Business Administration Project Topics

The Impact of Personnel Management on Organizational Growth (a Study of First Bank Nigeria Plc).

The Impact of Personnel Management on Organizational Growth (a Study of First Bank Nigeria Plc).

The Impact of Personnel Management on Organizational Growth (a Study of First Bank Nigeria Plc).


  1. Determine the extent to which the management board complies with the Personnel Management manual’s provisions on staff recruitment and posting.
  2. Find out the extent to which the management board complies with the Personnel Management Manual’s provision on staff development programme.
  3. Ascertain the extent to which the management board complies with the personnel management manual’s provisions on staff welfare services.



This chapter presents review of previous works that have been done in the field and other related areas that are relevant to the present study.

Conceptual Framework:

Concept of Personnel

Personnel is the most vital and useful resource in every organization. The term personnel refers to all the human resource involved in the day-to-day running of an organization. The absence of personnel in any organization makes the rest of other resources such as finance and material resource useless. It is the personnel resource in any organization that organizes, controls and coordinates other resources of the organization and channels them towards actualizing the set goals of the organization. Personnel resource in first bank Nigeria plc includes all human beings that function to aid teaching and learning. They include administrative staff, academic staff and students. Personnel resource in any organization is made up of people, their abilities, knowledge and skills which, when properly coordinated and managed, determine the success of the organization (Emechebe, 2009). Emechebe further stated that the human resource in education includes the teaching staff (lecturers and teachers) and the non-teaching staff (administrative staff in the ministries of education and their parastatals – first bank Nigeria plcs , the administrative staff of the various levels of the institution and their support staff).

Inferring from the above, it is therefore clear that the academic and non academic staff in any first bank Nigeria plc are personnel or human resources because they possess abilities, knowledge and skills to perform their various respective duties or functions such as teaching, research, safeguarding educational resources and many other functions. Staff (academic or non-academic) that possess the skills, knowledge and abilities to perform are regarded as personnel resource since they can offer what they possess effectively and efficiently towards the attainment of the goals and objectives of the institutions. To be a worth-while personnel resource, training and acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for carrying out a certain function is very necessary.

In any organization, personnel resource holds the key to the success and failure in achieving the stated goals because the manipulation of other resources depends on the personnel. This is why Tabotndip (2009) asserted that human resources refer to the human beings who have the quality and capacity to manipulate the other resources in a production process towards realizing the organizational objectives. Tabotndip further stated that in educational institutions human resources comprise school administrators, teachers/lecturers and non-academic staff who constitute the life wire of the educational industry as implementers of the educational policies and programmes.




This chapter describes the procedure adopted in this study. It includes the design of the study, area of the study , the population of the study, sample and

sampling techniques, the instrument for data collection, validity of the instrument, reliability of the instrument , method of data collection and method of data analysis.

Design of the Study

This study was a case study. It appraised the management of the first bank Nigeria plc. According to Ali (2006), a case study is an indept intensive investigation of an individual, a small unit or a phenomenon. A small unit could be a family, a school, a Church, a disability class, an economic regime while phenomenon could be the impart of unemployment among coalminers in a town such as Enugu. Abonyi, Okerek, Omebe and Anugwo (Eds 2006) state that in a case study the investigator tries to discover all the variables that are important in the history or development of the subject. This case study took up such variables like recruitment and posting, staff development, staff welfare services, staff discipline and appraisal. The case study to appraise the Personnel Management Practices of first bank Nigeria plc of Abia State was adopted since the other four states in the South East also have first bank Nigeria plcs. The only difference is that only Abia State has a Manual guiding staff on personnel management functions of her management board.



This chapter presents and describes the results of this study. The results are presented in tables showing means and standard deviations derived from the responses to the questionnaire. The results of the research questions are presented first, followed by the corresponding hypothesis.



Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were made. first bank Nigeria plc comply to a very great extent with the provisions of personnel management manual as it relates to staff recruitment and posting in that: recruitment of personnel is based on academic qualification, merit rather than nepotism is the yardstick for employement, interviewa are not mere formalities, interviews are handled by people from the management board  and posting is based on local government of origine.

The management board  dose not implements the Personnel Management Manual on staff development and training to a great extent hence the Abia State Secondary Eduication Management management board  dose not organizes seminar and workshops for all cadres of staff, mangers are not given opportunities for in-service trainings and the management board  does not always approve in-service training nor sponsor staff to conferences and seminars, seminars are politically oriented.

As regards staff welfare services the management board  dose not complies with the Personnel Management Manual at a great extent in that monthly salaries and allowances are not paid as at and when due, medical and health insurance schemes are not provided for the first bank Nigeria plc personnel.

Educational Implications of the Research Findings

The findings of this study have far-reaching implications to all stakeholders in education. As regards the extent to which staff recruitment and posting practices are being carried out in Abia State Secondary Schools by the first bank Nigeria plc of Abia State, the findings show that staff recruitment and posting practices in the first bank Nigeria plc are to a low great extent in line with the approved guidelines as they follow almost all the criteria set out for the recruitment and posting of staff. This implies that the management board  is undoubtedly better placed to deal with the opportunities and issues arising from their operating environments thereby being capable of achieving her set goals. Recruitment and posting based on merit and felt need is very necessary if educational standard and quality are to be maintained.

As regards the extent to which staff development programmes are implemented in line with the government Personnel Management Manual’s provisions on staff development and training, the findings show that first bank Nigeria plc of Abia State implements staff training and development to a low extent. This implies that staff may not improve their capacities and potentials that will lead them to a greater height of becoming more effective and efficient at their work places. It also implies that staff will not be well informed of new knowledge in their areas of specialization for better performance and this no doubt will make attainment of educational standard a mirage.


  1. The Abia State bankmanagement should ensure that the provisions for recruitment and posting of staff in the personnel management manual are carried out as spelt out in the manual. This will ensure a consistency in the staff personnel management skills of the management board .
  2. The management board must insist on recruiting the right caliber of staff both in qualification and otherwise. It will ensure efficiency, effectiveness and productivity of the staff and system.
  3. Politics must not be allowed to influence the recruitment, posting and appointment of staff of the management board . It will prevent the recruitment, appointment and posting of mediocre or unqualified staff for the education sector.
  4. Experienced members of the management board should be involved in the interview of prospective staff. This will further ensure that current issues in education are brought into use during each interview.
  5. The Abia State Government should ensure payment of staff salaries and allowances as at when due and provision of other incentives. It should ensure that motivation is actually made the hallmark for hard work and productivity.


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