Political Science Project Topics

The Political Economy of Boko Haram Insurgency in Nigeria

The Political Economy of Boko Haram Insurgency in Nigeria

The Political Economy of Boko Haram Insurgency in Nigeria

Chapter One


The primary aim of the study is to assess the impact of Boko Haram insurgency on socio activities in Nigeria study of Borno State.


The specific objectives of the research are as follows:

  • To assess the impact of the Boko Haram insurgency on political economy in Borno State Nigeria.
  • To assess the responses of the state government to the Boko Haram insurgency in Borno State.
  • To assess the impact of the responses of the government on political economy in Borno State.




A lot has been written on Boko Haram terrorism, efforts were made in this chapter to review some literature on terrorism. These reviews were conducted under the following sub-themes: Conceptualizing terrorism, conceptualizing insurgency, Characteristics of terrorism, Types of terrorism, Global dynamics of terrorism, Causes of terrorism, Review of literature on socioeconomic consequences of Boko Haram terrorism in our study area and gaps in the literature.


The word Terror originates from the Latin word, “terrere” which connotes frighten or tremble. If it is added to the French suffix isme, it means ―practicing the trembling or ― causing the frightening. Trembling and frightening are synonymous with fear, anxiety, and panic, and all these words could mean terror, (Chaliand and Blin, 2007).

Boko Haram as a group of Islamic fundamentalists is committed to carrying out holy war (jihad) and Islamizing northern states of Nigeria and probably conquering the entire country through Jihad. Unfortunately, many lives and properties have been lost to the sect attacks in Borno state (Dauda, 2014). Boko Haram insurgency has confronted Nigeria with massive assaults, which led to the loss of lives and the destruction of valuable properties across the length and width of the country, particularly in northern Nigeria. Hence an assessment of the impact and consequences the insurgency has had on the political economy of the people cannot be overemphasized.


The growing insecurity in the north has seriously affected the state’s economic condition such that many people including businessmen are fleeing to more peaceful environment in the southern parts of the country. Several studies conducted have highlighted the impact of insurgency on socioeconomic growth in the region. The literatures have some relationship to our current study and are reviewed here.

Akande (2012) asserted that since Boko Haram resumed its operations in 2010, foreign direct investment (FDI) into Nigeria has plummeted. Citing the World Investment Report (WIR) 2013, FDI flows into Nigeria dropped by 21.3 percent in just one year — from $8.9 billion in 2011 to $7 billion in 2012. He stated ― this substantial loss in FDI over a short period of time will have many consequences for the country. Firstly, FDI in Nigeria has a direct impact on trade, assuring progression of economic growth. Secondly, FDI inflow supplements the available domestic capital by stimulating the productivity of domestic investments. And lastly — but most worrisome — is the high co-dependency ratio between the inflow of FDI, the Nigerian oil sector, and the country’s GDP (Akande, 2012). In the same study, He made note of the rush to escape from the north is also affecting business establishments in that region as banks were reported to be closing down their outlets due to a decrease of economic activities in the area. The massive withdrawal of businesses from the northern region constitutes a reduction of economic affairs in the north as well as throwing those who are departing from the north into financial and psychological pressures.

Dauda (2014) stated that ―the impact of the horrific activities of Boko Haram insurgency on the social economic and political structure of Yobe State is over-whelming and devastating. Many businesses in the state have been affected by the activities of the insurgence. He stated that “Some shops have been taken over by the military personnel who have made it their base, forcing the business owners to either relocate or abandon it totally. Small businesses that use to strive in the night like Tea selling, restaurants, etc. are no longer operating as a result of the security situation.” He also observed that Besides loss of job occasioned by business closedown, insecurity in Adamawa, Borno, Yobe, Kano has cost the Nigerian economy N1.3trillion ($6 billion) as a result of attacks by the Boko Haram group (Dauda 2012).

Farrel, (2012) in his study of effects of insurgency on development remarked that;

“the nature and scale of the economic consequences (of Boko Haram insurgency) on productivity, the social consequences and the security implications of internal displacement, refugee outflow, homelessness, personal insecurity, proliferation of widows and orphans who lose loved ones to the crisis, the anguish of parents of Chibok girls and other kidnapped girls and women, and such other unspeakable horrors being daily visited on hapless and defenseless individuals is startling.”

He further noted that both for the internally displaced persons and the refugees in neighboring countries, some of the consequences include total loss of the means of livelihood, having to struggle for food or waiting for infrequent and often insufficient food hand-outs from the humanitarian services, living in unsanitary and unhygienic conditions and being exposed to epidemics, diseases (Farrel, 2012).





This chapter describes the methods that would be used in the study. It explains the research design, the study population, sampling method and procedures, data collection procedures and instruments, data analysis, reporting and ethical issues.


