Business Administration Project Topics

The Impact of Information Technology on Business Administration and Management (A Case Study of NITEL, Enugu)

The Impact of Information Technology on Business Administration and Management (A Case Study of NITEL, Enugu)

The Impact of Information Technology on Business Administration and Management (A Case Study of NITEL, Enugu)

Chapter One


The main purpose of this study is to find out the impact of information technology on Business Administration and management.

In addition, this study will also try to: –

  1. Establish the true meaning of business in the modern world;
  2. Find out what level of training is required for proper handling of products of information technology;
  3. Determine the different environments under which businesses are operated in the modern world of information technology;
  4. Find out the personal characteristics or the essential qualities appropriate for information technology personnel;
  5. Find out the various information technology machines used in business administration and management;
  6. Identify some of correction symbols used in information technology;
  7. Make recommendations on ways and means of making information technology more efficient and effective.




Okafor (1987) stressed that among the many characteristics that have enabled men to rise above all other forms of life on earth is his ability to communicate across him time and space.  Many lower animals are capable of transmitting information within their immediate environment but only man has learnt to record information thus communicate across. He also transmits information beyond his immediate environment thereby communication across space.

The modern man is faced with the surging technology and increasingly complex problem of organization that he has to develop adapt and use new methods of dealing with the enormous amount of information   generated  Daily by both the private and public sectors of the society.

Atueyi (1995) defines information technology as the host of system, equipment and materials essentially computer based which are used to achieve the set goals of an organisation in relation to the functions of an office such as obtaining, storing, processing, and distribution of information.

According to her, technology evolved the function of the office to rely on different types of improved and standardized equipment. It has also devised varied stage and concepts for effective communication organisation needs to flow consistently between the units and staff concerned in order to avoid a breakdown. Data or information collected is promptly processed and disseminated to appropriate units of management for effective use.

The goal of information technology is to produce and give out meaningful information to the relevant body for their use. Information processing consists of procedures through which the offices receives, transforms and disseminate data. Essentially, information technology aims at faster means of receiving, generating, storing, classifying, analyzing calculating, giving summarizing and comparing information.

Wilson (1927) observed that the absence of information is misinformation. Information seeking is purposive and adoptive. Information is acquired because it is deliberately soughed if is fails to be found in satisfactory quality and quantity, and then we are likely to seek elsewhere. Organisation needs to flow consistently between the units and staff concerned in order to avoid a breakdown. Data or information collected is promptly processed and disseminated to appropriate units of management for effective used.

The goals of information technology are to produced and give out meangingful information to the relevant body for their use. Information processing consists of procedures through which the office receives, transforms and disseminates data. Essentially, information technology aims at faster means of receiving, generating, storing, classifying, analyzing calculating, giving, summerising and comparing information.

Wilson (1927) observed that the absence of information is misinformation. Information seeking purposive and adoptive. Information is acquired because it is deliberately sought. If it fails to be found in satisfactory quality and quantity, then we are likely to seek elsewhere.




This chapter consists of and discusses the systematic procedure or the framework employed by the researcher in this study. This methodology includes the design of the study, area of the study, population of the study, sample and sampling technique, instrument for data collection, validation of the instrument, reliability of the instrument, method of data collection and the method of data analysis.


The plan, structure and systematic process adopted by the researcher for this study was the survey research design. The reason for choosing this type of research design was that a single institution, NITEL has been singled out for  qualitative study and also because of the use of questionnaire as survey instrument.


The topic of this study, no doubt, would have covered a lot of organizations and business establishments consequent upon the fact that the topic virtually touches on an issue that in one way or the other affects the modern man in various strata of business.

However, due to constraints had limited herself to the Nigerian Telecommunication limited (NITEL) Okpara Avenue, Enugu. The choice of NITEL was informed by the fact that it is at the center of information Technology in all its ramifications in Nigeria.


Due to the constraints of time and for the clarity in the population of the study of NITEL Plc, the various sections or departments have been grouped into; A, B, C, D, and E. Fifty information personnel were taken as the population of the study.



In this chapter four, the data gathered for the study through the use of the questionnaire will be presented and analyzed. The hypothesis will be tested in order to determine which one will be accepted or rejected.

A total of 37 questionnaires were administered to ten respondents through the test. Only 20 were dully completed and returned to the researcher.



In this last chapter of the study, a discussion of the findings will be presented; conclusions will be drawn consequent upon the results / findings; while recommendations will be based upon the conclusions.


