Transportation Project Topics

The Impact of Traffic Congestion Impacts in Oshodi/Apapa Expressway

The Impact of Traffic Congestion Impacts in OshodiApapa Expressway

The Impact of Traffic Congestion Impacts in Oshodi/Apapa Expressway

Chapter One

Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this study is to critically analyze the conflicts that occur within an intersection from the conflict point of view and try to explain what happens and why at the three intersections at Apapa. In the same vein, the study will focus on the safety of those intersections, the levels of control and the capacity of those intersections to control traffic. The aim of this study is to critically evaluate accessibility to Lagos port. The objectives are to:

  •        determine the traffic characteristics;
  •        traffic congestion; and
  •        determine the points of conflicts in Apapa carry out traffic counts and determine its flow along these intersections.
  •        propose alternative modal choice at relieving the traffic madness in and out of Apapa.



Traffic Congestion

Traffic Congestion, one of the acclaimed indicators of a city socio-economic vibrancy, has continually challenged the efforts of city and transport planners alike on our highways, in terms of longer travel time and delays over time and space. It has equally created and artificial barrier to a cost effective flow of goods and persons along our highways.

European Conference of Ministers of  Transport ECMT, (2007) definition of traffic congestion “Congestion is the impedance vehicles impose on each other, due to the speed-flow relationship, in conditions where the use of a transport system approaches capacity. Congestion is essentially a relative phenomenon that is linked to the difference between the roadway system performance that users expect and how the system actually performs. Congestion is a situation in which demand for road space exceeds supply. (Popoola, 2013)Congestion takes on many faces, occurs in many different contexts and is caused by many different processes. Because of this, there is no single best approach to managing congestion – and the report is therefore not prescriptive about specific congestion management measures. However, there are many things congestion management policies should take into account if they are to achieve the goals they set themselves. Based on Abiola, (2013) research on causes of traffic congestion on highway in Nigeria, he highlighted the problems of intra-urban traffic in Lagos. The study found that 57% of commuters and motorists spend between 30 to 60 minutes on the road due to traffic congestion. He also found that the worst traffic congestion occurred on Mondays.

He further stated the causes of traffic congestion in Lagos to include the following:

Presence of pot holes/bad road, trading activities, illegal parking, loading and discharging of passengers, illegal bus stops, flooding/poor drainage, vehicle breakdown, narrow road sections, religious activities, high volume of traffic, lack of parking space and lack of traffic light at some road intersections, lack of proper traffic impact study of development.

According to Knoflacher (2006), cities in the third world countries face traffic congestion which is mainly caused by the following factors:




Study Area

Prior to the emergence of military rule in the early 1980’s Apapa was a well planned, clean and quiet residential and commercial town with shopping malls, pharmacies and government reservation area. Apapa is a Local Government Area in Lagos State.  Apapa Local Government Council Area is located in the west of lagos sharing boundaries with Ifako-Ijaiye, Agege, and Alimosho Local Government Council Areas in the western perimeter; Kosofe, and Mushin Local Government Council Areas in the eastern side, While Oshodi-Isolo Local Government Council Area form the boundary in the southern part and Ogun State in the north.

Apapa being in the western part of Lagos, is exhausted with a lot of movement of vehicles from the numerous ports available in the region. This study is focused on the congestions in Oshodi Apapa express way and the intersections around it.

Source of Data

This section discusses the method used in collection of various data for the research. Two types of data will be used for the study. These are primary and secondary data.

Primary Source of Data

To obtain primary data, these data will be collected from the study area. Questionnaire administration is the tool used for utilized in the collection of these data. The questions will be simply worked to avoid complex meaning and to encourage independent in making the response. 157 questionnaires will be administered. A 2days traffic count survey will be done on the study area.

 Secondary Source of Data

Secondary sources were also made use of; secondary data obtained include traffic count data of the study area which were gotten from Lagos State Ministry of Transport Alausa, related literature culled from published journals and articles as well as existing project in the subject matters.



  Presentation of Data

Data obtained in this study was based on the response of the respondents, which were collected through research instrument. A total number of 157 questionnaires were administered but 140 were retrieved for this analysis.




Findings from the research work revealed that most vehicles that ply the study area are cars; also most of the vehicles are used for personal service. Findings also revealed that impatience is the major cause of traffic congestion, while major effect of traffic congestion in the study area is delay time. Furthermore, form respondents response and traffic survey on the road, it is agreed that Monday is the day of the week in which congestion is most prominent; also agreed that 8am-10am and 4pm-6pm are the time of the day which congestion is most prominent. However larger percentage agrees that the most time spent in traffic congestion is within 30 mins – 1hr.

According to observation and majority of respondent response which agreed that Lane Mark is not the best traffic control measures of demarcating the road. However according to Highway Capacity Manual (2000) that the Passenger Car Unit/hr of primary highway must be 3200. Though according to traffic count survey, it can be deduced that the PCU/hr that ply the road doesn’t exceed the requirement of HCM (2000). But there is still traffic delay, as a result of findings from respondent. It can be deduced according to respondent response that Impatience and lack of Effectiveness of Traffic Control Measures causes the delay in traffic.


Findings from the research revealed that law enforcement agents are available at the study area, but there is still congestion. This implies that the law enforcement agents are not effective as revealed by the research according to the respondent’s response. However, the recommendation discussed should be strictly adhere to, in order to aid perfect traffic movement system in the study area.


The implication of traffic congestion brings about delay time, lateness to work, economic loss, accident, pollution etc. Brierley (1962), said traffic congestion is like a disease which if not treated will bring death to the heart of the city.

The following recommendation should be strictly adhere to, in order to enhance smooth traffic movement at oshodi-apapa, expressway and its intersections. They are;

  • Moving some ports in apapa to other parts of the country, this will reduce the movement of containers in that express way, in turn reducing congestion.
  • Traffic Education Commuters, Commercial Drivers and Private Car Owners should be properly educated on the traffic signage, traffic law and also they should be educated on the penalties of disobeying the traffic law and signage.
  • A road Driver should be used instead of Lane Mark to demarcate the to and fro of vehicle
  • Provision of other modes of transportation should be made such as railways, ferries as well as capable propelled transit. This would ease the use of road often. In lieu of this traffic congestion would be reduced.
  • Enforcement of Traffic Rules and Regulations
  • Traffic rules and regulations should be enforced be discipline law enforcement agent
  • Implement of Traffic Control Measure

Traffic control measure should be put in place in order to reduce traffic congestion.

Traffic control measures such as; use of traffic warden, traffic light, parking restrictions.


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