Marketing Project Topics

The Impact of Marketing Communication on Sale of Consumer Goods (A Case Study of Nigeria Breweries Plc, Igamu Lagos State)

The Impact of Marketing Communication on Sale of Consumer Goods (A Case Study of Nigeria Breweries Plc, Igamu Lagos State)

The Impact of Marketing Communication on Sale of Consumer Goods (A Case Study of Nigeria Breweries Plc, Igamu Lagos State)

Chapter One


  1. To study the present distribution of most producers of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
  2. To find out the level of customers
  3. To find out whether the company provides enough warehousing facilities.




The impact of marketing communication on the sale of consumer goods cannot be over emphasized in a major activities which affect the achievement of organizational goals and objectives. Some firms failed in the beer making industries due to the fact that they have neglected the communication aspect of promotional tools and because they are unable to retrieve the avenue created by communication network. In order to meet with the development and changes in tests of customers’ goods understanding in impact of marketing communication on the sale of consumer goods should be followed for particular target market operation.


        According to Rock Tama company chairman James A. Rub right on (June 6, 2005) stated that the improvement of any company depends on the contribution they made to achieve a certain goals. The company has made assumptions regarding among other thing competitive and market conditions of consumer goods.

According to Mr. Kits Van (July 21, 2005) said that sales in the consumer goods increased 4% (percent) over the second of 2004, despite a decline competitive and market conditions of consumer goods.

The impact of consumer goods, according to Garlick (1999) and cham (Euright, 2001) studies of consumer goods, a study equivalent to dark and menuh’s on the impact of structural adjustment reforms on food stuff traders is yet to be done.

According to Destte(2005) and Trip (2007) argue for the implementation and create opportunities for private entrepreneurship. The explosion in the number of traders in consumer goods in Ghana shows that they were indeed right.

Accra and Kumasi, the two largest cities in Ghana and two towns with the largest number of traders in consumer goods. Accra, situated at the cost of Ghana and the natural capital house makola market in the country. Kumasi located in the middle belt coney, and home to the largest outdoor market in West Africa.





This chapter explains the methods used to collect data of this research word. This is very important because the extent to which the result of any research can be relied upon depended on a systematic collection and analysis of the data.


The design of the study are carefully worked out in survey method which is preferred for accurate result and effective approach that involves the area of the study, population of the study, sample size, instrument for data collection and data analysis.


The research work focused on Nigeria breweries Plc Igamu, Lagos State, which has many branches in the country.  The researcher have decided to limit the study finding to Igamu branch. Lagos State.


The population for this study was drawn from people residing within Lagos State customer and staff is estimated to be 180 persons which comprise distributors, wholesaler, retails and consumers.




The chapter introduction deals with the analysis of data which is the breaking down of recorded research information into meaningful parts for critical examination, extraction of information among the parts the response gathered were presented and analyzed based on the research question earlier stated in the proceeding chapter.



This chapter is the miniature of the entire research work it tends to give summary of the major findings, conclusive  devised from the study and finding our suggested recommendations.


The study conducted so far the research found out the marketing communication is an indispensible tool used in planning both organizing, co-coordinating and controlling both human and material resources within and outside the organization for effective and efficient accomplishment of he organizational goals and objectives.

Going out major finding, understand that people, who have different background of knowledge and experience perceive the same information about the product.   Since Nigeria breweries are a company where pursuit of excellence is a continuous process, the company has to foster knowledge ability on people within and outside the company.

The knowledge may be term of principal, policy, product and social. In findings, the researcher find out that what hinder effective communication system in Nigeria breweries plc Iganumu, Lagos branch, is capital which is required to keep the company afloat.

In addition, through our investigation and research in the impact of marketing communication on the sale of consumer goods, we discussed the historical background of our work, the pioneer of the indigenous beer making firm in Nigeria. We are able to find out that orgnizati9on mission, the quality of management crew, the good will of an organization, the availability of capital of finance targeted projects among other factors greatly favours the establishment of effective communication in the organization.


Right from the onset of this research work. It has been my intension to see and find out the impact marketing communication on the sale of consumer goods and in particular, and the threat of Nigerian breweries plc Iganumu Lagos state.

The enormous financial banking required to installed effective communication poses a great problem in Nigeria breweries plc due to inflation within the country a lot of capital is being expended on investment rather than on communication channels.

The size of Nigeria breweries plc affect to a great extent. The bureaucratic process involved in putting into place effective communication in a big company like Nigeria breweries plc may hinder fast implementation of decision reached when company and on small companies.

Impact of marketing communication on consumer goods may change over time and this brought about competition which expressed consumer to face many product and brand choices. The management of the company should chart their promotional activities very well, research no doubts played a vital role on sale consumer goods. Every area of company culturally impinges on marketing research and this can be benefit them not only to meet the challenges of breweries and technological changes in marketing nut also provide under knowledge of individual about the organizations, this development through training of staff in well designed programmes to meet the needs of targeted consumers in the market. This is done in order to reap the benefits of effective channels of communication.


Having done the presentation analysis and major findings the recommendation is means for three categories of people that is, the organization, the employees and the government. The organization understanding should take the following point into consideration

  1. Implementation communication programme is the appropriate manner.
  2. Identify the area where communication is needed.
  3. Review and evaluate the success of communication impacts and methods of its application.

Finally, government should emphasis on the importance of effective channel of communication in marketing and reflects it in their activities, policy, principle and procedure. Also government should set up institution or department that will cater for and provide communication skills for intending or already employed personnel for an organization and make fund available to such institutions to meet its primary objectives.

It should also create an enabling environment for effective communication on margins and maximum profit.


    Although the study was concentrated only on one brewery company. The Nigeria breweries plc for clarity of purpose and better understanding still certain  constraints reared their ugly head in the course of compelling this project. It was difficult to get in touch with the corporate head office of the company at Igamu Lagos state. Also there was general apathy and incompatible attitude of some staff to render useful assistance for this research.

Information gathering were so censored and in warded for reason of business privacy and unsolicited official protocol.

Financial constraints which is a general problem facing every individual reared its ugly head have the escalating price of materials needed for the projects and impact on the research work.


They are as follows;

  1. Steps in planning market.
  2. As assessment of the impact of marketing communication and the hierarchy of affect models.
  3. External environments of marketing communication.


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