The Role of Local Government in National Development
Chapter One
The general objective of this study is to examine the relationship between Local Government Councils in Lagos State and national development in Nigeria. The specific objectives are as follows:
To examine the role of Local Government Councils in Lagos State in National Development.
To examine the extent to which the local government councils in Lagos State, promote the course of national development
To determine how the local government councils in Lagos can aid the course of national development.
The local government being the government nearest to the populace, is one of the best agencies for generating motivations and encouraging mobilisation for self-help, as well as including the much needed wider participation of the local population in the decision making process at the local level (Ukah, 2012). According to Edward Scouma, (in Eluwa, 2012:11), The so-called third world is a rural world where any meaningful discussion of community development really means not only “talking of overall national development,” but because “it is in community that the problems of inequitable distribution of resources or a marked lack of purchasing power and of grinding poverty in which the wretched members of society stagnate and stare one in the face with brutal clarity.
The raison d’etre of the local government in Nigeria is to, at least stop the deteriorating living conditions in the various communities of the country. An effective local government will be better disposed than the state or federal government, not only to stem the grim reality of the rising tide of grassroots poverty but also be better positioned to evoke communal efforts and networking to manage and mobilise the support of local citizenry in participating in all the programmes that may affect them (Eluwa, 2012). As an agent of development, the major priorities of any local government should include reduction of poverty in the community, increasing the standard of living of the local dwellers, provision of social amenities, enhancing the participation of the local citizens in political activities that concern them, enhancing their individual human capabilities, boosting nationalism, inspiring creativity and innovation as well as educating the local people (Bello-Imam, 2007).
Despite the spirited protestations of Nigeria’s officialdom, it is yet to be empirically settled that national development has been on the ascendancy in the Nigerian State. On the other hand, evidence abounds that local government in Nigeria is a neglected paradigm of national developmental mobilization (Abada, 2012; Idike, 2013; Eze and Muanya, 2013; Uzuegbunam and Nwofia, 2014). The Nigerian condition has accordingly been depicted as a situation of affluence and affliction (Ibeanu, 2008), which signifies an apparent contradiction. Kuka (2012) h further describes the Nigerian nation as being on autopilot. The general objective of this study therefore is to examine the relationship between local government and sustainable national development in Nigeria. The specific objectives are as follows: (i) to examine the extent to which the local government system in Nigeria, promotes the course of sustainable national development and (ii) make recommendations on how the local government system in Nigeria can aid the course of sustainable national development. The theoretical framework for the study is the empowerment framework. Uche and Uche (2014) have in this regard posited that empowerment is a process by which individuals and groups gain power, access resources and gain control over their own lives. It enables them to gain the ability to achieve their highest personal and collective aspirations and goals. Furthermore, the methodology of the study is logical argumentation.
Research design
The researcher used descriptive research survey design in building up this project work the choice of this research design was considered appropriate because of its advantages of identifying attributes of a large population from a group of individuals. The design was suitable for the study as the study sought to examine the role of local government in national development
Sources of data collection
Data were collected from two main sources namely:
- Primary source and
- Secondary source
Primary source:
These are materials of statistical investigation which were collected by the research for a particular purpose. They can be obtained through a survey, observation questionnaire or as experiment; the researcher has adopted the questionnaire method for this study.
Secondary source:
These are data from textbook Journal handset etc. they arise as byproducts of the same other purposes. Example administration, various other unpublished works and write ups were also used.
Population of the study
Population of a study is a group of persons or aggregate items, things the researcher is interested in getting information for the study the role of local government in national development. 150 staff of Alimosho, and Oshodi-Isolo local government areas was selected randomly by the researcher as the population of the study.
Demographic characteristics
It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was to ascertain the role of local government in national development. In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in addressing the challenges of local government in national development.
A nation cannot be believed to be recording increases in national developmental indices when human and material resources in its component local government areas remain immensely immobilized. Development is all about improved living conditions for citizens who reside in the various local government areas of a nation-state. Underdevelopment is also about hunger and starvation in these local government areas. Sustainable development is about doing today what must be done for life to be meaningful for the present and future generations. The way forward calls for the empowerment of the local government areas by constitutionally untying them from the apron strings of the State Governments. Indeed, the truth remains that the issue of sustainable national development in Nigeria is immensely intertwined with developments in the local government system. In this regard, this study concludes that one of the best ways of going about the overall development of the Nigerian state is to concentrate on the development of its local government segments.
The Local government as the third tier government in the Nigerian federation was born out of the clear need to better the lots of local citizens in the country. As an agent of transformation, it has unarguably gone through much process that has placed it on the part of growth and sustainable development in Nigeria. However, its strength lies on the leadership of the country from the Executive (Presidency) to the Legislature (National Assembly) down to the Judiciary. These public officials should ensure that the laws governing the Local government should be in the exclusive list and not con current list that allows the State governments to lay claim over this level of government and the laws been made be strictly enforced and offenders be slammed with the instrument of law. Since the Local governments are given essential services to provide for the people, efforts should be made to ensure that the funds meant for these purposes be released in time and channelled to the appropriate quarters. A well packaged and articulate plan for Local government in the country would reduce criminality, unemployment, rural-urban drift and encourage economic, agricultural growth and political education attained.
The study recommend that there is a realistic need for synergy and collaborative approach to community development. A bottom-top strategy that harnesses local needs, wishes and aspirations will galvanize efforts for maximum impact. Appropriate political and constitutional reforms that can enhance the autonomy of local governments is seriously canvassed. All portions of the constitution suggesting superintending roles of state governments on local governments, and specifically parts of section 162 of the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria that ties LGCs allocation to state governments should be expunged. LGCs should invigorate their extractive functions in order to boost internally generated revenues to enable them support community development initiatives and activities effectively. The educative functions of local governments can be strengthened through improved information dissemination, management and enlightenment for participation in community development by the LGCs. The appropriate agencies responsible for mobilisation, civic reorientation and election (National Orientation Agency and INEC) should continually improve citizen awareness; ensure credible and transparent process that can produce accountable and good leaders.
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