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The Influence of Family Structure on the Academic Performance of Students in Tertiary Institutions: a Case Study of College of Education, Ekiadolor in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State

The Influence of Family Structure on the Academic Performance of Students in Tertiary Institutions

The Influence of Family Structure on the Academic Performance of Students in Tertiary Institutions: a Case Study of College of Education, Ekiadolor in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State

Chapter One


The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the influence of family structure in tertiary institution, a case study of College of Education, Ekiadolor in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State. The purpose was also to compare the difference in the family structure and the academic performance level of tertiary institution.

Finally the purpose was to determine whether there is a significant difference between family structure and academic performance of students in tertiary institutions.



This chapter deals with the review of literature relating to the influence of family structure on the academic performance of students in tertiary institutions. In Nigeria little work has been done as regard the area of family factors that influence the learning efficiency or academic performance of students in tertiary levels of education.


The term family is used in our daily parlance with various meaning. Family is  one of the social institution that influence the education of the child. According to (Agholor (2005), the family is a unit bound by emotions involving people with common origin and interest.  The family members are linked by blood or adoption. In this chapter therefore, emphasis will be on the family structure, types, as well as role played by the family in education of the learner. Thereafter we will look at how family size can influence the academic performance of students and how other factors can also influence the academic performance of students in tertiary levels of education.

Family can be a bio-social group that is, the family comprises of the biological aspect and social group the family as a primary group of the society is concerned with face to face relationship, family is the primeval of all groups that make up the society it constitutes the actual driving force for continuous existence of group and the basis for group formation and action.


The various type of family structure includes the following;

Nuclear family: The nuclear family is the traditional type of family structure. This family type consists of mother, father and children. The nuclear family was long held in esteem by society as being the ideal in which to raise children. Children in nuclear family receive strength and stability from the two parents structure and generally have more opportunities due to the financial case of two adults.

Single parent family: The single parent family consists of one parent raising one or more children on his own. Often, a single parent family is a other with her children, although there are single fathers as well. The single parent family is the biggest change society has seen in terms of the changes in family structure. One in four children is born to a single mother. Single parent families are generally close and find ways to work together to solve problems, such as dividing up household chores. When only one parent is at home, it may be a struggle to find child care, as there is only one parent working. This limits income and opportunities in many cases, although many single parents’ families have help from relatives and friends.

Extended Family: The extended family structure consists of two or more adults who are related, either by blood or marriage, living in the same home. This family includes many relative living together and working towards common goals, such as raising the children and keeping up with the household duties. Many extended families include, cousins, aunts or uncles and grandparents living together. This type of family structure may form due to financial difficulties or because older relatives are unable to care for themselves alone. Extended families are becoming increasingly common all over the world.

Childless family: While most people think of family as including children there are couples who either cannot or choose not to have children. The childless family is sometimes the “forgotten family” at it does not meet the traditional standards set by society. Childless families consist of a husband and wife living and working together. Many childless families take on the responsibility of pet ownership or have extensive contact with their nieces and nephews as a substitute for having their own children.




This chapter deals with the method used in carrying out the study and analyzes the research data. The population sampling procedure and the instrument used. The research will be carried out in College of Education Ekiadolor in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State Benin. The research study will be designed to survey the influence of family structure on the academic performance of students in tertiary institutions, a case study of College of Education Ekiadolor.


The population will be made up of various department and schools in the college.


A total number of hundred (100) students will be randomly selected for this study. The students to fill the questionnaire will range from 18-21, 22-29, and 30 about.


The major instrument to be used for the study is questionnaire. The questionnaire is for the students that are influence with the family structure. The questionnaire was design or it focuses on the influence of family structure on students in tertiary institution Ekiadolor. The questionnaire consist of section A and B, section A deals with general questions such as name, sex, age, marital status, while section B deals with whether they (the students) are facing any problem based on their family structure, the questionnaire have variety alternatives responses ranging from, Yes or N.   



This chapter entails the analysis of data collected from respondents/students in College of Education Ekiadolor Benin. The researcher distributed one hundred (100) questionnaires to elicit their opinion on the influence of family structure on the academic performance of students in tertiary institutions.

Question 1: Does family structure influence the academic performances of a child?




This research work was designed to find out the influence of family structure on the academic performance of a child in tertiary institution. From the findings it was observed that family structure influence the academic performance of students in College of Education, Ekiadolor.

It was discovered that family structure affects the academic performance of students in tertiary institution. The research work went further to tell about the family structure, different types of family structure, the level of parents education and the income level of the family, it went further to talk about the method used, the research design the instrument and also the methods used in collecting data.

Total number of one hundred students was used in College of Education, Ekiadolor, relevant data was collected through the use of questionnaire, they were analyzed by using frequency distribution and percentage as statistical tools. The summary, recommendations and conclusion were drawn based on the data from the previous chapters.


In conclusion family is a very paramount place where every one belongs to, and its goes a long way in determining the students academic performance, therefore parents of the family should ensure the safety of their of their children education.


The following recommendations were made by the research based on the findings of the study.

  1. Parents should try to avoid home breakage in order for their children to be composed in educational aspect.
  2. Parents should endeavour to create extra time with their children in order to enhance family happiness.
  3. Parents should try and work harder in order to properly train their children to any level of education.
  4. Parents should try to educate so that the children will be mutilated to go to school.


  • Agholor B.U Omoriade O. (2005) Family Living Principles and Issues, Printed and Published  by Jacisim Printing Enterprises Benin, Edo State.
  • Banks (2005) Family Income and Family Structure Impact USA Uwin.
  • Beller and Cheing (1992) class Differences in Life Chances, London, George Aller and Uwin Limited.
  • Camara (1980) and Krantz (1988) School of Achievement During Children Earlier School, USA Paul Kergan and Uwin Limited.
  • Chaudkin and Williams (1993), Social Class and Verbal Intelligence Test, New Society Ibadan.
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