Public Administration Project Topics

The Impact of Staff Customer Relationship on Organizational Image (A Case Study of United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc)

The Impact of Staff Customer Relationship on Organizational Image (A Case Study of United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc)

The Impact of Staff Customer Relationship on Organizational Image (A Case Study of United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc)

Chapter One


The main purposes of the study are;

To find out or identify the major area of difference between the principle norms and ethics in the actual practice of the staff customer relationship in UBA.

To identify the problems experience during staff customer contracts and transactions.

To appraise the extent to which these problems have militated against improvement in staff customer relationship.

To review the physical handicaps militating against the effective actualization of the bank staff customer relationship

To evaluate the extent to which commercial bank have succeeded in dispensing their services to their customer

To ascertain the extent to which the bank staff customers relationship in uplifted in the state and UBA in particular.

To suggest avenues and methods of improvement of the identified problems and in so doing to further give an insight into this sector of our economy for its future use of professionally qualified and skillfully trained personal in furthering the banks staff customer relationship.



In this chapter the researcher will try to evaluate the practice of staff customer relationship in UBA LTD X ray the view research findings and experience of scholars professionals and other experts on the subject matter easy understanding these experts opinion and research insights have been treated within the under noted subheadings.


A review of the literature that there is a clear relationship between public relations and staff customers relationship in this organizaiton. The reason is simple in today’s inter dependent society all institutions are vested with public responsibilities.

They must accept accountability of all actions to others full acceptance by public enterprise profit and nonprofit alike of their obligations to those sections of the public whom they serve or affect but the trend in this direction is clear

As Cutlip and Carter (1971) rightly observed in their major work in this issue.  We know perfectly well in this issue.  We know perfectly well that business does not function by divine right but like any other part of our society exist with the sanctions of the community as a whole. The interest of the community is in turn expressed through government.  Today’s public opinion tough it may become to morrow’s legislation for better o for worse. Therefore a wise firm makes relations a function not simply of a staff department but of top management so that every major business decision in considered from the star point of its public impact.

Ralph Nader (1965) is another expert who seems to be agreeing with Cutlip and Carter in the successful advocacy of national automobile safety legislation.

In two excellent articles on public relations Decordh and Rober Bishop reviewed the effort of the well known American consumer advocate according tot hem Nader was able to illustrate the public opinion is very vital in an organization since its establishment is mainly to satisfy the public that utilizes their goods or services.

Perhaps on one has better describe public opinion than did Lord Bryce (1921) who defined the concept as a congress of all sorts of discrepant nation beliefs fancies prejudices. It is confused incoherent and amorphous rarely from day to day and wick to week.  But no the most of this diversity and confusion every question as it rises into importance in subjected to a process of consolidation and clarification until here emerge and take shape certain view or sets of inert connected view each or sets advocated in common by bodies of citizens.

It is to the power excited by any such view when held by an apparent majority of citizens that we refer when we talk of public opinion. This is why some organization like UBA LTD adopted an internal public relation department that performs the following functions organizing special events conducting research organizing healthy employer employee communication advertising management on issues and above all promoting sound community relations and ensuring smooth relations with all the relevant public that relate to the organization in one way or the other and so many others.

UBA LTD for the reason donates to charitable organization Hanes or handicapped and mother less babies humanitarian organizaiton like the Red Cross society as well as socio-cultural club and association and state development funds. They also Golf, Polo/ table lenis and basketball. They also support the development of Nigerian theater and encourage artistic talent example in the  “cock at down” TV series an lately sound of destiny etc.

The bank activity supports he development more new cultural heritage by boosting the nations tourist industry through its contribution to the Arfunu annual fishing and cultural festival.

These make the bank take considerable pride in its achievements concerning its social responsibility objectivity which it is represented and to contribute tot their welfare their overall socio-economic purpose and addition to the satisfaction of the bank staff which will uplift the staff customer relationship of the bank.

Therefore Burleigh and David (1955) said, “Every organizaiton is within itself a productive or service unit will production or service unit with social responsibilities.

Public relations is as   old as mankind and as new as today’s newspaper (Dr. Robert P. Caulier 1979).  Robert P. Couglier of the America bankers association and director of education of American institute of banker went on to define public relations as programmes and activities carried out among the many sections of the public by an understanding of the banks role in their lines Ikechukwu  E Nwosu  (1990) in his book “mass communication and mass development” stated that public relation refer to that management function that is aimed at making friends for an organization.

Although the planned practice of public relations is a relatively recent development in banking.  It has come to be recognized as in the bank operation an element without which individual banks and indeed the entire banking structure as we know it cannot endure.

The international public relations association defines the practice of public relations in   development in banking it has come to be recognized as in the bank operation and element without which individual banks and indeed the entire banks structure, as we know it cannot endure.

The international public relations associations define the practice of public relation in this way.




