The Impact of Teaching and Learning Materials on the Academic Performance of Primary Five in Language Learning Pupils. A Case of Mprem D/ a Basic School in Ashanti Region
Purpose of the study
The purpose of the study is to examine the impact of teaching and learning materials on pupils’ performance in language learning in Mprem D/ A basic school in Ashanti Region, Middle belt, Ghana.
Objectives of the study
- To determine how availability of teaching and learning materials used in teaching and learning in Mprem D/ A basic school in Ashanti Region affect pupils’ performance in language learning.
- To establish how adequacy of physical facilities influence pupils’ performance in language learning in Ashanti Region.
- To establish how adequacy of human resource influence pupils’ performance in language learning in Mprem D/ A basic school in Ashanti Region.
- To assess extent of resource utilization and its effect on pupils’ performance in language learning in Mprem D/ A basic school in Ashanti Region.
This chapter focuses on the study variables, hence deals with the concept of teaching and learning materials, their availability and adequacy in Mprem D/ A basic school and extent of utilization and the impact of utilization of TLM on pupils’ Language learning. The literature review gives an evaluation of the TLM in use in the current Mprem D/ A basic school and makes references to studies that have been done in the past in the study area.
Concept of teaching and learning materials
Adequacy of TLM refers to satisfactory or acceptable quality and quantities of material resources, physical facilities and human resources. According to DFID (2007), adequacy of learning and teaching materials such as textbooks which is the main instruction material is the most cost effective input affecting pupil performance. In this context adequate supply is usually assumed to be a minimum of one textbook per three pupils, and at primary level enough reading books so that every child has the opportunity to read at least one new book every week.
Adequacy of TLM determines an educational system’s efficiency, according to Padmanabhan (2001). For effective teaching and learning, textbook and resource materials are basic tools, their absence or inadequacy makes teachers handle subjects in an abstract manner, portraying it a dry and non exciting. It is also important to have appropriate personnel plan for adequate learning and teaching materials and physical facilities to support educational effort. Therefore, Scarcity of textbooks, libraries and physical facilities according to Coombs (1970), will constraint educational system from responding more fully to new demands. In order to raise the quality of education, its efficiency and productivity, better learning materials (TLM), physical facilities and human resources are needed. This research will look into the adequacy of TLM in Mprem D/ A basic school since the implementation of Mprem D/ A basic school in public education.
Teaching and learning materials and performance
TLM comprises basically three components: material resources, physical facilities and human resources (DFID, 2007) Studies done in the past with regard to availability of TLM in education reveal that TLM are not always available in schools. This inadequacy of TLM has been of serious concern to educators. According to Lyons (2012) learning is a complex activity that involves interplay of pupils’ motivation, physical facilities, teaching resources, and skills of teaching and curriculum demands. Availability of TLM therefore enhances the effectiveness of schools as they are the basic resources that bring about good academic performance in the pupils. The necessary resources that should be available for teaching and learning include material resources, human resource such as teachers and support staff and, physical facilities such as laboratories, libraries and classrooms.
TLM help improve access and educational outcomes since pupils are less likely to be absent from schools that provide interesting, meaningful and relevant experiences to them. These resources should be provided in quality and quantity in schools for effective teaching-learning process. Several studies have been conducted on the impact of learning and teaching materials on education. Momoh (2010) conducted a research on the effects of instructional resources on pupils’ performance in West Africa School Certificate Examinations (WASCE). The achievements of pupils in WASCE were related to the resources available for teaching. He concluded that material resources have a significant effect on pupil’s achievement since they facilitate the learning of abstract concepts and ideas and discourage rote-learning. When TLM are inadequate education is compromised and this inevitably is reflected in low academic achievement, high dropout rates, problem behaviors, poor teacher motivation and unmet educational goals. The study focuses on the impact of TLM on pupils’ Language learning since the introduction of Mprem D/ A basic school in Ashanti Region.
This chapter deals with the methodology used in carrying out the research. It highlights the research design, target population, sampling techniques and sample size, research instruments, reliability and validity of the research instrument, data collection procedures and data analysis techniques.
Research design
The study was carried out using a descriptive research survey design. Orodho (2005) notes that a descriptive research survey design is an appropriate way of evaluating educational programmes as educational activities operate in a social context. According to Krishnaswami (2001), this design is a fact finding study which involves collecting data directly from a population thereof at a particular time. This design is ideal for this study because the study was conducted in a setting that requires direct responses from the respondents while investigating existing phenomenon without manipulating the variables. The design also allows the participants to describe and provide their opinions regarding the variables being studied in detail.
This chapter contains the findings of the data analysis of the study together with their interpretations. All themes discussing the same research questions were presented and analyzed together. The chapter begins with the demographic information of the respondents and schools followed by analysis, presentations, interpretation and discussions of research findings based on the respondents’ and schools’ demographic characteristics, followed by research questions. Tables, bar graphs and pie charts are used to present the findings while frequencies, means and percentages are used to discuss the findings.
This research was carried out with the intention of finding out the awareness, effective usage and the role of instruction materials in English language instruction in junior primary schools, conducted in Prem D/ A basic school IN Ashanti Region, Ghana.
