Arts Project Topics

The Quest for Knowledge: An Out Door Project in Direct Metal Sculpture

The Quest for Knowledge: An Out Door Project in Direct Metal Sculpture

The Quest for Knowledge: An Out Door Project in Direct Metal Sculpture

Chapter One


The fundamental purpose of this research is to find out what knowledge is. What drives the quest for knowledge how to get knowledge and how to continue acquiring knowledge, and the reason why most youth don’t find it interesting to search for knowledge.

There are many sculptural works related to the topic “QUEST FOR KNOWLEDGE” some of the sculpture will be discussed to explain the study. Works that could be related to the “the quest for knowledge” all located at the University of Benin, Benin City Ekenwan Campus. The first of this sculptural works is the sculpture of a boy reading a book with an enthusiasm. This sculpture is related to “the quest for knowledge” in terms of statement and concept it is a related in terms of the realistic nature of the both sculpture (a boy reading a book and the quest for knowledge), it is also pertinent to say that there exist differences in the both sculptural works in terms of medium, scale, and expression. While the former is a direct modeling with cement, the later is a direct metal sculpture. The scale of “the quest for knowledge”
is magnified than the working scale of the boy reading a book and is more expressive than that of the boy reading a book.

Location: Directly in front of D.P.A 1 Ekenwan Campus.
Source: Photograph taken by the Researcher
The second of the sculptural works to be reviewed is the work titled the zealeaous professor. This sculpture is located beside the drawing studio of the University of Benin Ekenwan Campus. The sculpture was done by the artist by direct modeling with cement. The scale of the work is large and is proportional balanced and fits into the space. This sculpture is also related to “the quest for knowledge” in terms of scale, statement and concept. They both talk about the need to study and take education serious. In terms of expression “the quest of knowledge” is more expressive and shows more struggle for knowledge. In terms of scale they are almost of equal size, the both
sculpture are large in scale. The zealous professor and the quest for knowledge are both realistic work.


This chapter is based on the methods and techniques used by the researcher in the execution of this project. In the course of this project different process were used as the artist tends to consider the right techniques, materials and methods suitable for this project. Below are
the different stages of the production.
1. Conceptualization
2. Sketch
3. Marquette
4. Armature construction
5. Building of forms
6. Finishing and mounting

The conceptualization of this project came about after a study on the pose of students on how they study and how other artist of similar subject have represented it and also how I can make it more expressive in this project.

Information on this research work will be analyzed through the following processes.

Knowledge is power. It is the reason why man has been able to understand himself and the environment he finds himself and this has helped him to develop himself and his environment overtime, as this has been a reason for his development and civilization overtime. This project is aimed at showing the public the importance of pursuing knowledge and the benefit of knowledge to himself and the society at large. The subject matter of this work is a man carrying a book and writing.

The following recommendations are suggested by the researchers: Parents and teachers should encourage students to cultivate the habit of reading and writing as it will help improve their learning skills. Sculpture students should explore on the area of direct special metal sculpture as it is a modern means of expression aspect of sculpture, and this will help them contribute immensely to the growth of contemporary Art in Nigeria.


  • The holy bible (KJV Translation)
  • Tissen, R Andriessen, D, & Deprez F.L. (1988) Value-based knowledge management Longman
  • Darwin P. H, (2003) “the concept of knowledge and how to measure it,” Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 4 iss: pp. 100 – 113.
  • Yorkshire. Published by MCB UP Ltd. Retrieved on the 10th of June 2016.
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