This part review the various research methods used by the research to gather relevant data on the project topic. The procedure includes a description of the research design area of study population of the study sample procedure etc.

The research made use of survey. This was base on the use of personal interview and administration of questionnaire


The area of study is UBA PLC Enugu metropolis. The research was focused on the impact of staff customer relationship in UBA PLC station road (main branch) Agbani Road branch and UNEC branch.


Since this research work cover Enugu branch population of this study made up 200.

This includes other staff customers were randomly selected.

Use the formula blow the sample one will be determined.

Used standard deviation



The hypothesis formula in this study were tested by means of chi-square

Question is there delay in the counter services and other services.

H0: (first null hypothesis testing)

Problems of poor counter service do not exist.

Hi: Problem of poor counter service and other services do exist




Having critically traced and investigated the operation of the staff- customer relationship in united bank for Africa limited Enugu the researcher has derived valuable deduction on the subject matter.

The Statement Of Facts Is Principally In The Area Of

  1. Lack of motivation is the cause of poor staff customer relationship which consequently deteriorate the organization image
  2. Dubious attitude of customers which warrant proper reference before cheques are paid and this cause delay in counter services.
  3. In customers questionnaires respondents confirmed that UBA LTD makes high charges for service rendered.


I have tried above to x-ray problems encountered by bank staff- customer of UBA LTD.

It must however be emphasized that the Nigeria banking system is undergoing a metamorphosis.  The colonial method in the banking system is gradually given way to modern perspective

Nigeria banking system (UBA) LTD is bound to under go changes as the nation marches towards developments.  As this happens the problems attached to such metamorphosis are equally bound to increase.  The degree with which UBA LTD will grow depends on the level of education experience and devotion to duty by their staff.


  1. Because human resource is a delicate factor of production and should be handless with utmost care if not given adequate training or motivated will lead to low morale of the staff poor quality of work output as he affected staff is not concerned with a customer staying for hours over the counter for any simple transaction.   If adequate number of bank branches serving the country is not checked poor counter service will in crease while staff customer relationship deteriorate


It is often said that once a problem is properly understood and identified its solution is half reached or solved as such the problem will now be easy to tackle.

The researcher wills now postulate some measure which if applied will greatly improve and eliminate the ugly bend of events on the practice to staff- customer relationship.

  1. The first target of attention is not the counter service of the UBA LTD their services being intangible the only way the utilities presented in these services could be valued is through the application of some professional touch. The management should leave no stone unturned to ensure that legitimate needs and aspirations of their staff are met to the best of the ability themselves contended that they can be relied up on the attain a high level of efficiency and behavior the Japanese concept of total involvement should be made part and parcel of the organization.
  2. Getting an efficient personnel manager/ public relation officer who ensures that the movement and position of staff behavior result in effective space management geared towards quickened service could minimize delay.
  3. Establishment of more branches network. The emphasis in this research work is on adequate and improved staff customer relationship and its impact on the organizational image. If only the customer does not have to go great pains out cry about poor counter service offered.
  4. The need for good counter persons becomes necessary when it is seen that they are the mirrors with which their banks are viewed by outsiders.

Geofrey Wilkin (1981) summarizes that for banks sound customers reaction are therefore made maintain by.

  1. Pleasant courteous manner (A smile means the same in any language)
  2. Efficient helpful services by all staff who should direct customer to the official concerned.
  3. Should a customer have a complaint the matter should be referred to a public relation officer responsible for such issues who should not only promptly attend to the matter but also advise the branch manager of the complaint and remedial action taken.
  4. Emphasis should be placed on the first come first serve the nepotism favoritism syndrome should be avoided and efficiency of service introduced.
  5. The management and supervising staff in the tank should be educated on the theory and practice of effective public relation and also ensure that all line staff personnel are knowledge on this subject with the fact that good bank public relations work towards building and sustaining a good favorable pubic image for the bank placing the interest of members of the public or customer always at the front.
  6. Introduction of computers and   mechanized equipment

The fact need not be over emphasized.  One the banks are able to computerize it not.  All or some of their departments and make extensive use of note counting machines this will go a long way in solving problem of poor counter service and reduces the long period of time customers wait before they are attended to.  It also eliminates fraud.


As Nigerian is still developing more research work will be made on how to improve cordial relationship between bank staff and their customer.


  • Notte W. Lawrence (1976) Fundamentals of Public Relations Professional
  • Guidelines Concepts and Interpretation Copyright per gammon Press Inc. Perspective on the Communication Environment of Development in Nigeria Aba Frontic
  • Olubi D.B.A.(1987) This is UBA Lagos Academy Press Ltd. Webster’s Third
  • New International Dictionary Copyright  ( c)  1996 by G and C Marian Company
  • Public Relation (1968pp.208-217) International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences New York the Mac mill an company.
  • Institute of Bankers London the Banks and the Public Papers Presented at the Seminar Iteld at Christ College Cambridge
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