Marketing Project Topics

The Influence of Broadcast Media on the Sale of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods in Benin City

The Influence of Broadcast Media on the Sale of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods in Benin City

The Influence of Broadcast Media on the Sale of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods in Benin City

Chapter One

Objectives of Study

The following will be the aims and objectives of undertaking this study: The main objective of this study is to examine the influence of broadcast media (TV) on the sales of fast-moving consumer products in Lagos.

  1. To determine the perception of consumers towards the broadcast media (TV).
  2. To determine the extent to which consumers patronize products advertised on broadcast media (TV).
  3. To determine the relationship between broadcast media TV) and sales of consumer goods in Lagos.



To  broadcast  is  to  disseminate  information  through  mechanical  means,  simultaneously  to  a  wide, diverse  and  heterogeneous  audience  made  up  individual  within  and  outside  a  society.  Broadcasting  is indispensable  in  any  society,  permeating  and  fulfilling  all  individual,  social,  political  and  hedonic  needs  of people  pivoted  by  the  transfer  of  meaning –communication.  The  societal  importance  of  broadcasting  is underscored by Folarin (2000) when he defines the endeavour as: “the  planned  provision  of  information,  education  and  entertainment  to  large  and  heterogeneous audiences through the medium of radio or television”. Broadcasting  which  involves  radio  and  television  broadcasting,  as  noted  by  Folarin  (2000),  expresses  the assumption of “scattered dissemination to anonymous, undefined destinations made up of listeners and viewers”

(Udeajah 2005) According  to  Kotler  (2003),  advertising  is  any  paid  form  of  non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor. Chelmsford  (2003)  defined    advertising  as  any  written,  electronic  or  printed telephone  messages  or  transmitted  medium,  including  film  strips,  motion pictures  and   ideas,  published,  disseminated,  or  placed  before  the  public, directly  or  indirectly,  for  the  purpose  of  creating    an  interest  or  inducing  a person to sell a life insurance pursuant to a settlement  contract. Watson (1990), defined advertising as paid, non-personal communication  through  various  mass  media  by  business  firms,  non  profit organization  and  individuals  who  are  in  some  way  identified  in  the  message, and  who  are  to  inform  or  persuade  members  of  a  particular  audience.  Gillian (1997)  also  defined  advertising  in  its  simplest  way,  as  a  means  of  drawing attention  to  something  or  non-formal   method  of  informing  somebody  of something.  Arens (1996) viewed advertising as a non-personal communication of  information  usually  paid  for  and  identified  with  sponsor  through  various media. Dyer (1998) stated that advertising is the structured and composed non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature  about  products  (goods,  services  and  ideas)  by  identified  sponsor through   various   media.   The   advertising   practitioners   council   of   Nigeria (APCON)  (1998)  defined  advertising  as  a  form  of  communication  through mass media about product, services or idea paid for by an identified sponsor. Furthermore, Stanton (1983), defined  advertising as consisting of all the activities  involved  in  presenting  to  a  group    a  non-personal,  oral  or  visual, openly  sponsored  message  regarding  a  product,  service  or  idea.  This message called advertising is disseminated through one or more media. Some important consideration should be noted in connection with this definition. First there is a significant  difference     between     advertising     and     advertisement. The advertisement is the  message  itself,  while  advertising  is  a  process. It  is  a programme or a series of activities necessary to prepare the message and get it to the intended consumers.

Suala  (1998)  enumerated  certain  specific  objectives  of  advertising which  include  to  increase    the  number  of  units  of  products,  to  counteract competition  from  competitors,  to  increase  the  number  of  product  uses,  to remind customers about products, to maintain brand loyalty, to build a positive  business    image,  to  obtain  dealer  support  and  secure  leads  for  assistance  to salespeople. Okwandu and Ekerete (2001) also stated objectives of advertising as  follows;  increasing  demand  to  the  point  where  economics  of  scale  are achieved,  to  build  “brand”  in  competitive  mature  market,  to  create  product awareness in the minds of the consumers and to increase profitability  in a less tangible  way  by  creating  good  will  for  the  firm  as  a  whole  and  by  raising  the moral of workers.




Research design

The research design used in this study is survey research method. This survey research method is the descriptive method in educational research. The researcher used this descriptive research design to obtain the actual information on the effect of poor teacher-students relationship on academic achievement of biology students.

Population of the study

The target population of the study are the population of Oredo local government area of Edo State, which was used for the investigation. The population of the study used are one hundred and twenty-five which was randomly selected from the local government area under study.



This chapter deals with the analysis of the data collected. The statistical technique employed for this study is the frequency count and simple percentage.



This   chapter   presents   the   summary of   the   study  conclusion   and recommendations.


According   to   Kotler   (2006),   Broadcast Media   seeks   to   build   a   brand preference or to educate people.  However, consumers in Benin City show less interest on brand preference.  Some  consumers  prefer  to  buy  by  the  road side  or  in  the  open  market  where  they  can  bargain.  Most  consumers  prefer  to buy  used  materials  to  buying  branded  materials  in  a  shop.

Shopping  goods  are  those  goods  consumers  purchase  after  comparing quality, price, style, colour and size (Kotler, 2003). On the contrary, consumers in Benin City prefer  to  consider  cost,  transportation  and  nearness  to  the market whenever they want to buy their products. Osuala (2001) explained that sellers  advertise  numerous  general  products,  to  increase  sales  of  the  products category. But consumers in Benin City consider advertised products that are sold  in  the  shops  to  be  very  expensive  thereby  preferring to  buy  in  the  open market.

Advertising  based  on  sizes,  colour,  shapes,  qualities  of  televisions  may influence  consumers  to  buy,  however  consumers   who  do  not   watch  TV advertisement   frequently   will   not   be   so   influenced.   Furthermore,   many consumers  think  it  is  a  waste  of  time,  those  who  do  not  have  access  to  television may not be influenced by such advertisement


Based on the findings made, the following conclusions were drawn:

  • Frequent advertising of different types of goods  influences sale within the market system.
  • Advertising of different colors,  sizes  and  styles  of  goods also influences sale.
  • The use of various media to advertise jewelry influences sale
  • Display of different sizes,  designs  of  television  attracts consumers  to buy and as a result influences sale.


Based  on  the  findings  of  the  study  and  the  conclusion drawn,  the following recommendation were made.

  1. Proprietors  of  shopping  goods  should  always  carry  out  proper  timing when advertising men’s wears so that they can get full attention of the intended consumers.
  2. Attractive  images  should  be  use by  proprietors  of  shopping  goods always to convince consumers to buy women’s wears
  3. Different  designs,  colors,  sizes  and  types  of  jewelry  should    be advertise by   proprietors   of   shopping   goods in   order   to   attract consumer’s attention
  4. Proprietors of shopping good should display different sizes and brands of televisions strategically so that they can look attractive, different and unique.
  5. Government  at  all  levels  should  establish  laws  and  polices  that  will sanction  any  proprietors  of  shopping  goods  who  use  false  hood  in advertising shopping goods


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