Business Administration Project Topics

The Impact of Management Succession in an Organization’s Goal Attainment (a Case Study of Enugu State Housing Development Corporation)

The Impact of Management Succession in an Organization’s Goal Attainment (a Case Study of Enugu State Housing Development Corporation)

The Impact of Management Succession in an Organization’s Goal Attainment (a Case Study of Enugu State Housing Development Corporation)



This research among many things will try to underscore the following;

  1. Identify how management succession takes place.
  2. Find out whether there is a purposeful, structured management succession plan that exist in the corporation.
  3. Determine how age structure of personnel influences the overall plan for succession in the corporation future activities.
  4. Ascertain whether tribalistic tendencies affect management succession plan.



In this chapter, the researcher has to review all that she had learnt from books and quote the views of some authors about the impact of management succession in an organizational goal attainment.

Management of human resources and the planning of its supply are becoming increasingly relevant in the developmental plans all over the world. Owing to emphasis on human resources more literature are being produced to reflect the views, aspiration and in some cases suggestions on how best to manage this very important factor of production.

Many people consider succession in managerial position as determined by natural forces for effective review of literature the approach here in will be based on number of reasons.


The importance of business and the management of resources compel us to give succession planning some specific consideration in strategic planning areas of the organization objectives. Manpower planning is the activity, which incorporates the process of succession planning. Succession planning is often thought to apply only to senior management position that will be the next managing director and so on.

Worthy (1974:10: -13) consider management succession as a process. He stated that management succession must necessarily start from manpower planning to staffing and development, organization performance, appraisal and analysis, to management manpower inventory





This chapter looks at the research methodology, which includes the research method employed by the researchers for collecting data and tools for analysis. Descriptive survey was used in an attempt to present an interpretation in an organization.



In this chapter, data collected through various instruments will be presented for analysis. The result of the analysis will be resourceful in providing answers to the research questions. The researcher is going to analyze the study by stating the questions first before moving into tabulation of the results, which reflect the questions. Followed such will be testing of the hypothesis and summary of results.



a) The result states that there is no purposely designed operational management  succession  plan existing in Enugu State Housing Development Cooperation.

The hypothesis was tested and confirmed by the interview conducted in the corporation,30%of the respondents said there was no plan ,while70% states that there is an existence of planning.

b) Age is an important factor for selecting candidates for mddle and senior management positions.

The second Hypothesis was tested and the researcher discovered that age is an essential factor in taking employment decision .In the interview table above 55% said yes and 35% said no and 10% said no idea.

c) Enugu State is made up of many communities and sectional groups, the researcher discovered in accordance with the hypothesis that community rivalry and ethnic tendencies negate management succession plan.

From the research findings and hypothesis, it was discovered that there is no purposefully designed operational Management succession plan existing in Enugu State Housing Development Corporation. Some factors are responsible for this namely:

  1. Non recognition of organizational survival continuity as primary responsibilities of top management.
  2. Constant replacement of chief executives by the government usually at the inception of a government or administration.
  3. Tribalism and ethnicity tendencies.
  4. Suspicion of favourism which destroys confidence in management

Recommendations have been made by the researcher to deter situation and wish to re-emphasis that planning is a primary function of management designed to facilitate the achievement of specific and definable objectives without planning, the organization will not have any definite direction as well as a means of achieving them.


The implication of this research, which is designed to ascertain the management succession plan in Enugu STATE Housing Development Corporation.

The non-existence of purposeful designed plan lopsided age structure of management the inadequate state of the management development function has affected the succession plan in the organization. This implication further maintains that management must be completely selected and developed.

The aim of management development is to make sure that staff set aside as future executive position are properly trained and ready for action by the time they are due to take the view appointments.

However, the nature of the national psyche which is circumscribed around, get rich quick syndrome, may hamper the plan because of the men at the proper position of authority may siphon the funds meant for the training and development of qualified staff for the planned succession.

Finally, young dynamic staff should be selected for the purpose so that new spirit will be injected into the entire certainty.

The analysis made in consonance with the testing of the hypothesis brought out the problem facing the operation and implementation of management succession plan.

Similarly, they are therefore the non-existence of purposefully designed plan lopsided age structure of management, the inadequate state of the management development functions etc. Owing therefore maintain points that the researcher recommends as follows

  1. Management succession plan; for, many organization to survive in the mist of competition technological changes a lost of environmental influences, it must bear the burden of developing an adequate work force and managers who are regarded as conscience of the organization must be completely selected and developed. Management succession planning will assit greatly in translating the immediate, attainable and visionary needs of the organization to concretize activities when they become due. The plans must be purpose fully and formal involving all the management succession process as discussed by worthy (1974) talked of the manpower planning stage, staffing and development stages, the review of the organization performance stage, the appraisal and analysis and the inventory of manpower stage. The various stages are extensive in themselves and require real effort for any meaningful plan made, management may perhaps start today to create favorable conditions that will warrant the full development of executives for greater responsibilities.
  2. Management development is to make sure that men set aside  as future executives are properly trained and ready for action by the time they are due to take their appointed place in the overall plan. Necessary development and exposure should begin once appointment is made.
  3. There should be a policy for promotion from which should be considered in the best interest of the organization. It is a useful policy and an effective administrative procedure helping to ensure that people in key positions will have an applicable background of experience in knowledge of the organization and ensure that qualified employees will be considered when opportunity arises and should be promoted if they are qualified.

The research carried out was to examine management succession plan in Enugu state housing development corporation, high light the problems, prospect and manner of management succession in this corporation


  • Abebe C.F (1980) “How to reach the top leaders” NIM Journal vol 16 No. 4 April
  • Business time   Monday july 28 1997, pg 32 B.N Sunday times sept 17, 1995 pg 3
  • Davis K       (1977) Human behavior at nook Mcgraw – hill pg.335-387
  • Die Jomaoh V.P. (1982) “Development of manpower in Nigeria Num Journal, vol. 18 no 1 pg 10.
  • Drucker P.T     (1975) The practice of management London Heinemann pg 222 – 223


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