Human Resource Management Project Topics

The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Performance: A Compelling Case Study of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Nigeria Plc

The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Performance: A Compelling Case Study of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Nigeria Plc

The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Performance: A Compelling Case Study of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Nigeria Plc

Chapter One


This study aims aimed examination the effect of human resources practices on the performance of businesses. Entupuisel corporate entity. Its objectives are as foam.

  1. The study examines the contribution of consistency among HR practices and corporate performance.
  2. This study seeks to evaluate the combination of human resource management practices that Influence a high-performance system in an organization





Human resource management is a discipline, a professional specialization that has developed in recent years as a board spectrum, encompassing various feld in corporate and synthesis with certain element of personal management organizational behaviour industrial and labour relationship etc.

According to Susan, (2005) Human resource management is the function within an organization that focuses on recunment of management of and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. Human resources management can also be performed by line manager. Human resource management is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation hearing performance management, organization development, safety, wellness benefits employee motivation, communication, administration and training Susan [2012] Human resource management is also strategic and comprehensive approach to managing people and the work place, culture and environment effective human resource management enable employees to contribution effectively and productivity, the overall company direction and accomplishment of the organizational & objective. Susan (2012)

The critical nature of human resources in an organization as a factor of success or failure of management is put by Renses Licket (2005) as follows:

All the activities of any enterprises are initiate and determines by persons who make up the institution, plant, offices of all the task of management, managing the human component is the central and most important task because all else depend on how it is done. Human resources management refers to the policies and practices involved in carry out the human resources aspect of management position including human resources planning job analysis, recoupment, selecting orientation, compensation, performance appraisal, training and development and labour relations (Dressler 2007).

Human resources management is composed of the polices, practices and system that influence employees behaviour, attitude and performance (NOC, Hollen Beck, Gerbat and Wright 2007).

According to Renuks Uembu (2010) Human resources is touted as the most important influential and impactful asset of an organization onah designed human resources as consisting of men and women working for an organization irrespective of the post they occupy or holding in organization since the use of human resources and manpower are the same then, it indicates that human resources means having the night people possessing the night skills in places at night time. Lazar (2001)

According to business dictionary (2012) human resources is the division of a company that is focused on activities relating to employees these activities include recruiting and living new employee, orientation and training of current employees, employee benefit and retention firmly called personal.

Human resources is the set of individual who make up the world first of an organization Human capital in sometimes used synonym maisly with human resources, although human capital refers to a more narrow views that is, the knowledge the individual embody can contribute to an organization. Other term sometimes used include manpower, talent, labour or simple people. HOHON and troH (2005)

Human resources refers to the capabilities of human persons to perform task this means that those who are not capable of performing tasks will not be regarded as human resources Bervans (2003).





The objective of the study is to recommend the combination of the practices that will lead to a high performance work system. in order to realize this goal, it become expedient to conduct a survey research, based on the reviewed literature which formed the theoretical basis to explain in human resources practices often identified as best practices  for corporate performance. The survey was carried out in the form of a questionnaire in order to elicit perceptions of employees as well as human resources unit staff in a manufacturing organization. The information gathered in the literature review contributed toward the development and adaptation of a questionnaire which was employed in the empirical part of the study. Diverse aspects relating to specific research method and techniques for this study are discussed in this chapter it includes a discussion of the sample and sampling procedure, data collection methods, the research design the procedure for the design as well as administration of the questionnaire. it also describes the statistical techniques used in the study.


Research design is discoed as a specific procedure engaged in the collection and analysis of data necessary to tickle a problem (Tull & Hawkins 1993) The design is the basic plan for a piece of empirical research, and includes main idea such as strategy, sample, and the tools and procedures to be for collecting analyzing empirical data (punch 2000)

An adaption of the method for drawing a sampled, used by Churchill and lacobucci (2002) was employed for this study. This include method the identification of the population the target population from which the sample was drawn the sample frame, the sampling procedure the measurement technique data collection procedures. Survey method


Boyce (2002) asset that the population is the total group of person about whom the researcher wishes to obtain information-for the purpose of this study the population comprises of  employees of multinational pharmaceutical form in Agbara, Ogun state. The total population of the entire company is 400.




The chapter is concerned with the presentation analysis and interpretation of data gathered from the response to administered questionnaire. it also includes on empirical testing of hypothesis made about this study and each of their interpretation, it should be noted that statistical packages for analyzing frequencies and testing research hypothesis.




The contingency approach to the discourses of HR performance found expression in the population that confirms that a blend of HR practices is in Influences by organizational strategy. Further relation Indicate that the choices of strategy is by a determination of the ‘’vertical fu “between HR practices, strategy choice and environmental features, thus a better output in term of performance will be achieved (BAIRD $ MESBOULAM 1988, YOUNDTET AL 1996).