The research question one sought to find out the impact of information Technology on the administration and management of Nigerian Telecommunications (NITEL). Respondents generally agreed that information Technology has made a tremendous impact on NITEL. This goes to show that in the world of business operations, information Technology is indispensable to the activities of NITEL, being an organization that essentially dwells on information dissemination across the world. 60% of the total number of respondents agreed to this fact.

In the question two, the objective was to find out the various machines or equipment of information Technology requires effective handling. Eighteen respondents, which represented ninety percent testified that the equipment require effective handling. This opinion might have been informed by the fact that for efficiency in the functioning of machines, proper or adequate maintenance is indispensable. If the machines are not properly maintained, they will paralyze the operations of the organizations.

The data gathered also showed that eighteen respondents or ninety percent of the total number of respondents said that it was true that information Technology has revolutionized the operations of business. Only two respondents, which represented a mere ten percent answered in the contrary. Since a greater percentage favours the view that information Technology has revolutionized business operations, the researcher lends credence to the voice of the majority.

Only for respondents, representing twenty percent of the total number of respondents disagreed on the issue of whether information Technology has brought about staff redundancy at NITEL. But sixteen respondents, representing eighty percent of the entire number of respondents said that it is not true that staff redundancy was as a result of the introduction of information Technology.

Finally, the last research question that is research question five dwelt on finding out whether it is possible or not for NITEL to carry out its operations in the absence of information Technology. Only two respondents, representing a mere ten percent said that it is possible; while eighteen respondents, representing ninety percent said that it is impossible.

In the modern world of business especially NITEL as a major information dissemination source there is no doubts that its operations will be greatly hindered in the absence of information Technology.


From the data gathered from this study, the researcher makes the following conclusions:

  • Information Technology has made tremendous impact in the administration and management of business at the Nigerian Telecommunication (NITEL) in the twenty-first century.
  • The various machines or equipment resulting from information Technology require adequate and efficient handling for proper functioning and maximum output service.
  • It is true that information Technology has revolutionized the operations of modern business world, NITEL inclusive.
  • The introduction of information Technology has not brought about the ugly incidence of staff retrenchment at NITEL.
  • No business can survive without information Technology and certainly NITEL cannot, being at the center of information dissemination in the country.


The implications of the research findings are that in the modern world, data collection is a central issue to the operations and activities of any business. And since information Technology is essential for data generation, processing, storage, transmission etc. any business organization that pushes information to second place risks being put out of business in a short while.

Moreover, all the various information Technology equipment such as the telephone, computer, fax machines, teleprinter, etc. requires efficient maintenance. With the centrality of data to business in the modern world, if any of these machines is allowed to break down, the activities of that organization will be hindered and that outfit, no doubt, will lose its customers. This, needless to say, can never augur well with any enterprise whether it has profit motive or not.

This modern world has been turned into a global village, courtesy of information Technology. The availability of communication gadgets is indispensable to the generation of necessary business data, so no corporate organization that wishes to achieve its business goals or objectives can afford to toy with information Technology.


Consequent upon the conclusions arrived at based on the data gathered for this study, the researcher makes the following recommendation:

  1. Because of the need and indispensability of data to business in the modern world, serious efforts should be made by business organizations to computerize their operations.
  2. The information equipment used in the administration and management of a business (NITEL) should be adequately maintained in order to avoid a total breakdown of such machines, which will tell negatively on the organization.
  3. Since information Technology has not brought about unemployment, retrenchment or staff redundancy. It is advisable that business firms and corporate organizations should pursue vigorously information equipment as this will help it in every sphere of its business operations or activities. Without these information machines or equipment, it is a near impossibility for any business to be effectively run.
  4. Information Technology personnel should be properly taken care of by their respective organizations because they are at the center of the organizations.


The researcher wishes to suggest that further research be carried out in the following areas:

  1. The problems of information Technology in the new millennium.
  2. A survey of the role of information Technology personnel in the modern business world.


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  • Atueyi, N.C. (1995);        Office Information system for Tertiary Institutions. Nigeria: Modern printers.
  • Azuka et al (1995);          Word Processing and Office Information system. Okoh: Model Academic publishers.
  • Emele and Emele et al (1995);   Fundamentals of Research Methodology and Statistics in Education and Behavioural Sciences. Aba: Model Academic publishers limited.
  • Harrison et al (1979);      Secretarial Duties Great Britain: Unwin Brothers Limited.
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