Public Health Project Topics

The Role of Logistics in the Distribution of Medical Suppliers in the Remote Rural Setting in Ghana. A Case Study of Selected Chips Compound in Bolgatanga Municipality.

The Role of Logistics in the Distribution of Medical Suppliers in the Remote Rural Setting in Ghana. A Case Study of Selected Chips Compound in Bolgatanga Municipality.

The Role of Logistics in the Distribution of Medical Suppliers in the Remote Rural Setting in Ghana. A Case Study of Selected Chips Compound in Bolgatanga Municipality.



The objective of this study is to explore and enhance the role of logistics in the distribution of medical supplies in remote rural settings in Ghana. To achieve this, the study aims to:

  1. Investigate the specific logistical challenges that impede the efficient distribution of medical supplies in rural areas of Ghana
  2. Examine how these logistical challenges affect the availability and accessibility of medical supplies in rural areas.
  3. Analyze the effectiveness of current logistical strategies and interventions implemented in Ghana




Logistics is a critical component of supply chain management that involves the planning, implementation, and control of the efficient movement and storage of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption. It encompasses various activities, including transportation, warehousing, inventory management, order fulfillment, and distribution. Christopher, (2016).

Transportation is the backbone of logistics. It involves the movement of goods from suppliers to manufacturers, from manufacturers to wholesalers, and from wholesalers to retailers and end consumers. Different modes of transportation include road, rail, air, and sea, each with its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost, speed, and capacity. The choice of transportation mode depends on factors such as the type of goods, delivery requirements, and cost considerations. Rushton, et al. (2017)

Warehousing involves the storage of goods until they are needed for distribution. Warehouses play a vital role in ensuring that products are available when required, thus helping to balance supply and demand. Efficient warehousing practices include proper inventory management, the use of technology for tracking and managing stock, and the implementation of safety and security measures to protect goods from damage or theft. Chopra & Meindl (2019)

Effective inventory management is crucial for minimizing costs and meeting customer demand. It involves maintaining optimal inventory levels to avoid overstocking or stockouts. Techniques such as Just-In-Time (JIT) inventory, Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), and ABC analysis are used to manage inventory efficiently. Inventory management also requires accurate forecasting and real-time monitoring of stock levels.

Order fulfillment encompasses the complete process from receiving customer orders to delivering the products to the customer. This process includes order processing, picking and packing goods, and shipping. Efficient order fulfillment is essential for maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty. Technologies such as automated picking systems, warehouse management systems (WMS), and transportation management systems (TMS) enhance the order fulfillment process. Harrison & van Hoek (2011).

Distribution involves the movement of goods from the warehouse to the end customer. It includes selecting distribution channels, managing relationships with distributors and retailers, and ensuring timely and accurate delivery. Effective distribution strategies help in reducing costs, improving delivery times, and enhancing customer satisfaction.





The design of the study is a descriptive research design. It sought to establish the role of logistics in the distribution of medical suppliers in the remote rural setting in Ghana.

The design is suitable because Nworgu (2016) states that the design seeks to establish cause – effect relationships and the researcher usually has no control over the variables of interest and therefore cannot manipulate them


The population of the study comprises of all the residents in the chips compound in Bolgatanga municipality.


One hundred and fifty residents will be used selected 25 residents each from 6 villages in Bolgatanga area will be used as a sample for the study. This research work adopts Simple Radom Sampling (SRS), such that every respondent has equal chance of being selected to form the sample. The respondents were randomly selected from 6 villages in Bolgatanga.


The instrument for this study is a self-constructed questionnaire titled “The role of logistics in the distribution of medical suppliers in Ghana Questionnaire” (TRLDMSGQ) broken up into four parts: A, B, C and D. Section ‘A’ asked about the respondent’s demographics, Section ‘B’ about the Key Logistical Challenges, ‘C’ the Impact of Logistical Challenges on Healthcare Delivery and Section ‘D’ he effectiveness of current logistical strategies and interventions implemented in Ghana.  Strongly agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D) and Strongly Disagree (SD), are the four Likert scales used for this survey’s quantitative analysis.