Learning and teaching materials are very essential for an effective teaching and learning process. They help the pupils to understand and retain what they have learnt in the subject, and have a good command of the language; the pupils become more involved in the class and helps in improving the teaching-learning experience. Besides, teaching becomes a lot easier for the teacher.
The criteria for using learning and teaching materials include using good learning and teaching materials which suits the topic, and the individuals’ difference of the pupils also put under considered.
The result of this study observed that most learning and teaching materials and resources are not available in the schools for the teaching of English Language. The most available learning and teaching materials are textbooks, chalkboards and cardboards etc. These were predominantly used in the classrooms.
Other learning and teaching materials such as charts, graphs, diagrams, cartoons, posters, pictures, maps/atlases, sentences strips, flash cards, bulletin boards, etc. which are locally available and inexpensive are not provided or are insufficient, teachers lament on the challenges they face in sourcing or making teaching aids which are easy to make. Even though the ones they manage to make for themselves do not always have the required effectiveness for the lesson goals and objectives. The provisions of these materials are completely neglected in the teaching process by the concerned authorities. Audio-visual materials like television, computers, overhead transparencies, video recorders are mostly not just there at all.
This is observed in the sampled schools irrespective of the fact that audio-visual materials are very useful in teaching listening and teaching oracy skills area of language teaching. Most times English teachers relied on only textbooks, mobile phone recorders etc. where available.
The research work is gained towards knowing the effects of learning and teaching materials in the teaching of English Language concepts in junior schools primary schools.
Using learning and teaching materials has made life in the teaching profession interesting having seen the role they play, although some researchers believed that the place of learning and teaching materials in the teaching and learning process should be restricted to a particular media of the related facts that aids easy remembering by learners should be employed.
This research work reveals that both audio visual technology media as stated in the research work has great importance to Language teaching in post primary and tertiary institutions of learning.
Educational goal attainment depends a lot on the quality of teaching, teaching methods, and teaching aids. The findings of this study revealed that there are lack of learning and teaching materials and resources necessary for the effective implementation of all areas of language teaching curriculum in Prem D/ A basic school IN Ashanti Region, Ghana. Most teachers do not use necessary learning and teaching materials to teach. The lack of necessary learning and teaching materials and resources reduces the pupils to mere passive participants in the learning process. Consequently, there is erosion of enthusiasm in the teaching/learning process by both teachers and pupils.
English in Nigeria is taught as a second Language in Nigeria, the need to employ all means for its effective teaching cannot be overemphasized for a better informed and educated generation, more-over English is the official language of instruction for other subjects which further underscores the importance of pupils effectively comprehending all areas of English language taught. In order to achieve the national educational goals and objectives contained in the National Policy on Education.
The following recommendations are made based on the above findings.
There is need for all stakeholders including the Federal, State and Local Governments and the Private sector to contribute financially and materially in the provision of learning and teaching materials and resources for the teaching of English in Mprem D/ A basic school.
- Teachers should co-ordinates their efforts in the sector of teaching with learning and teaching materials.
- Conference, seminars and workshops should be organized to exchange ideas and documents concerning learning and teaching materials.
- Teachers should be further encouraged to improvise and make teaching aids for themselves where possible is it’s not readily available.
- School Heads, Principals and officials of the Ministry of Education should ensure regular supervision to enhance effective use of the available learning and teaching materials and resources in the teaching of English in Mprem D/ A basic school.
- Teachers should mutually help each other to acquire all the materials necessary to carry out teaching with learning and teaching materials.
- Lean resources and financial constraints prevent us from equipping all schools with the most needed learning and teaching materials for the teaching and learning of English Language, it is thus necessary to produce specialized personal aids, there by improvise more for the use that will maximize the little teaching aids at our disposal.
- The federal ministry of education in conjunction with the state ministry of education should create a committee to be entrusted with centralizing and disbursement of research undertaken on learning and teaching materials media for teaching by various scholars/researchers.
- The Federal Government and states Government should as a matter of urgency employ the recommendations by various researchers in the field of mathematics to ensure sustained promotion and better understanding of mathematics pupils. The centre should also assess the most effective methods and teaching aids needed to be developed.
- 10. Finally M. Ishaku (2007) recommends that for effective learning to take place there must be learning and teaching materials, funds, adequately trained teachers, workshops and engaging higher institutions in relevant research and educators in curriculum development for the provision of guidelines for identification, facilitation, promotion of prospect in the areas of institutional technology in post primary schools.
- This researcher is of the view that any similar research work could be conducted in other parts of the state as well as in other institutions of higher learning in the country.
- there is need to use other instruments apart from the ones used in this research in the same atmosphere to determine the consistency of the conclusions arrived at this research.
- It is suggest that other pupils in other higher institutions should embark on project studies of importance of learning and teaching materials to their teaching profession.
- There should be a study on the performance of pupils when learning and teaching materials are used effectively in English language teaching.
- There should be a study on the effects of not using learning and teaching materials when teaching English Language in junior primary schools.
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