency of cooperative societies? What makes members qualify admission in cooperative societies? What is the importance of openness in cooperative societies’ development? What makes society abide by the principle of voluntary and open membership?

A survey method was used for this study. The population consisted for all the male and female members of the NNPC-KEPC Staff Multipurpose Cooperative Society. Out of the total population of 1600 members, a sample size of 310 was involved in the study. A questionnaire developed by the researcher based on liker 5 point scale was used for the study. Mean scores and frequencies were used to analyze the data based on research questions. Research result show that voluntary and open membership if well followed. The efficiency of cooperative societies will definitely increase to the satisfaction of the members. That the members admission into cooperative society w ill be based on legal recognitions as explained in the Cooperative law. The research equally shows openness of cooperative societies in terms of financial ideas because of the population increase. Finally, the research disclosed that a cooperative society will earn legal recognition fi abide by the principle as stated by (ICA) and equally achieve good development socially and economically. Based on this recommendations were made.


Based on the research findings, it is concluded that voluntary and open membership principle if well followed, will contribute effectively to the efficiency increment of cooperative societies and cooperative business in all. Besides, voluntary and open membership principle serve as one of the reason or fact that makes cooperative operation different from other business operation.


The following recommendations are made based on the research findings so as to facilitate the possibility of cooperative performing the role of voluntary and open membership principle in their operation.

  1. Cooperative societies should ensure that the management off t heir cooperative is effectively done. This can be achieved by strictly observing the stipulations of the bye-laws as well as the objectives of the cooperative society. The management committee should be made up of responsible on individuals to followed, the right teachers of the principle.
  2. Dishonest leadership should be discouraged in cooperative venture. This should be done by putting in place, adequate checks and balance in the performance of such members. Their excesses should be properly controlled. Members who show an act of dishonesty should be properly sectioned and penalized according to the stipulation of the cooperative law.
  3. Cooperative should be properly organized so as the principle of voluntary and open membership should duly absorb. To do this management committee of cooperative to mandate the members to follow the law of cooperative and equally the bye-law of the society.
  4. Adequate and regular cooperative education should be provided to cooperative members especially in the area of cooperative identity so that all of them will be aware of the importance of cooperative rules and regulation.

Suggestions for Further Research

A separate research should be conducted on the managerial complexities of cooperative which could have an influence on the performance of voluntary and open membership principle. This research should be replicated in other area to see if the same result as the p

Resent study can be achieved.

Another research design like quasi-experimental design and another research instrument like the interview schedule be used on the same topic to see if they will yield the same results.


  • Onuoha, & Buden (2002), The Principles of Cooperation.
  • Sunny O. Ogbu Esq (2006), The Basic Principles and Economic of Cooperative Business.
  • Joseph E. Ogbu (2009), Practical Approach to Research Project Writing.
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