Sociology Project Topics

The Role of Social Welfare Services on Broken Homes; A Case Study of Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State

The Role of Social Welfare Services on Broken Homes; A Case Study of Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State

The Role of Social Welfare Services on Broken Homes; A Case Study of Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State

Chapter One


This study was conducted to educate the people on the roles of social welfare services in broken home

In the Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State little has been done on the role of social welfare services on broken homes, it is important therefore that more such studies be carried out, this will enable the people to see how broken homes can be restored.



The main theme of this chapter is to review related literature on social welfare services, examine the inherent problems of social welfare administration and utilization will also be identified during the process and also the historical development of social welfare service in Nigeria.


Every society be it tradition or modern have developed a way of catering for dependent group. Thus, the satisfaction of the needs of the deprived or the vulnerable groups are termed social welfare services.

The concept of social welfare had been defined by various authors in different way at different times. Many people confuse social welfare services with social work. it is often used inter-changeably by many authors. For the importance and relevance of social welfare services and for the purpose of clarity. a few of the definition will b examined.

According to UNESCO (1967) “Social welfare services are those that will organized services or activities for the promotion of social wellbeing through helping people to help themselves in meeting their needs in such areas like family and child health, social adjustment and leisure time standard of living social relationship”

Through this definition ,one can conclude that social welfare service are aimed at self help and in getting people to discuss their welfare needs and helping them to provide for their needs themselves. It is a wide range of socially sponsored activities and programmes direct towards community and individual well being.

Another definition is that of Chowdhry D.P (1979) “Social welfare services are those services which are designed for those weaker and vulnerable sectors of the community who due to some handicap in social, economic, physical, mental and so on denied the use of these services”

In this definition one can state that social welfare services are designed for special categories of people which include the mentally retarded the physically disabled maladjusted children and those who may be physically alright but are equally deprived because of one reason or the other.

Onokerhoraye (1964) conceives social welfare services from two perspectives.

Firstly, as a services in which various communities are values in its provision. This include the services provided by industry agencies and private individual.

Secondly, as those service provided for social motive in terms of fulfilling the needs of specific segment of the population rather than for economic motives.





This chapter presents the procedures employed by the researchers in data collection used in determining the rule of social welfare services on broken home in Oredo Local government Area of Edo State.

The methods used in the study Oredo be discussed under the following heading.


This research is designed to find out the role of social welfare service on broken home


The target population consist of mainly senior staffs both male and females, since it is impossible to deal with all the target population, therefore efforts were made to randomly select on assessable population of two senior workers out of ten (10) administrative in the local government area with target population of two hundred (200) worked with one hundred (100) workers from each administrative.



In this chapter, the data collected for the survey were analysis and the result presented.

Questionnaires were administered to abort (200) two hundred workers and the researcher collected back the same number for the research. The respondents filled and returned the questionnaires having answered most of the items contained within flowerer not all the responds that responded to all the item in every lose.

The responds are summarized in a series of tables and explanation provided in percentage score carried out each of the hypothesis.



This section presents the summary of the entire body of the project, conclusion and recommendation and solution to identified problems.

Summary: This research was carried out in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. It was designed to look through the role of social welfare services on broken homes in Oredo Local government Area of Edo State.

The entire project consist of five chapters. Chapter one was devoted to the general introduction to the study, starting from the background of the study, this reveled the varieties of the social welfare service available, the type of people that needs social welfare services and the type of social welfare that is suitable for each person depending on the area of their needs. It also reveled the historical facts statement of problems, purposes of the study, significance of study scope of the study, limitation, assumption, definition of terms etc.

Chapter two was devoted to the review of various literature related to the study. An extensive review of the related views was made about definition of social welfare services, purpose of social welfare services

Chapter three was devoted to methodology used for this research. The chapter represented the method of data collection, sampling techniques instrumentation, methods of validating the instruments, reliability of the instruments and method of data analysis.

Which chapter four enunciated the data analysis and discussion of the findings. It was devoted to the presentation and discussion of data collected in respect to the study. The four research questions. Formulated for this study were tested and result presented and discussion of finding was also discussed, this revealed some facts was also esblished in the course o the study or research like.

(a)      that family background has a lot to do with the family stability.

(b)     Some family in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State are fully           aware of the existence of social welfare services in their local           government area.

(c)      Social Welfare services has an important role to play on broken homes.

(d)     Social welfare services in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State has some problems limitation against it.

Chapter five dealt with the summary, recommendation and           conclusion.


From the findings o this research certain generalization could be made.

(1)     Social welfare service services in Oredo local government area of Edo           State has some problems limitation against it.

(2)     Family background has a lot to do with the family stability.

(3)     Some families in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State are fully aware of the existence of social welfare services in their local           government area.

(4)     Social welfare services ahs an important role to play on broken homes.

In addition, this study calls for social welfare area official should cerate more awareness on the part of the people so that these people will know the numbers of social welfare services available.


Based on the findings, the researcher recommends the following

The government should be more involved in the provision of these social welfare services.

Adequate fund should be made available to social welfare institutions. Thee ceremonial visits of governors wives and philanthropists should be changed to regular financial assistance to make the operators of these social welfare institutions.

There should be guidelines for the operative of social welfare institution to prevent maltreatment of people.

Programme like seminars workshop, film shows, symposium, among others would be needed to create awareness on the part of the people for them to be able to know that social welfare services are available to them and where such service can be gotten from.


Since this study was carried out in Oredo Local Government Rea of Edo State only, it is hereby suggested that such studies should also be extened to tall the other local government areas in the state. This is to help in bringing into limelight the position of social welfare services to the homes and to every body.

Studies should also be carried out to evaluate the extent to which the existing social welfare services in Oredo Local Government areas of Edo State has been able to assist the beneficiaries in acquiring problem solving capacities as well as ability to carry out their life tasks.

Impact of marriage counseling of the society. Also for further inquiry in this area, I will suggest that a study should be carried out on why the private individuals should be more involve in the provision of social welfare services.


  • Akpovire Oduara (1990) Lecture Delivered to Adult Education Students, Uniben 2nd January 1990 on “The Development of Social Welfare service in Nigeria”
  • Andrew G.O. (1984) Social Welfare Services in Nigeria. And introduction Kegon Paul int London, Pp. 4.5
  • Brown, M. (1976). Introduction to social Administration in Britain, Hutchinson and C.O. Ltd, London, Pp 13-14
  • Chowdhry D.P. (1979) Social Welfare Administration, Atmarom and sons Delhi, P2
  • Darie B.C (1988) you can be the wife of a happy husband, Benin Scripture press publication on 6 incorporation.
  • Kumuyi W.F. (1984) “Marriage and family life” Lagos State.
  • Olawola R. utilization of Social Welfare Service in Benin City; A term paper presented to Dr. Oduoron in partial fulfillment of Ade 412, 1989.
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