Mass Communication Project Topics

The Role of Public Relations in Improving the Image of Tertiary Institutions in Enugu Metropolis (a Case Study of IMT Enugu)

The Role of Public Relations in Improving the Image of Tertiary Institutions in Enugu Metropolis (a Case Study of IMT Enugu)

The Role of Public Relations in Improving the Image of Tertiary Institutions in Enugu Metropolis (a Case Study of IMT Enugu)


Objectives Of The Study

1)      To find out the level of attention given to the public in IMT

2)      To find out whether the Institution has good relationship with the press

3)      To examine the level of students, lecturers, staff and management relations in the institution.

4)      To know how public relation helped in improving communication between people and the Institution.

5)      To determine the impact of public relations on customers (students) patronage.

6)      To appraise the public relations activities of Institute of Management and Technology Enugu on the image of the Institution.

7)      To recommend solution to problems on public relation identified.



Literature review in project writing is an important exercise. It is important because, it examines the postulations, assumptions, theories, concepts and its opinions of various experts in the field and its related angles. Literature review examines all these as expressed in journals, textbooks, magazines, mimeographs, project, thesis and newspapers. This researcher followed the same pattern, exactly the researcher has to review related literatures in the topics to enable her point her feelings in the right directions and sequentially. Although, there are a lot of secondary write up on public relations, but not much has been said on the effectiveness of public relations in higher institutions of learning. Public relations has been discussed as a potent marketing tool in the modern business management in recent time.

Agu in 2004 carried out a research on the appraisal of public relations activities of Federal polytechnic uwana ebonyi state (aifp)(IMT), Her findings were that, the organization of study did not defined the role of the staff/ management and also the absolute dissatisfaction with salaries/wages administration for lecturers and some other staff. This made the researcher to conclude that the institution should implement the use of public relations should implement the use of public relations in order to ensure continuous satisfaction of its various publics. There is no doubt that the conclusion is very much acceptable having used a sample size of 210 management/staff and 744 for students/customers.

In a related study carried out by Onurah (1999) on public relations as an aid to successful government business administration, A case study of Enugu State Broadcasting service (ESBS), she made use of a sample size of 85 for senior staff and 108 for junior staff. She found out that public relations play the role of product publicity and it is equally an aid to successful government business administration. Based on this, she concluded that not defining public relations functions is dangerous to the survival and growth of any organization. In as much as the findings and conclusion are plurable, but it cannot be acceptable because it lacks the basic research principle. ESBS is not the only government organization in Enugu and it is only marketing service not tangible products. The other publics like the customers of the organization were not taken into account in the research.

A research carried out by Onyinye (2004) on the role of public relations in marketing higher education in Nigeria. A case study of the Institute of Management and Technology, (IMT) Enugu, the research was just one show out of the lots in Nigeria, his findings were that ineffective management of public relations leads to conflicts and all conflicts have adverse effect on production efficiency, cost quality, human satisfaction, discipline, technology and economic progress and finally an overall welfare of the society from the findings, the researcher concluded that public relations is an indispensable marketing tools for institution survival and growth and it is very imperative that I.M.T should maintain a good relationship with its public in order to survive competition in the industry. This conclusion was drawn from a sample size of only 100 staffs and 200 students, learning other publics.





This chapter highlights on the types of data collected, how they were gathered, where they were obtained, how they were analyzed, the research instrument used and how they were designed this chapter also provide information on who made up the sample size and how they were selected.

To make the research precise and academic like, the study covers the effectiveness of public relations activities in institution of management Technology (IMT) within the past five years i.e 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 and 2000 academic years.

In this research study, the researcher also made use of primary and secondary sources of data to get information. Primary source of data were gotten through personal interviews, structured questionnaires and observations while secondary source of data were gotten from magazines, textbooks, mimeograph, projects, journals, thesis, catalogues and other relevant materials which the researcher consulted while carrying out the study.


The population of this study comprised of staff/ management and students of the institution of management Technology (IMT) Enugu. But due to lack of time and financial, the researcher was not able to study the entire population, so, sample was used to study the entire population.



This chapter focuses on the presentation of primary source of data collected through questionnaire, the analysis and interpretation and also the subsequent testing of hypothesis.

During the study, a total of 569 questionnaires were administered to the management/staff and students of ESTU, and 514 questionnaires were returned which 55 questionnaires were lost.

The number of questionnaires given to staff/management were 185 and 160 were returned while the number of questionnaires given to student were 384 while 354 were returned.



Having carefully analyzed data collected for the study using simple tables and hypothesis formulated, the researcher got very useful information on the effectiveness of public relations in service industries, a case study of institution of management technology (IMT), Enugu.

The success or failure of a corporation depends on its relationship with its publics. A favourable corporate image create confidence in an organization or institution including IMT.

There has been occasional trouble in tertiary institutions including IMT; this no doubt has impacted negatively on the image of the institution.

The findings of the study are revealed:-


  1. The researcher discovered that the public relations activities of IMT does not lead to increase the awareness of the services provided that is to say that the services of the institution is poor, the reason being that they lack effective public relations department.
  2. Public relations activities of IMT has led to industrial harmony, this is evidenced by the fact that there has not been major strikes that lasted for a long time.
  3. Public relations activities of IMT has also led to impact positively on students patronage of the institution.
  4. IMT as an institution has the students, members of its staff, parent Teachers Association, the Management, the state and the federal government, Nigerian universities commission (NUC) etc as its relevant publics.
  5. The public relations activities of IMT give attention to the students of the institution.


It is the researcher opinion based on the various findings that:

  1. IMT should have to upgrade the quality of their services than that of other institutions by creating awareness of the services they provide. Also, the management of the institution should see themselves as one in a competitive environment struggling for leadership position, they need to innovate new methods of attending to their public distinct from other institutions.
  2. IMT public relations department should be well funded. This will enable them to acquire more sophisticated equipment like computers, television, radio, public address system, printing machines, photocopying machines etc for improved public relations activities.
  3. This public relations functions should be clearly defined to avoid confusion in the institution; this includes their relationship with other publics
  4. Public relations is a two way communication the researcher therefore urges that public relations should not only emphasize on their publics but putting them into action in rendering of efficient and effective services.
  5. Public relations as a management of philosophy should be understood to include all effort towards achieving institutional goals and objectives, means of ensuring that all the department and of the institution are made known that their actions are what other publics will use in rating the institution.


Having tabled the above findings and recommendations, the researcher therefore assumed that the task lies on the management to implement them to ensure continued satisfaction of its various publics. In an inquisitive society like ours, it is necessary for all organization to readily publicize its activities so as to negate insinuation, even in employee relationship, adequate steps should be taken to inform employee about the organization.

Public relations is an indispensable marketing tools for company’s survival and growth. It is very imperative that the institution of management technology (IMT) Enugu should maintain a good relationship with its publics in order to survive competition in the service.


  • Adegboyaga O. (1991) Strategy and Public relations, Lagos: Rechimid Book Limited.
  • Adirika E.O, Ebue B.C, and Nnolim O. (1996) Principles and Practice of Marketing 11, Enugu: Nigeria, James Enterprises.
  • Benson E. (1991) Public relations and Practice  Approach, Enugu; John Jacobs Publishers Limited.
  • Confield B. (1979) Public Relations, Principles Cases and Problems, 7th Edition Home woods, illiom’s: Richard D Irwim Inc.
  • Chukwu, Ikeoma (2000) Public Relations; its Role in Marketing, Enugu: Meltin Publishers.
  • Iloabanafo C.E (2001) Appraisal of public relations Profrance of selected public corporations of Enugu State unpublished.
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