Motivate enhancing practices were reported to have a positive influences on employee commitment and ultimately result in motivational outcome as consistent with the perceive organizational support argument, HR practices such as compensation reward generating performance appraisal incentives and other reward-for-performance signal a positive estimation of employee effort this increasing reciprocal obligation (MERYER and AUEN 1997: RHOADES ET AL. 2001). Furthermore, KLEIN’S (1987) assert that employee interest in the organization are aligned toward greater commitment and corporate loyalty if financial reward are calculated to boost dedication to performance forever these practices may not give an assurance of sustained high performance unless the compensation level favor employee even during turnover.

The resources-based view model of human resources management confirm that high- performance organization focus basically on the development and retention of fit human resources management confirm that high performance organization focus basically on the development and retention of the skill and knowledge of worker. It seeks not to fit human resources management practices to the multiple and emergent strategies of organization so that the development of complementary HR practices can prove the way for employee development. Employee training and important part of HR ( OAKLAND &OAKLAND 2001) is a form of investment in human capital ( WETLAND) It advance further the HR practices of recruitment and selection once resentment and section process are concluded training program are put up to enhance job skill and knowledge toward achieving corporate strategic. the essence of training has been to ensure that employee discharge their assignment maximally and to the best of their capacities it also give nom for employee to correct deficiencies in performance level (anomies Mejia balk in and candy 1995 with and capelin 2003)  Singh  (2004) assets that compensation is a mechanism using financial and non financial incentives pay and benefits to align employee behavior with corporate strategy KALLEBARY and  moody (1994) reported that compensation policy that favor  high reward lead  to a harmonious relationship between manage mat and employee this leading  to reduction in turnover (KELLYBERY and 1994 Arthur 1994) Research finding have indicated positive correlation compensation performance on netted pay and corporate performance as  indication in production (Delany and Heeled 1996, 192 ear 1996) performance appraisals have been education to be more concerned with employee wellbeing development and motivation of staff MC are gore (1957) reports that performance appraise targets  effective super vision that often tread to employee development and culminate in increased productivity findings have identified area of emphasis for performance revision as those vital to the performance of employee in the work place with intent to know how well they are fearing while profane successions for enhanced productivity Wright et al (2003) have argued that an employee will bring to bear his discretion to word if proper performance appraisal is obtained and is propped up by compensation system linked with the performance management system.

Job definition if clearly outlined and unambiguously communicated to the employee will achieve supervisory expectations in areas of task accomplishment skill enhancement team coherence and realization of corporate goals (Qureshi 2006)


Whilst the conclusion of this study does not differ substantially from those obtained by other scholar a contextual approach with fuller attention to a unionized organization as a whole enabled the researcher to re-appraise the relationship between HR practices in place. Moreover performance was measured subjectively in intra- organizational output and an effort was made to avoid undele emphasis on strictly financial or economical parameters. The intention then was to obtain insight on both human resource management practices and corporate performance in terms of productivity and turnover. The methodology used as essentially quantitative although it also entailed a level of nonnative analysis in the literature review for this reason focus was on comparism of opposites namely calculative HR practices on the one hand and collaborative HR practices on the other. This is a strategy geared to highlighting variations found in different HR system/ context. Like previous researchers a tied in this study we can conclude the innovative HR practices has a positive impact on corporate performance particularly if the organization adapts complementing HR practices that boosts productivity while reducing turnover.


Having reviewed complementing HR practices under the AMO framework of the Ability, motivation and opportunity. It is important for managers to note that for employee to engage in behaviors that are beneficial to the sustainability of organizational competiture advantage the three conductions of AMO must apply.

  • There must be sufficient number of employee with the required ability (skills, experience, and knowledge e.t.c) to do current and potential jobs.
  • There must be reasonable motivation for them to maximally utilize their abilities. These motivational factors could take the form of financial or non- financial incentive but most certainly include social rewards (and sanction) and recognition of input as applied by co- workers and immediate bosses.
  • There must be an opportunity to engage in discretionary behavior (thus the importance of job definition). opportunity is the invitation to have employee participate and get involved in organizational task of goal attainment. This should occur both within the job itself in terms of how the job can best be done (known as “on-line participation”) and outside the job as a member of a team or work area, and a “citizen” of the organization (off-line participation).

Firm the results derived from hypothesis 1, management is advised to focus more engaging employee participation and career planning programs. This will lead to the employees been more committed to the lack giver to them. Calculate HR practices will generate more labour turnover than the collaborative HR practices in order to ascertain employee loyalty to the cause of the organization calculative HR practices have been discovered to be individual and performance – oriented practices yet they do not promote productivity as collaborative HR practices do.


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