Education Project Topics

The Role of Guidance and Counselling Services in Secondary Schools in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State.

The Role of Guidance and Counselling Services in Secondary Schools in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State.

The Role of Guidance and Counselling Services in Secondary Schools in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State.



The main purpose of this study is to find out the role of guidance and counselling in secondary schools in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State for growing children to fully develop and be able to adjust need a lot of guidance and counselling services, ranging from jealousy to envy, urbanization, industrialization, moral rejection of our philosophers and cultures of refusal to go to school among adolescents. The study is also an attempt to examine the extent to which the role of guidance and counselling centres in secondary schools in Oredo local government of Edo State will help in minimizing or eradicating the behaviour, emotional, psychological, social academic and financial problems among the students. All these problems can cripple any developing country and as such the role of guidance services in our secondary school will help in no small measure to reduce the crime wave.



This chapter is to review the past of other author’s related research and literatures, which will offer necessary information, related to the research under study. The topic under listed review is to be divided into sub-heading as this will enhance easy understanding of what this chapter is all about these sub-heading include the role of guidance and counselling services in secondary schools, the nature of the child, the assistance to teacher and assistance to parents.


Guidance services are provided with a view of helping individual to include the education, vocational, personal and social needs of the individual. Guidance in the secondary schools should be part of the total educational programme and should be available to all the students. The activities tasks and responsibilities of counsellor have been a subject of a much attention. According to Peters and Shertzer (1974) “the major activity of a counsellor at either secondary or primary schools level is counselling” this is the reason why individuals are employed as counsellor so as to provide a helping relationship with the pupils or students and this enables them to examine and cope with their developmental concern. Hughes (1971) maintains that “guidance services prepares students for life and them to adjust suitably in the society and also make wise decision when occasion warrants” he goes further to say that “this is because of the adequate guidance service provided for the child. In highlighting the importance of counselling Glanz et al (1977) say “counselling assist pupils in exercising his right, his responsibility to freedom of advice”. It makes students to choose for themselves and to have feeling of individual responsibilities for choice making. According Shertzer and Stone (1976) “guidance service have helped individual to understand themselves and happier human beings. This means that guidance does not only deal with immediate situation but also helps individual in their future encounter in life. Walter (1954) says “counselling is used for helping individual to solve their problems. In working with the individuals, however, the counsellor consider himself responsible for helping the individuals to gain the experience needed for learning how to establish and maintain good relationship with others, and for gaining self understanding of other people. He also maintains that the counsellor helps students to analyze the manpower factors influencing career, but does not impose choice or decision upon his pupils.




This chapter is concerned with research design and methodology and effort that are made to explain the sampled area, the sampled subject research instrument, administration of the questionnaire, reliability of instrument and the statically procedures.


This research was carried out in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State, secondary schools in the local government area mentioned above. Five secondary schools in Oredo Local Government Area were selected and used for this study are they include:

One mixed school, two girls (female) school and two boys (male) schools and they are namely:

  1. Ihogbe secondary school (mixed school)
  2. Emotan college (female school)
  3. Idia college (female school)
  4. Edokpolor grammar school (male school)
  5. Eghosa grammar school (male school)


The subjects used in this research were mainly teachers from the above mentioned secondary schools in Oredo Local Government Area. In each of the schools, twenty (20) teachers were used as samples for collecting information thereby bringing the total number of respondents to one hundred.



This chapter is aimed at analyzing the vital information from the data collected. There responses are used for interpretation, testing the validity if the five hypotheses formulated in chapter one of this study.

In analyzing the result, therefore the researcher totaled the responses to each hypothesis from the sampled subjects and the percentage of the hypothesis. In other words, any hypothesis that has a mean score of fifty (50) percent and above was termed valid or upheld while a was score below fifty (50) percent was regarded as in valid or rejected.


Lack of adequate facilities and materials for guidance and counselling service in secondary school. The respondent was asked if the lack of adequate facilities and materials for guidance and counselling services in secondary schools.