Data Presentation

This chapter presents data gathered from the field. The statistical technique of analysis, testing of hypotheses, distribution of responses and discussion of findings based on the test are also presented in this chapter. Out of the 150 copies of the questionnaire that were distributed, only 145 copies were returned representing (95%) return rate. Five copies of questionnaire returned were discarded for incomplete filling out; the remaining 145 copies were utilized for the study.




The study examined the role of logistics in the distribution of medical suppliers in the remote rural setting in Ghana. A case study of selected chips compound in Bolgatanga municipality. The study shed light on challenges face in distributing medical supplies in the remote rural setting in Ghana. The ascertain with the following objectives: Investigate the specific logistical challenges that impede the efficient distribution of medical supplies in rural areas of Ghana, examine how these logistical challenges affect the availability and accessibility of medical supplies in rural areas and analyze the effectiveness of current logistical strategies and interventions implemented in Ghana. One hundred and fifty residents were used selected 25 residents each from 6 villages in Bolgatanga area using as a sample for the study. This research work adopts Simple Radom Sampling (SRS), such that every respondent has equal chance of being selected to form the sample. The instrument for this study is a self-constructed questionnaire titled “The role of logistics in the distribution of medical suppliers in Ghana Questionnaire” (TRLDMSGQ) broken up into four parts: A, B, C and D. Section ‘A’ asked about the respondent’s demographics, Section ‘B’ about the Key Logistical Challenges, ‘C’ the Impact of Logistical Challenges on Healthcare Delivery and Section ‘D’ he effectiveness of current logistical strategies and interventions implemented in Ghana.  Strongly agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D) and Strongly Disagree (SD), are the four Likert scales used for this survey’s quantitative analysis

The summary of the study are:

There are significant specific logistical challenges that impede the efficient distribution of medical supplies in rural areas of Ghana

There are significant logistical challenges that affect the availability and accessibility of medical supplies in rural areas

There is effectiveness of current logistical strategies and interventions implemented in Ghana


The study on the role of logistics in the distribution of medical supplies in the remote rural setting of Ghana, with a focus on selected Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) compounds in the Bolgatanga municipality, highlights the critical impact of logistical strategies on healthcare delivery. The research identified several key logistical challenges, including inadequate transportation infrastructure, geographical barriers, limited access to technology, cold chain management issues, workforce shortages, financial constraints, and regulatory hurdles. These challenges significantly hinder the availability and accessibility of medical supplies, leading to delays, increased costs, reduced quality of care, and health disparities.

Despite these challenges, the study also found that various logistical interventions have shown effectiveness in improving the distribution of medical supplies. Technological innovations such as drone deliveries and electronic logistics management systems, public-private partnerships, infrastructure development, deployment of community health workers, and mobile health units have all contributed positively. These interventions have enhanced supply chain efficiency, reduced delivery times, improved inventory management, and increased healthcare access in rural areas.

However, the study also highlighted that ongoing infrastructure gaps, sustainability issues of innovations, and the need for capacity building remain significant barriers that need to be addressed for continued improvement.


Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are proposed to enhance the effectiveness of logistics in the distribution of medical supplies in remote rural settings in Ghana:

Increase investment in improving road networks and transportation infrastructure to ensure reliable and timely delivery of medical supplies to remote CHPS compounds.

  • Develop and upgrade storage facilities, including cold chain infrastructure, to maintain the integrity of temperature-sensitive medical supplies.
  • Ensure the sustainability and scalability of drone delivery systems by securing continuous funding, fostering partnerships, and integrating these systems into the national healthcare logistics framework.
  • Expand the use of electronic logistics management information systems across all rural healthcare facilities to improve inventory tracking, forecasting, and overall supply chain management.
  • Implement regular training programs for healthcare workers and supply chain managers on best practices in logistics, inventory management, and emergency response planning.


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