Business Administration Project Topics

The Impact of Leadership Style on Worker’s Performance a Case Study of Guarantee Trust Bank Plc, Sokoto Branch

The Impact of Leadership Style on Worker’s Performance a Case Study of Guarantee Trust Bank Plc, Sokoto Branch

The Impact of Leadership Style on Worker’s Performance a Case Study of Guarantee Trust Bank Plc, Sokoto Branch



This study aims at addressing key questions by examining the various leadership styles in a banking setting especially Guarantee Trust Bank Plc, Sokoto branch.

The specific objectives are outlined below:

  1. To identify the kind of leadership style Guarantee Trust Bank managers
  2. To examine the relationship between a leadership style of the manager and worker’s performance in Guarantee Trust
  3. To examine the effect of the leadership style on workers performance in Guarantee Trust




This aspect of research deals with the review of literature, review of empirical work on leadership styles and workers performance and theories that will be related to this study. This study also focuses on impact of leadership on worker’s performance. Under the theoretical framework, the Personality/trait, Behavioural, Contingency, and System theories were all reviewed in connection with this research.



Yukl (1994) defined leadership as the process of influence on the subordinate, in which the subordinate is inspired to achieve the target, the group maintains cooperation, and the established mission is accomplished, with support from external groups obtained. Also, Fry (2003) pointed out that leadership means the use of a leading strategy to offer inspiring motives and to enhance the staff’s potential for growth and development. Northouse (2004) again described leadership as a process whereby an individual influences a group of people to achieve a common goal.

Heinz (1994) cited in Rosenboom (2001) described Leadership as the act or process of influencing people so they will share willing in achieving Organisational goals. Cole (2005) define Leadership as a dynamic process whereby one man influences other to contribute voluntarily to the realization and attainment of the goals and objectives, aspiration of values of the group that is representing the essence of leadership which is to help a group or an Organisation to attain sustainable

development and growth. Peretomode and Peretomode (2005) from his review of the literature identified some aspects of the definition of Leadership to include:

  1. The ability to persuade others to work towards defined objectives enthusiastically, the human factor that keeps a group cohesive and motivate towards
  2. Interpersonal influence directed through the communication process, toward the attainment ofgoals;
  3. Initiation of a new structure or procedure for accomplishing or changing Organisation goals.
  4. Influencing the actions, behaviour, beliefs and goals of one being

From these, some element of Leadership can be identified for one thing; Leadership is not an isolated activity but one that involves others, followers or the leader. Leadership involves the use of influence as the distinct from forcible domination or coercions. The process of Leadership involves an unequal distribution of power among leaders and group members. The giving of directions for example flow from leader to the subordinates and not vice-versa. Leadership is a process, which means that it is a continuous, ongoing activity directed toward the accomplishment of goals as its ultimate outcome. Leadership is also defined as follow: ―to show the way by going first, to proceed; to guide by the hand; to direct, to conduct. Leadership the office of a leader or conduct those acting as leader of a particular Organisation any group; ability to lead. Tannebaum et al (1991) cited in Price, (2004) defined Leadership as ―interpersonal influence exercise in a situation and directed through the communication process, towards the attainment of a specialized goal or goals. Heresy and Blanchard (2001), after an extensive review of the literature on Leadership offered their own definition thus: Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of an individual or a group in efforts toward goals, achievement in a given situation.

Based on the foregoing, this study sought to find out the perceived impact of leadership style on worker’s Performance in Guarantee Trust Bank plc, Sokoto Branch.





This chapter present the methodology and the study area which is Guarantee Trust Bank plc Sokoto Branch. It will explain the nature and sources of data, population of the study area, the sample size and sampling technique, method of data to be collected, questionnaire design, and technique of data analysis.


Research design is the plan and structure of investigation which the researcher wishes to use in obtaining answer/data to her research question. The research is design in such a way that the researcher specifically concentrates her attention on the study area which is Guarantee Trust Bank plc, Sokoto Branch and also the workers that are working in such area/environment. Questionnaire was administered in the study area, and data collected from the responses supplied by the respondents were analyzed and based on that findings, conclusion were drawn.



The main concern of this research is to study the impact of leadership styles on workers performance in GTBank Plc, Sokoto Branch. 25 questionnaires were distributed and returned. This chapter deals with the presentation and analysis of data collected in the course of this research and hypothesis will later be tested with the use of percentage and chi-square methods.



This chapter covers the summary of the findings, conclusion of the entire work as well as the recommendations based on the findings of the work.


This study examined the impact of leadership styles on workers performance in GTBank Plc, Sokoto Branch and has been sectionalized into five chapters in order to achieve the purpose of this research.

Chapter one deals with the introductory aspect of the research, statement of the problems, research questions, aims and objectives, research hypotheses, the significance of the study, scope of the study and finally, the operationalisation of some concepts.

Chapter two deals with the review of literature which is related to the topic “impact of leadership styles on workers performance”. It also tells us the introductory aspect, definition of concepts i.e. leadership and leadership styles. Also, it dealt with the importance of leadership styles, factors affecting styles of leadership, classification of leadership (transformational, transactional, Charismatic, Autocratic, Bureaucratic, and Democratic leadership), leadership style and worker’s performance, review of empirical work on leadership style and worker’s performance, and finally, the theoretical frame work where we have Personality/Trait theories, Behavioural theories, Contingency theories, and The Systems Theory.


Going by the findings of the research, the major findings can be summarized as follows:-

  1. Majority of the total population were young men and women who were on their under 40 years and also, majority of them are
  2. Over 70 percent of them are regulator worker of GTBank Plc Sokoto branch while few are newly
  3. The research signifies that managers of GTBank Plc, Sokoto branch are conversant with transactional leadership style.


Having understood the concept of leadership in relationship with the impact on employee performance, the hereby make the following suggestions and recommendations;

  1. Providing good effective leadership behaviour to their employee that will improve performance of
  2. Providing the performance appraisal of their employees that based on their system of their promotion to better
  3. Employees must be integrated in the decision making process, more importantly on issues that concerns
  4. The results of this study suggest that there is generally a favourable agreement that transactional leadership style has a greater impacton employees


Conclusively, it can be said that leadership style on workers is not a recent phenomenon. It is as old as the emergence of an organization. Also, this study has shown that “there is a significant relationship between the leadership styles of a bank manager and worker’s performance in Guarantee Trust Bank Plc, Sokoto Branch”. It is equally obvious that “There is a significant relationship between the leadership style the manager apply and the workers performance among workers of GTBank Plc, Sokoto Branch”.

On the whole, leadership styles are very important to the well being and development of any bank or organisation because it allow progress and improve workers performances. Therefore, there is need for a manager to access it workers and choose the appropriate leadership style that will enhance its workers performances.


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