In this chapter the researcher discussed his findings on the study, which is the summary, drawn conclusion and make recommendation.


In the course of the study, which was meant to look into the role of guidance and counselling services in secondary schools, the researcher formulated some hypothesis from various questions were drawn.

Questionnaires were distributed by the researcher to the sampled school in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State and from the analysis of the data collected by the researcher, the following points were observed.

  1. That guidance and counselling is very necessary in our secondary school.
  2. That lack of adequate and materials militates against the role of guidance and counselling services
  3. That guidance and counselling services will help to improve the moral decadence in our schools.
  4. That lack of qualified personnel will militate against the role of guidance and counselling services.
  5. That ignorance of the usefulness of guidance and counselling services has a negative effect on the educational development of the students.

In the addition, the government inability to provide guidance and counselling centres in schools has an adverse effect on the student’s career.


This study was aimed at finding out the roles of guidance and counselling services in secondary school in Oredo Local Government      Area of Edo State. And some of the role of guidance and counselling services are to assist students in meeting problems related of health, educational outlook, social living vocational direction and ethical conduct, etc and as a result of this, a questionnaire was designed and administered to teachers hypothesis were upheld.

  1. That guidance and counselling services is needed on our secondary schools
  2. That lack of adequate facilities and materials militates against the establishment of guidance and counselling centers in secondary schools.
  3. That the lacks of qualified personnel militate against the role of guidance and counselling services etc.


Having seen the importance of guidance and counselling services in schools, the researcher has some recommendation to give.

  1. The government should encourage all the secondary school in their local government area, to have counselling centers by providing them with the adequate materials and facilitates to be used for the services.
  2. The Government should also make guidance and counselling a compulsory sources to the offered in all colleges of education and in universities in the country before graduate so that there will be an increase in qualified personnel.


In the course of this, the researcher encountered various problems, which include time factors, the scope of the study, attitudes of the respondents and lack of materials. The first problems the researcher encountered was the time factors researcher could not give hundred percent (100%) attention to the research work which could have made it more standard and extensive than this because of official work and modernistic activities.

Another problem was the financial constraint. There were the not enough funds available for the researcher to purchase some books for references and this made it impossible for the researcher to find out enough facts on the research topic as some books were not found in the library.

There was problem of a specific area-Oredo Local Government Area. This therefore made unable to find out about guidance and counselling services in other Local Government Area. Another problem was the attitude of the respondents. Through some of the teachers cooperated with the researcher by filling the questionnaires but some complaint that they were too busy with their works and they were begged before they filled their own questionnaires.

Finally, the researcher was unable to lay her hands on enough materials even after going from one person to another and from one place to another in search of journals, books and magazines as a result of these limitation, the result of findings of this study cannot be used to make generalizations.


In this section, the researcher gives suggestion to those researchers who may be interested in this topic. There should be in-depth study on this topic could be repeated in another Local Government Area so as to know the opinion of other people especially teachers on the provision of counselling services in secondary schools so as to see if the same problems are prevailing there.

There should be a research on this same topic in the same Local Government Area in the next two or three years time. As a result of this, future researcher should ensure that they distribute questionnaires at the time the teachers of the school under study are less busy.


  • Chisholm I. L. (1945) Guidance youth in the secondary school (New York: America Book Company)
  • Durojaiye M. O. A. (1972) Psychology Guidance of the school child (London Evans Brothers Limited).
  • Dustin, R and George, R, (1973) Action Counselling for behaviour change.
  • Eduwen F. O. (1994) |Essential of Guidance and Counselling Benin city Ambik Press.
  • Glans G. E. and Robert B (1977) group in Guidance (South Apton Southampton press)
  • Hughes M. P. (1971) Guidance and Counselling in schools “A Response to change (New York Pergamon Press Inc)
  • Ikeotuonye A (1984) Guidance for school (Zaria Huachuca Publishing Company)
  • Iwuama, B. C. (1991) foundation of Guidance and Counselling (Onitsha Supreme idea Publishers Limited Company)