Business Administration Project Topics

The Importance of Organizational Structure in Effective Management; A Case Study of General Cotton Mill Onitsha Anambra State

The Importance of Organizational Structure in Effective Management; A Case Study of General Cotton Mill Onitsha Anambra State

The Importance of Organizational Structure in Effective Management; A Case Study of General Cotton Mill Onitsha Anambra State

Chapter One


This study is to examine the relationship between some elements of organizational structure and managerial effectiveness in Nigerian business organizations. Therefore it will seek to:

  1. Identify factors in the organizational structure that could affect managerial effectiveness.
  2. To determine whether there is a problem in the structural design of any department within the organization.
  3. To find out if the level of education of subordinates influences the way a manager structures his department.
  4. To identify the links between the above variable and the manager’s degree of effectiveness in meeting the objectives he is expected to achieve.
  5. Determine whether those variables have the same or different effects on managerial effectiveness in the different departments.



In reviewing the literature of varied topics as this, the importance of organizational structure in effective management, the researcher will tackle it from the following angle;

The definition of organizational structure,

The traditional early perspective, environment and structure, division of labour, departmentation and type of structure, authority and delegation.


An organizational structure defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision are directed towards the achievement of organizational aims. It can also be considered as the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their organization and its environment. Lim, M.G Griffiths and S. Sambrook (2010).

An organization can be structure in many different ways, depending on their objectives. The structure of an organization will determine the modes in which it operates and performs. Organizational structure allows the expressed allocation of responsibilities for different functions and process to different entities such as the branch, department, work group and individual.


Structure in an organization could be described as a sanctioned network of interactions and relationship between positions, their functions and occupants and a means through which the management attempts to achieve organizational objective (Udoye, 2011).

A sound organizational structure permits workers to act in the overall interest of the organization thereby enhancing performance.

Wrong structure on the contrary produces hitches, aggravate irrelevant dispute and seem to focus on the wrong issues. However, a good organizations structure will prevent duplication of function, splitting of functions, neglect of duties, vagueness of responsibilities, illogical assignment and over-burdening assignment (Ajumobi, 2013). In undertaking the review of relevant literature, it will be beneficial to divide the section into early traditional literature relating to organizational structure and those of contemporary literature review, the major element of structure and the type of structure obtainable in today’s world and their representation in organizational chart.


Discovering that organizations differ with respect to internal structure is one thing that determines which of these possible arrangements is most effective than the other. It is on the later task that the field of organizational design focused. And in an attempt to accomplish this crucial task, management theories and perspectives were born (Ugochukwu, 2007).





This refers to the plan, structure and strategy the researcher intends to use in order to obtain reliable information and answer to the research question. The design of this research work is survey method and it involves the use of questionnaire, administered to the respondents to solicit their views on “the importance of organizational structure in effective management”.


This study was carried out in General Cotton Mill, Onitsha in Anambra state.


The population of this study consists of the staffs of General Cotton Mill, Onitsha. The total number of the population is sixty (60).



At the previous chapter, it was indicated that different methods were used in collecting data – such methods as; personal interviews, direct observation and questionnaire. It is now relevant to examine the research questions using the data collected from the questionnaire. Out of the fifty-two (52) questionnaires that were distributed to respondents, only forty (40) copies were filled and returned therefore the analysis will be based on the forty (40).




The relationships that exist between different dimensions of organizational structure that can affect managerial efficiency are the way communication flows, the way work is carried out harmoniously and simultaneously in the system, the level of authority vested in each position and the degree of responsibility such positions demand. Since the work processes of the entire organization though broken down to units and departments are harmonious, the degree of difference existing between the structural designs of the department within the organization was found to be low. And managers pay attention to the level of education of their subordinates when structuring the department. Finally, same level of education of subordinates have different effects on managerial effectiveness of other organizations.


From the findings of this research work, the research therefore came to a main conclusion that the manner in which an organization is structured is evident in the effectiveness if the management of such organization. Specifically, the following conclusions were deducted.

  1. That communications, workflows, authority and responsibility are all valid relationships that exist between different dimensions of organizational structure that can affect managerial efficiency.
  2. That there is only a low degree of difference existing between the structural designs of the department within the organization.
  3. That level of education of the subordinates affect or influence the way a manager structure his department.
  4. And that the same level of education of subordinates have different effects on managerial effectiveness of other organizations.


Reflecting on the findings of the research work, the researcher hereby makes the following recommendations thus:

  1. That organizations generally and General Cotton Mill Onitsha must review there organizational structure with the intention of adopting or creating one that will be completely free from communication hitches and hiccups so that cohesiveness will rule in such organizations and better understanding of tasks, expectations etc. can be uphold at all times. This structure will clearly eliminates duplication of tasks and enhance easy flow of work in the entire system, thereby optimally utilizing the theory of division of labour and specialization. Still clearly defining who is who, who does what and who reports to who.
  2. That organizations must ensure that the difference in work process of every department is not too different from others so that every employee will be familiar with the duties of other departments, how to harmonious work with them and what to expect from them.
  3. That managers must consider the educational exposure of them subordinates before structuring their departments so that the jobs are designed in a way that each subordinate can comfortably handle. Although not all organizations demand this level of care and specifications.


The researcher encountered problems in carrying out this research work. The problems include:

  • Time factor: There was not enough time to gather all the necessary information relating to the study because the researcher has to combine the research work with other curricula activities.
  • Financial constraint: The low financial capacity of the researcher also restricted the area of the study. As a result of this, it became necessary to limit the extent of the research to available resources.
  • Attitudes of respondents: Some respondents complained of time and did not detail their response and others were not available during the researcher’s visit. And others were indifferent about the topic and could not give constructive opinion.


Further research should be carried out on this topic; “the importance of organizational structure in effective management” in public sector or academic institution to further ascertain a comparative view of the topic and brings more points to fore.


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