French Education Project Topics

The Role of French Language in Education: A Case Study of French Students in College of Education Ekiadolor Benin City

The Role of French Language in Education A Case Study of French Students in College of Education Ekiadolor Benin City

The Role of French Language in Education: A Case Study of French Students in College of Education Ekiadolor Benin City

Chapter One


The study is aimed at:

  1. Finding out the problems encountered by students in the study of French language.
  2. The problem French students encounter in learning the language and how these problems could be addressed.



During the course of this project, it was deduced that in this our modern society today, education is said to be the major asset a father can be quite to a child. In order to achieve this objective, its therefore essential for the educators to device means by which instructions and ideas taught can be communicated to the learners without any hindrance concerning the new national policy on education popularly known as the 6-3-3-4 system now 6-5-4 system which aimed at achieving the much needed technology. According to oxford advanced learner dictionary, French language is a language that is used in France i.e. language connected France or French speaking country.

According to Roma (2002) French took its origin from roman by a roman connoted literate refigured S. T. B. C. after the fall of Roman Empire in the 5th century France was invaded by Germanic tribes (Frances) although these tribes did bring their own language to the tertiary it did not supplement. The local dialects that has been derived from intinrulgaire instead of the local adoption of the language of their conquerors as one might expect but the reverse was the case this is not to say that the Germanic language had influence on the local language. This influence was strong in the north of what would become France than in the south. At a time there were two distinct dialects spoken in France, language d’ ol’ I’ in thwe north and “language d’ OC in the south. (the names were derived from the word for yes in each dialect).

According to Daniel on August 26 (2001) the charters provisions expanded upon the (1974) official language which was enacted under Premier Robert Bourassas liberal government to make French the sole officials language of quebec prior, quebee had no official language and was subjected only to the requirement on the use of English and French. According to the article of the British North America Act in (19867) says the preamble of the French states that the national assembly resolved to make use of French language as the government and law, as well as the normal and everyday language of work, instruction communication it is also states that the national assembly is to pursue this objectives in a spirit of fairness and open mindedness of the institutions of English speaking community of Quebec.




The main purpose of this study is to identify the major problem encountered in the role of French language in education, paying particular relevance to French students in college of education ekiadolor. The research will also suggest how the problems will be solved.


The sample population consists of the lecturer of French teachers and students of the department under study which are:

  1. Department of English/French
  2. Department of computer/French

The sample was chosen using the stratified random sampling techniques the population is limited to the two department under study in order to determine the extent to which this problem have disputed the free flow of the role of French in education system.

The sample population includes 21 lecturers from school of language, college of education. The purpose of using the two schools was to compare responses.



A total of one hundred questionnaires were printed and distributed to students both in private and public secondary schools and all were returned and found usable. The analysis below is based on the information gathered from the aforementioned completed questionnaires.

Research question one: that there is no effective use of the French language as a medium of communication and instruction in college of education.



From the research carried out on the role of French language in education it’s note worthy that French language cannot be put aside in the education of French students using college of education Ekiadolor Benin as a case study. The researcher discovered during the course of study that French language in education cannot be over emphasized in the academic performance of French students. Most of the students are in school or even goes to class without recommended books and others facilities some of the students do not write while others are writing because they do not have materials to work with. Such students will perform poorly in examination.

On the other hand, most students without knowledge of French language who are in the school have opined that French language is very necessary for their development not only education.

From the finding of role which French plays in education in the case of college of education students Ekiadolor exposed, enlightened and able to communicate effectively, this was demonstrated in our last excursion to Badagry of which I was a part.


  1. The research has shown that lack of proper instructional materials, laboratory, seminars and excursion have reduced the interest of students in French language and also down played its usefulness in educational development.
  2. Parents/guardians should make sure that their sons and daughters leave home for school early so that they don’t miss their lessons and also ensure they acquire the relevant instructional materials.
  3. Also the school authority should be able to control both her teachers and students as an inducement to work harder.
  4. Government should also try to provide the necessary laboratory for French and display textbooks, instructional materials and proper liaison between school and French countries in case of excursions.
  5. The school authority should be able to admit the number of students so that the lecturers would be able to carry everyone along during the processes of teaching in other to enhance learning. These recommendations made so far, if accepted can definitely improve the pupils’ performance in schools.


The involvement of students, parents, lecturers, school authorities and government agencies in French development is important in order to bring to bear it usefulness in education.


The research work is limited to the students in College of Education Benin only; I will therefore recommend the scope of this research be further increased to cut across students in the state.

Therefore, the following recommendations should be considered.

  1. Provision of educational study aids/instructional materials for French department in training schools by the relevant authorities.


  • Abercrobe (1956): David Problem and Principles in Language; London Longman Guardian Today Volume 13 pp. 150
  • HEFCE (higher education finding council for England (1996): quality assessment of French 1995 – 6subject overview report Qo 2/96 broztd HEFCO Jouitien Conference, 1990 and Ehiametalor 2000
  • Tiften B. (1969): A language in common, a guide to French language teaching in school; London Longman
  •…i news/20/050/.htm
  • www.time shighered
  • www.historyfri/htm
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