Mass Communication Project Topics

The Impact of Mass Media on Rural Development

The Impact of Mass Media on Rural Development

The Impact of Mass Media on Rural Development

Chapter One


The general objective of this study is to examine the impact of the mass media on rural development in Anambra East local government. The specific objects include the following:

  1. Find out the extent to which residents of Anambra east listen to radio programmes on development.
  2. Find out how often the residents of Anambra east listen to radio programms.
  3. Ascertain whether the residents of Anambra east have experienced development through listening to the programs.
  4. Ascertain the challenges preventing the development of Anambra east local government through local broadcast developmental programmes.




Radio and Development

Since the dawn of civilisation about two and half million years ago, every society’s growth, survival and continuity depends on among other things, a system of communication, through which people exchange of ideas, feeling; an economic system for the production of goods and services, a health system to counteract disease and ensure human reproduction; a sociopolitical system to maintain control and order and a defence system to protect their territories against external aggression (Ugboaja, 2010).

Ndolo (2006) observes that the partial success of modern mass media application for development projects, especially in the rural areas have resulted in various calls by communication scholars for rural development agents in the field, for a greater utilisation of indigenous communication channels for rural development.

According to Mogekwu (2009), the importance of rural radio in the introduction and sustenance of change in rural communities is undeniable, yet, successive Nigerian leaders have continued to utilize the Western mass media as the panacea for rural development, thus, there is a pressing need to improve and create more rural stations and create programmes that will meet the needs of the rural dwellers, thereby, bringing about national development. Radio can be used to mobilise the people at the grass root level for community development and national consciousness. No serious mass-oriented development programme, especially in rural communities in Africa ever succeeds without the active involvement of the people within the traditional system.

Rural radio programme serves as a source of cultural, political, health and other educational and enlightenment programmes for the masses, leading them towards self-actualisation and national development. It is in this light that Okam (2013) submits that much of the failure that attends government mass–oriented programmes are traceable to the fact that policy makers at the national level fail to utilise this powerful and credible medium. Radio can be used as a source of entertainment through arts and cultural festivals, musicals and dramatic performance, by local singing groups, masquerades and other music and drama groups. Radio is a medium of communication through which the individuals share the world around them and beyond their immediate environment. Radio in a country should influence social and, especially the political fabric. The social objective of using radio to mobilise people in Nigeria entails the area of education, information and entertainment. It is essential to provide through radio a kind of general education for people, irrespective of their educational background. This would be by a combination of formal and informal form of education.

Electronic media generally, according to Asemah (2014), provide the public with information. Electronic media serve as watchdog and do not abuse power. For education, there is thrill of learning from the source material. Radio as an electronic media, is expected to play the role of improving and changing social, cultural, political and technological thinking, which will, in the long run, have positive results on the process of rural development. This sensitive role expected to be played by radio is not far from the fact that it shows special qualities in disseminating information. Radio is so powerful that it brings political, economic and social news to any community or group of communities faster than other medium. Nwuneli, cited in Asemah (2013) in his own contribution on the role of radio, says, it has brought stimulus into the house, brings about competitions within families, thereby, grooming people who will contribute positively to the process of development. This fact agrees with the idea of Wigwe (2015) because of the emphasis on grassroots development. Salama (2013) notes that radio serves as an opinion leader in its news commentary and editorial. It mirrors the society in programmes like drama that present issues relevant to society in action which creates easy understanding and learning.




 Research Design

The research method used for this study was survey research method because it studies both large and small population by selecting and studying samples chosen from the population.  The survey research design was considered appropriate for this study because it helped in gathering first-hand information on the influence of mass media programs to rural development.  The method provides the researcher with the opportunity to ask direct questions that are relevant to the study that is being carried out.

Population of the Study

The population of this study is the generality of the Anambra east local government area of Anambra state According to 2015 population projection Anambra east local government has a population of 258,000 they all consist of working class, businessmen and women, traders, farmers and youth among others. The sample size will be acquired from the above population.




This study set out to investigate radio programs and rural development in Nigeria a` study of residents in Anambra east local government area of Anambra State. This chapter presented and analyzed the data collected as well as discussed the findings. The data collection instrument used for this study is a self-developed questionnaire. A total of 399 copies of questionnaire were administered to various respondents, all were retrieved.




This study examined mass media programs and rural development in Nigeria (a study of residents in Anambra east Local Government Area of Anambra State). The study was necessitated by the fact that rural broadcasting is an important tool for rural development especially in developing countries of Africa and Asia. This study adopted survey method and made use of a self-constructed questionnaire for the collection of data. The questionnaire enabled the researcher to obtain first hand information on the subject matter from respondents in communities in the area of study. Three hundred and ninety nine (399) respondents made up of 204 male and 195 female were randomly selected for the survey. The sample size was determined using the Taro Yamane‘s model of sample size determination.

Summary of findings

Data presented and analyzed in this study produced the following findings:

  1. A great number of respondents listen to different radio programs on development to a very large extent.
  2. The residents of anambra east listen to Radio development program very often, programs like health watch program, get it right program and political voices program.
  • Mass media programs Have Influenced Residents Of Anambra east To A Very Large Extent This Is Recognized When The Residents Agreed To Be More Aware Of Their Health, Get Their Permanent Voters Card(PVC) And Are More Aware Of Their Fundermental Human Rights By Listens To The Above Developmental Programs.
  1. Lack of government intervention, lack of resources and wrong programming are factors that hinder the development of rural areas and its dwellers through the broadcast media (radio).


This project has exposed a lot of information on radio broadcast program and rural development in Anambra east local government area in Anambra state and in Nigeria in general. The research also observed that they are factor impeding the optimal development of anambra east local government through local broadcast programs.


  1. The government should put up more and effective developmental programmes on radio ranging from educational programmes to enlightenment programmes and instructional programmes to foster development in rural areas and its dwellers.
  2. Although there are development programs aired on different radio there are no effective means of mobilizing people to actually move towards development. Therefore government should mobilize the rural dwellers to practices or works towards they have learnt through the broadcast programs.

Suggestions for Further Studies

The researcher suggests that further studies should be carried out on mass media programs and rural development to enable eradicate the possible challenges emerging from rural development.


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