Public Administration Project Topics

The Impact of Effective Management of Resources in Solving Unemployment Problem in Nigeria (a Case Study of Igbo-eze South Local Government Area, Enugu State

The Impact of Effective Management of Resources in Solving Unemployment Problem in Nigeria (a Case Study of Igbo-eze South Local Government Area, Enugu State

The Impact of Effective Management of Resources in Solving Unemployment Problem in Nigeria (a Case Study of Igbo-eze South Local Government Area, Enugu State

Chapter One


The purpose of the study is to elicit the jobs, which with the changing economic trend and high labour cost becomes very expensive for the employer who will proffer to improve the skill of his staff or computerize his company thereby cutting labour cost and maximizing his profit. When this becomes unemployment with little or no hope of getting employment because of the changing trends; modernization and technological development of labour management based on this short fall in employment becomes a problem. One way to improve unemployment is through the effective management of resources in an establishment.

Effective management of resources in an establishment in Igbo-Eze South encourages specialization and division of labour which means that more people will be needed to perform the certain function and more and more will also be encouraged to exhibit dexterity in certain skill so as to perform the certain task more effectively at a higher rate of output so as to meet the demand of their customers by this specialization is encouraged as opposed to the use of computers which needs few people to feel information into them.

Effective management of source resources in Igbo-Eze South will reduce unemployment and the dependence on government corporate bodies as the last hope of job seekers for engaging in income generating ventures. As a matter of fact, this will put smile on use of effective management of source resources as a means of reducing unemployment problem within Igbo-Eze South Local Government.




Unemployment is a state of worklessness experienced by persons who are members of the labour force perceive themselves and are perceived by others capable of work they are actively looking for paid employment without success under the pervading economic circumstances this chapter describes the concepts of management. Concepts of unemployment, problems generated by unemployment.

Unemployment is a set back to a nations economic development effective management of resources a veritable tool for solving unemployment problem and effective management of resource in Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area of Enugu state Nigeria and presents a prelim assessment of currently attempted solution to the problems to unemployment in Nigeria especially in Enugu state in Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area.


There is no consensus yet on the definition of management this is because the term management has been variously given different meanings by different individuals and organization according to their perceptions of the management enterprises. Most researchers give their definition of management in line with the prevailing existing economic environment.

For instances, according to William (1981:3-4) he said that management has definition as there are managers, so much depends on the view point, or background of the speaker a writer concerned some, like a personnel manager, have a natural bias towards the sociological approach, being concerned mainly with human activities others, such as a financial tycoon can just as easily show a preference for the quantitative aspects.

Somewhere in between is the managing director or general manager, with an integrated and balance view point a birds eye view taking in the who scene at once that at least is the theory jet all too often, despite promotion to general management, the framer accountant for example still remain an accountant. For one of the problems of any specialist in the context is learning how to stand back from his profession in order to take at the business objectively, as a while in stand of from one side or side or the other.

He also breaks down the basic concepts of management. He said that each company, or similar body, may be quite different from others of the same genus, but for any organization a common core of problems may be classified as follows:

Objectives and policies: As a first step, there is a need to establish corporate objectives (where the company is aiming to go) and determine the major policies (how intends to get there) to be followed these and other terms will be defined and illustrated later but for the moment they should be difficult to understand. Fundamentally, it is important to focus attention on the activities to be undertaken, to establish guide lines for the way ahead, and to ensure that everyone concerned knows clearly what is going on.

Tailor made organization: A purpose built structure should be set up to determine responsibilities for the various jobs that must be done (in order to achieve the objectives) and the formal relationship between these jobs.


Management cuts across organizational and life spheres. It is everywhere and this is the reason it is responsible for any wrong doing anytime, anywhere. For instance, if you can’t manage your home, you are a bad manager, you have not institutionalized effective management in your organization etc. These go to confirm that  management is everywhere but only remembered when things go wrong forgetting that Ducker, N.F (1974) said that “management





     The methodology employed in the study is sustained under the following sub-headings:

Design of the study

Area of the study

Population of the study

Sample of the study

Instrument for data collection

Validation of the instrument

Distribution and Retrieval of the instrument

Method of data analysis


This study is aimed at finding the impact of effective management of resources in solving unemployment problem in Nigeria with reference to Igbo-Eze South Local Government. In this chapter three, seeks to describe the design of the study, area of the study, the population, sample, instrument used for data collection, validation of instrument, distribution and retrieval of the instrument and methods of data analysis.


In this chapter, the researcher explained the procedural patterns employed in data collection with respect to area of study, population of the study, sample and sampling procedures, instrument or data collection, validation of this instrument, reliability of the instrument, method of analysis.


This study is basically centered on Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area in Enugu state. Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area is one local government in Enugu state that gives a fairly reliable result which may represent all others.


The population of the study is made up of the staff of Igbo-Eze South local government. The population to be survey includes, the management, supervisors and the junior staff. The population of the study for Igbo-Eze South local government is as fellows: is the mover while development is consequence”




In the part of the report, an attempt will be made to establish some of the major problem areas, analyze and present how a prospective local government would solve the problem of unemployment with regard to some many factors using the primary and secondary data collected.

In most developing countries and more especially in Nigeria, people are beginning to see the importance of developing the country and the economy from the grass roots that is from local government area.

Therefore, the effective management of resources have been assuming a very important role as a means of tackling unemployment in most developing nations.




