Education Project Topics

The Role of Teaching Practice on the Student’s Preparation for Teacher Education. A Case Study of College of Education, Ekiadolor, Benin City; Edo State

The Role of Teaching Practice on the Student’s Preparation for Teacher Education. A Case Study of College of Education, Ekiadolor, Benin City; Edo State

The Role of Teaching Practice on the Student’s Preparation for Teacher Education. A Case Study of College of Education, Ekiadolor, Benin City; Edo State



The purpose of this study was carried out and to find out the role of teaching practice on the students preparation for teacher education. A case study of college of Education, Ekiadolor Benin. To be able to identify these roles and to determine the extent to which this role has enhance the students preparation towards the teaching profession.



In this chapter attempts was made to review some to the available literature that are related to this study. The study is on student teachers perception on the quality of teaching practice supervision among lecturers, a study of College of Education, Ekiadolor-Benin. This chapter comprises the following sub-headings.

  1. Aims and Objectives of teaching practice
  2. Approaches to teaching practice
  3. The concept of supervision
  4. Rational of teaching practice
  5. Problems of effective supervision
  6. Quality teaching practice
  7. Problems of students in teaching practice
  8. Summary


Teaching practice exercise is an important programme, which many teachers education programme administrators have over looked. Cohen and Garner (1989) described teaching practice as a period for the student teachers to go out into application of some of the psychological, methods and practice he or she had learned theoretically in the lecture room Iyamu (1998) asserted that the high premium placed on teaching practice is rooted in the need to provide teachers trainee with opportunity to put into practices the knowledge, skills, understanding and attitude they have acquired about teaching. It is quite interesting to note that teaching practice is not organized just for exercise alone but for the benefit of all students concerned and this is usually reflected in their certificate (NCE and TC II) this gives clear understanding and backbone as to the importance of the exercise this however reveals that teaching practice is organized and their future depends on. Afe (1995) defined teaching practice as the first opportunity for the students teachers to partake in activities involved in teaching in actual situation. He noted that students teachers assume the responsibility of disserting the learning of a group of pupils over a specific period of time. Students teaching practice can also been explained as that phase of the pre-service educational theory and actual teaching practice and procedures under competent supervision. Asaya (2000) defined teaching practice as a period of pre-teaching, supervisor as part of experience in a college programme. He stressed that the programme provide the time as well as the avenue for the teacher in training to acquire necessary experience, knowledge, attitude skills and competences that are imperative in his total education.

According to Bell-Gam (1998) teaching practice is a period of apprenticeship when the master teacher initiates his apprentices into the rudiment of the teaching profession. To him, students teacher to discover his abilities and to these abilities in teaching. Also Orebaije (1982) see the programme as an ample opportunity for the student teacher to apply relevant theories of studies in essential subject such as psychology, method of teaching sociology of education, instruction technology and the like of their actual teaching and interaction with staff and pupils of cooperative college.




This chapter is aimed at the explanation of the procedure used for study. It is mainly concerned with the following;

  1. Population
  2. The sample
  3. The research instrument
  4. Validity
  5. Administration and collection of data
  6. Method of data analysis


The population for this study comprise of the final year student only 2009/2010 academic session in college of education/ Ekiadolor Benin. The total numbers of student that went for this exercise were about 1,018 students for this academic session


A sample table of random numbers techniques was used out of about 1,018 find year of college of education, Ekiadolor Benin 110 student were selected this is known as purposeful sampling in the sense that it includes all these we can see. It is also stratified sampling as it includes boys an girls in all the five schools that make up the school of arts and social sciences, school of languages, school of sciences, school of vocational and technical education and school of adult education.



This chapter discusses the analysis and interpretation of data collected and from the result of the analysis interaction was made on the basis of the research question. The questionnaires were administered on the present final year student of 2009/2010 academic session only in college of education Ekiadolor- Benin. A total of one hundred and ten (110) questionnaires were administered and collected personally on those students.



This attempts to investigate the student’s teacher’s perception of the quality of teaching practice supervision. The purpose being to determine the issues involved in the way supervision are done, the relationship between superiors and students, supervisors on areas of expectation, time of supervision whether quality time are spent or not and the overall assessment of the supervision programme. How these various variable influences the exercises.


  • From the analysis of data, it was discovered that supervisors evaluate, the lesson notes and make comments. This varies from making in the classroom, staff room and some supervisor assessed lesson noted without waiting for the actual teaching to commence for evaluation.
  • That supervisor does not have any information or discussion with the school heads to correct their assessment with his or her assessment to have quality supervision.
  • Also the supervisors entered the classroom before the teaching commences while some had left before the end of the lesson others entered at the middle of the classroom lesson. Thus the quality of teaching practice cannot be attended. This is possible because of large number of students to be supervised in the school.
  • Most students teachers discussed with the researcher that supervisors are not enough to cope with large number of students, the mode of supervision of some were poor and the supervisors should have being cooperating with the students on academic growth.


This study, has led to a number of conclusion.

  1. Supervisors are biased in the assessing of lesson notes.
  2. Most supervisors held conference with student’s teachers after teaching.
  3. The finding shows that the quality of teaching practice supervision is above average.


Based on the findings of the research these recommendations are made:

  1. Supervisor should regularly undergo lesson introduction course on supervision skills
  2. Supervision should not be in haste, should be kept at the face of the students so as to properly supervise them.
  3. The issue of using lesson notes for assessing students should be discouraged
  4. Young supervisors should be properly trained on how to fully carryout supervision exercise.
  5. More supervisors should be employed to cope with the increasing number of students.
  6. The supervisors should see to the role of practicing school cooperation in assessment.
  7. Supervisor should supervise students properly and move than on supervisor should carryout the assignment to ensure quality supervision.
  8. Regular or continuous evaluation of the students needs to be done.


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  • Afe (1995) teacher education in Nigeria. Benin City.
  • Agusiobe and Olaitan (1981) Principles of practical teaching New York. Willy and Sons.
  • Awombord and Omoigo, C. N. (1998) A handbook on teaching practice. Benin City. New Era Publication.
  • Bell-Gam, V. H. (1998) Teaching Education in Contemporary Nigeria. Benin City Bellco Publishers.
  • Chidolve, M. E. (1985) Students teachers evaluation of the organization and conduct of teaching practice. York Vol. 3 No. 1 105-115.
  • Cohenl and Manion (1989) A guide to teaching practice 3rd edition London. Rutledge.
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  • Fafunwa, B. (1969) New Perspective in African education Lagos. Macmillan and Company.
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  • Ogunu, M. A. (2000) strategies for effective supervision of instructing in UBE programme in Nigeria.
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