The Impact of Management Information System on Organizational Performance; (a Case Study of First Bank of Nigeria Plc)
The impacts of management information system (M.I.S) cannot be underscored in any successful organization as most decision may be taken under the condition of uncertainty. This uncertainty that arises in organization are given complex and unpredictable nature of the network of activities and the event that may happen within the environment. This project has been design therefore to reveal some impacts of management information in tackling the conditions of uncertainty in an organization as uncertainty is a permanent feature of life regardless of the structure of the organization. The objectives of this research are:
- To know how strategic planning information are been carried out in an organization.
- To determine whether management control information helps manager take best actions.
- To know how operational information are been put into place or considered in the organization.
This is a method whereby the top management decides on the objectives of the organization on the levels and the kinds of resources required to attain the objectives, and on politics that govern the acquisition use and disposition of resources. The following are terms under strategic planning and its definition;
- COMPUTER: This is simply an electronic device which store information, analyzes it and produce the information as required from its storage.
- COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS: People who write instruction for computer.
- SYSTEM ANALYSTS: People who analyzes problems and recommend solutions for computer use.
- S.I: This means large scale integration.
- PROGRAM: This is a set of instruction written in computer language by a computer programmer.
- FORTRAN: Formula translator: It is a computer language.
- COBOL: This is another computer language which means common business or related language.
- ON- LINE: It implies direct connection to the computer.
- REAL- TIME: It is equally an extremely fast response of the computer information system.
Management information can be conveniently categorized into three (3) main areas. They are as follows;
- Strategic planning information.
- Management control information and
- Operational information.
This relates to the top management tasks of decision on the levels and kinds of resources required to attain the objectives that govern the acquisition use and disposition of resources. Strategic planning depends heavily upon information external to the organization. When this is combined with internal data, management makes estimates of expected results. This information is unique and tutor made to particular strategic problems.
It sheds light on goals congruence, it helps manger take those actions which are in the best interest of the organization. It enables manager to see that resources are being used efficiently and effectively in action to the organizational goals. Robert Anthony pin-pointed three types of needs for management control “cost by responsibility centers, directly programme costs and fill program costs (including allocation for direct cost)”. Management control information ties together various sub-activities in a coherent way so that mangers can gauge resources utilization and compare expected result with actual results. It is often inter-department in that the input comes from various organizational groups.
Research methodology refers to the systematic procedures for investigating research problems as defined by Good and Hatt in “methods in social research” published by MC GRAW HILLS 1952 page 5, research methodology in the logic of scientific investigation, as the study and system of research procedures and technique. In gathering the data, files, various types of methods were used namely; personal interview, questionnaires, library, and observation.
There is no single procedure that can be followed in a research investigation; rather than the type of problems to be investigated will determine the particular steps to be taken.
The sources of data collection used in this research work are;
- Primary sources / Data
- Secondary sources / Data
This chapter presents the description of the result of data collection and discussion of findings. According to the questionnaire administered the table below gives a clear picture of the view of respondents.
The following are the major findings drawn from analysis of questionnaires administered. Management information system being bedrock to organizational success is achieved through co-operation among system analyst and subordinates that helps to solve various forms of organizational problems. Also lack of co-operation among information analyst brings about inefficiency in information management. Meanwhile, management information system has also pointed out one of the greatest problem of information system in the organization, which is a change in the information system and stating also that poor leadership style is responsible for the lack of co-operation among the information analyst. It was also found out that role conflict is responsible for ineffectiveness and inefficiency of management information system. This research work also found out that it is proper to apply advanced method of information system to organizational objectives and proper attention should be given to training and development of system analyst.
Management information system (M.I.S) brought to the realization that proper role performance will lead to accomplishment of corporate objectives of information system.
This research work has shown that managerial action is by and large decision making. Decisions are based on available information at the time the decision is made.
For organization to manage information effectively there is the need for an appropriate linkage of information required and desired objectives. The advent of the computer allowed management to expand its horizon and expectation in terms of information system. At the moment, computerization is very much localized to the headquarters of the bank in Lagos and its geographical spread in hundred by unreliable electricity and telecommunication system both of which are very expensive to acquire and maintain by the organization. Also the organization need to put more attention to its social implication and conceited effort in formulating appropriate policies and strategies for optimizing the benefits. Apart from the installation of the computer, a lot also need to be done to ensure a smooth relationship and mutual understanding among the main actors in the computer environment. The situation can improve with more training of professionals and users, more regular meetings between them and a more appraised of the need of the computer department. Above all the sympathetic management to provide the basic needs for the computer are been realized. Lastly, the wave of computerization is spreading through the economy, so there is need for quality relationship between top management, staff and users need a lot of improvement and many lines on proper education and understanding of each other’s capabilities and limitation.
The main emphasis had been on enhancing and understanding of what information stands for and its usefulness to an organization in the overcharging and dynamic operating environment. The following recommendations are suggested in relation to First Bank of Nigeria Plc Lagos. There is a need for a lot of improvement in the relationship between computer professional and users in order to solve problem arising from management information system. There should be an ability to modify package to suit environment or to design tailor made programme which can lead to effective communication speed response to users requests. The relationship between the bank management and the professional should be strengthened in order to reduce pressure and get out results in the face of poor infrastructural facilities and active shortage of computer staff about which management should react fast. In response to dividing economic situation, the bank should give their computer staff adequate training abroad in order to use the computers effectively and efficiently. Also costs will be saved if computer engineers are trained before any installations, replacement and procurement of spare parts. The obsolescent ones should either be disposed of or sent to the training section of the bank.
The professional have undergone only short term courses of a week or two locally either in house or external and only a very small percentage have been sent on training programme lasting several weeks or months locally or abroad. In fact, overseas training has been surely curtailed in the bank. In other words, professional should be exposed to development and new technology for efficiency of the latest development in order to perform effectively. A good information system leads to smooth running of an organization. Some of the bank branches still use manual system of operation especially those in rural areas, there is need to make them aware of the new development and usefulness of computer based system in order to reduce work load and stress. Given the complexities of our operation environment, computerization may enhance the efficiency of operations therefore the computer department of the bank should overhauled and competent hands assigned to capable posts. Lastly, adequate caution and controls must be put in place to prevent use of password.
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