Agriculture Project Topics

The Oxidative Stress Status of Rats Fed Oil Bean Seed Meal

The Oxidative Stress Status of Rats Fed Oil Bean Seed Meal

The Oxidative Stress Status of Rats Fed Oil Bean Seed Meal



  • To determine the concentration of Malondialdehyde (MDA, which indicates the peroxidation status)and
  • The activity of Catalase (a marker of antioxidant status) in the serum of rats fed graded doses of African oil bean seedmeal



The oil bean seeds are obtained from the African oil bean tree (Pentaclethra macrophylla Bentham) a large perennial leguminous plant that grows to a height of 25m. The leaves are small and reddish when Young and but gradually turn to dark green (Enujiugha and Agbade, 2005).

The trees are planted along the sides of roads as shade trees and around communities as cash crops. The fruit is black, hard and woody pod measuring about 35-36cm long and 5-10cm broad. When mature it splits open explosively to release about eight diameters and weighing about 15-20grams (Keay et al., 1964; Odunfan, 1986).

The compound leaves are usually about 20-45cm long and covered with rusty hairs giving a scurfy effect particularly along the upper surface but this eventually falls off. There are 10-12 pairs of stout pinnae, the middle pairs are 7-13cm long and also have rusty hairs along the central grove. There are usually 12 – 15 pairs of opposite stalk less pinnules (leaflets) each 12 – 15cm long and 5 – 10mm broad, with the middle pairs longest. Leaflets often have a rounded tip but are sometimes notched, the base is unequal.

Flowers are creamy yellow or pinkish-white and sweat smelling, flowering commences at variable periods within West Africa. The main flowering season is between March to April with smaller flushes in June and November. Fruits are available at most periods of the year because the large woody pods are persistent. The pods are 40-50cm long and 5-10 wide. Fruits splits open explosively with the valves curling up. This is the form in which they appear on most trees, usually pods contain between 6-10 flat glossy brown seeds and are up to 7cm long. This is the edible product and sources of the oil, hence the name ―the oil bean tree‖ (Aubre Ville, 1959).

The fermented seed is called UGBA by the Igbo’s in the eastern part of Nigeria while the Efiks in the southern Nigeria call it UKANA. It is consumed by an estimate of about 15 million people in the eastern part of Nigeria majority of who are Igbo’s (Odunfa and Oyeyola, 1985)





Sample bottles, Syringes and needles Micropipette

Bench top centrifuge (800B)

New cline refrigerator (Model; DCR-IWI285-34 serial number 06/02781)


The oil bean seeds were collected from Ogbe in Ahiazu Mbaise L.G.A of Imo  State and were identified by Mr A. Ozioko of Bio-resources Development and conservation programme, (BDCP), Aku Road, Nsukka, Enugu



The figures below are the results obtained.

Figure I show the types and concentration of the fatty acids present in oil bean seed oil after extracted. It shows that it has more of unsaturated fatty acids.

Figure II shows the plasma level of malondialdehyde. An increased level of malondialdehyde can serve as a good indicator of disturbance in oxidative – antioxidant balance, hence increased oxidative stress activity.

Figure III shows the plasma level of catalase in the serum of Wister albino rats fed with oil bean seed. It shows that catalase is significantly reduced in two groups but increase significantly in a group.



Oxidative stress has been associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) or a significant decrease in the effectiveness of antioxidant defences (Schafer and Buettner, 2001). It has been reported to play a major role in the complications of several diseases and aging process. Lipid peroxidation is an indicator of oxidative stress and a cause of cellular injury in animals and tissues (Faix et al., 2005).

The poly- unsaturated fatty acids of cell membranes are the principal target of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Attack results in the formation of lipid peroxide which undergo decomposition to sub- product such as malondialdehyde.

Lipid peroxidation can be measured with the reaction of malondialdehyde and thiobarbituric acid, despite it is not specific, yet it represents a small percentage of all lipid peroxidation decomposition products and hence it is far from being a reliable marker of oxidative stress (Meagher and FitzGerald, 2000).

Exposure of MDA leads to accumulation of intra cellular reactive oxygen species and dysfunction of the mitochondria (De Grot et al., 1998).


It could be worthy of note to say since pentraclethra macrophylla has high fat content with some antioxidants such as flavonoids, despite it increasing the level of lipid peroxidation which brings about the formation of MDA, an oxidative stress marker. Awareness should be created to encourage its consumption, because these antioxidants help reduce oxidative stress.

An alternative technology method should be employed to enhance the mass production of Pentraclethra macrophylla oil for cooking and other uses such as pharmacological uses in the production of drugs as supplement, and in the manufacturing of hair cream for those that want early grey hair.


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