This chapter will be used to present the summary of the entire research project; the major findings of the research will also be presented here. A general conclusion will them be drawn about the problem in chapter one. On the basis of recommendation or some suggestions will be recommended for improvement and conclusion will be drawn.

The research topic portrays our believe in the prospects and major role which effective management of resources had played is solving unemployment problem in Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area. In fact, the topic in elastic in the sense that covers so many facts of individuals which include both unemployment and self- employed people the findings of what constitute barriers to solving unemployment through effective management of resources in Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area are:

  1. Illiteracy: Due to the illiteracy level in the local government area, people find it very difficult to seek for employment in government owned industries except for mental jobs.
  2. Lack of fund: Fund is another factor that militates against effective management of resources in Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area are associated with this particular problem. They lack financial assistance either from the local, state or the federal government, to put their establishment on a sound footing.
  3. Lack of trained manpower/personnel manpower: Has been defined as the capacity of human beings. It relates to human beings. It relates to labour force and incorporates the skill aspect as well.
  4. Infrastructure deficiency: Low infrastructure development in the local government area is another factor that has rendered the effective management of resources unworkable. Many parts of the local government area are yet to have electricity and good access roads to boost effective management of resources in the area.
  5. Management problem: this is the major problem face by resources, management and organization which involve decision making are done by few incapable hands which normally results in the untimely death of these establishment. For instance, the school of nursing head of the departments may know all the management principles and now lectures are going on in the departments. He may not posses the leadership, qualities, be unwilling to delegate authorities, lack of appropriate human relation and not posses the appropriate skills of  management and therefore skills of management and therefore any resources operated in this form is doomed to fail.


1) Poor resources resolution mechanism discovered in the course of this research work shows that management still adopt a bias method that is influenced resources.

2) Involved especially the unemployed workers who’s productivity is likely to reduce and low negatively in the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.

3) It was discovered in the Local Government policies and poor economic condition of the country if not checked arises as a resourcing need on the workers causing situational resources and in turn reduces the effectiveness and efficiency of individual performance


The centre of rural development lives within the local government level which is geared at freeing the oral man from poverty and the creating of employment to case off economic hardship.

The researcher was of the opinion that the impact of effective management of resources has not taken its worthy place in solving unemployment problem in Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area due to the fact that the necessary machinery has not been put in place to achieve this objective.

Effective management of resources always face both financial and material problems when involved in unemployment situation. This is as result of their law capital getting financial assistance from banks other proprietor is not always easy course/task.

Many of them are unaware of the existence of such financial facilities due to the low literacy level of most proprietor and unemployed people, they fail to understand the need to seek for financial from banks. They do not know the processes and procedure involved in securing loans. Due to this fact, they get frustrated because they can not meet up with requirements. All th4ese have made unemployment to persist even with the efforts to bring an end to it.


  1. The objectives of every research work or findings are for recommendations to be made: As a result of this, the following recommendations are therefore made having stated the findings, provision of infrastructure like: Water, electricity to discourage unemployment in the rural areas, Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area.
  2. Enlightenment programme: This will create awareness among the people in knowing the importance of establishing resources. Government should embark on massive enlightenmentprogrammes and advantages associated with effective management of their scare resources. Since most operators of scare resources are stake illiterates, they should be equipped through heavy enlightenment programme with the language they will understand.
  3. Technology:This is another factor that should be looked into since we depend solely on imported technology to develop our already existing, a priority to see that the best technology is in place the government should on the other side promote the development of our indigenous. If this can be achieved it will invariable sustain the already existing resources.
  4. Management:The root of every successful business is solely dependant on how efficient the management operates. This is one basis on which this research project takes its stand. To achieve local government objectives or goals, the management team must be capable of identifying the problem area plan property, maintain proper accountability control credit granting practice must be able to utilize professional assistance tackled, it will in order works, help to create room for expansion which invariably will lead to employment of more people. It will therefore serves as a means or reducing unemployment. If there accommodations are given a serious through by both the government area, a stage will be reached when serious minded people will see the effective management of resource as the surest way of solving unemployment in the area.

Finally, the researcher believes that this study is not conclusive, the researcher many therefore, suggesting that further study can be conducted on this topic, more especially, on the areas involving problem associated with effective management of resources in a bid to bringing out further problems areas and proffer solutions to them.


In carrying out this study, the researcher encountered some problems which posed limitations to the scope of the study. This problem includes bias and prejudice, time constraints, financial constraints etc.

In our society today, researchers are always looked upon as secret tapers and as such are not always received with favours in effort and attempts to find out simple facts. Under such disposition managers instead of being helpful and giving direct and correct answer to some question posed to them were rather based and feeling hesitant to give their answers the time constraint poses difficulty on the research being fully carried out. The time given for this study is quite limited and more so as the researcher is faced with sharing the limited time for classroom lectures, reading and doing other things and meetings with the supervisor.

In research of this nature before all the information are collected there is need for a lot of finance so as to reach the defined population for good result, but the crumbling economy has limited the scope of the study. As a result of the limitation, the researcher was unable to cover a very large area but only focused on Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area.


The researcher suggest that other people who may be interested in the same area of study in order to get more information for comparism should go to areas which the researcher could not go into due to limitation such as time and money.

The researcher is also suggesting that the sample size should be increased and also another data analyzing tools should be used to enable the comparism to be more reliable.


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