The research design was a survey design based on questionnaire. Survey, in research, is a method of collecting data in which people are asked to answer a number of questions. Survey research is often used to assess thoughts, opinions, and feelings (Shaughnessy et. al, 2011).


This research is a quantitative research and data collected will be analyzed using statistical tools. It is used in a wide variety of natural and social sciences, including physics, biology, psychology, sociology and geology (Aina, 2013).  According to Cohen (1980), quantitative research is defined as social research that employs empirical methods and statements. These attributes make it a suitable device for this research. Data collection was done by hand after the respondents had filled the relevant sections.


In this study, the population of interest are residents of Borno State without barrier on ethnicity, religion or political affiliation. However, the population of the researcher was gotten from each geopolitical zone of the state.




This section presents the socio-demographic information of the respondents presented in tables. The study found it crucial to discover the information since it was deemed that such information was an indicator of factors that may be of influence. The analysis relied on information of the respondents so as to categorize the different results according to their acquaintance and responses.




This chapter summarizes the whole research process and concludes with recommendations. A brief summary of the whole study is given. It also provides a summary of the main findings of the study, conclusions of the study, recommendations and suggestions for further research pertinent to the impact of the Boko Haram insurgency on political economy in Borno state, Nigeria. The study highlights the effects of Boko Haram insurgency on socioeconomic activities in Borno State, Nigeria. Findings here are show that several bodies such as Government, civil society organizations, Non-governmental organizations, security agencies and traditional leaders have played some role in addressing the socioeconomic challenges and the insurgency as well. However, it shows that government have larger role to play and should collaborate with other stakeholders locally and internationally, to curb the menace.


In this paper, the various definitions of are given ranging from insurgency to socioeconomic activities. The role of government and their counterparts in addressing the negative impact of the boko haram insurgency on political economy cannot be over exaggerated. They play a significant role in maintaining the daily activities involving their contributions to socioeconomic development. Education and businesses are most affected and if not properly handled will create problems of such as children not attending schools, businesses shutting down and insecurity worsening because. The study found that by being closer to the people, and by virtue of the respect people have for the traditional institutions, the task of settling disputes, palliatives, military coordination and psychosocial support has gone a long way in addressing some serious challenges facing the residents of the state while they conduct their socioeconomic activities.

The government both at the federal, and state levels has found it necessary to effectively use civil society/NGOs for promoting socioeconomic progress among the various communities. A lot of government programmes are carried out with massive support of NGOs, traditional rulers and security agencies in communities across the state through their enlightenment, mobilization drive. It is worthy of note that majority of the individuals who lead the approaches to address the socioeconomic development in Borno state are well educated and experienced in administration as they are from professional organizations. The experiences they acquire during their active years in services have placed them at a very good advantage as traditional rulers. However, there are certain challenges being faced by the traditional rulers some of which have been highlighted in chapter four and the recommendations are presented here in this chapter. Their roles should not be tampered with as they engage with communities to advocate for peace and other acts of good since they are respected by the residents.

The study gives relevant insights to researchers, private organizations, civil society organizations, security agencies and other stakeholders. The study showed other indicators which were not intended in the initiation of the study especially with respect to contributions of civil society organizations and lack of government agencies. More so, it also showed that there are significant benefits from frameworks that seek to foster socioeconomic development, human capital development and infrastructure.

A definite finding from the study is that good governance needs to be entrenched to enhance roles of traditional rulers, provision of employment opportunities, empowering the youths through skill acquisition and provision of necessary infrastructure as the means of improving the socioeconomic activities and reducing the negative effects of the insurgency in the state. This is consistent with Ukiwo and Chukwuma (2012) both argued that governance deficiency and general insecurity in the region are inter-linked and mutually reinforcing.


This research elicited and examined a number of points of views about the Impact of of Boko Haram insurgency on political economy in Borno state, Nigeria. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were outlined.

  1. The study recommends that government should involve traditional leaders in activities that include policy monitoring and ideation, security briefing and strategy, donations and rehabilitation to see that the problem of insecurity is addressed and to foster socioeconomic growth as they have more knowledge about the localities.
  2. The study recommends that the infrastructural shortage relevant to security must be addressed as a matter of urgency. Above all, every poverty related indicator should be taken care of by the authority to promote human security, freedom and dignity of residents in the state to foster a sustainable socioeconomic development and activities going further.
  3. The study recommends that the government should implement policy on all conflicts in the state without fear or favor by involving all relevant stakeholders in decision making and implementation.
  4. The study recommends tolerance by all as it will go a long way in sustaining peace and building a healthy relationship among citizens.
  5. The study recommends that Defensive counter terrorism approach should be more applicable in the region, for example building of super camps, not taking the fight to the terrorists’ groups (Boko haram) but waiting for them to attack first so that the attack will be wade off.


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