Marketing Project Topics

The Impact of Advertising in the Development of the Mass Media in Nigeria

The Impact of Advertising in the Development of the Mass Media in Nigeria

The Impact of Advertising in the Development of the Mass Media in Nigeria



The objectives of this study are

  1. To ascertain the attitude of consumers in Edo State towards Bond FM peak milk advertisement.
  2. To determine the extent to which Bond FM peak milk advertisement influence consumers to make buying decision.
  3. To examine the level of influence of Bond FM peak milk advertisement on consumer buying behaviours.




This chapter presents the review of related literature as related to this study. The sub-topic described under this chapter are;

  • Review of concept
  • Radio Advertising
  • Psychology effect of radio advertising on consumer’s behavior
  • Theoretical framework

Review of concept

By its definition advertisement is a unidirectional and paid form of communication that is used to disseminate the product or services information, (Wells, Burnett, & Moriarty, 2007). Companies invest heavily on advertisement campaigns. An estimate of spending on advertisement in 2005 around the world is $300 Billion (Laczniak, 2008). The primary focus of advertisement is to enhance the business profitability; therefore, companies ignore many social aspects while designing an advertisement campaign. In contemporary marketing practices, advertisement means to create a need of the product in the mind of the consumers to influence its mind in a way that he feels thrust for that product weather he really needs that product or not (Singh, 1998). Advertisements no doubt are among the most visible of the marketing strategy and have been the subject of a great deal of attention in the last ten to fifteen years. Advertisement cannot only change emotions but give can subliminal message. Advertising today seems to be everywhere and ever present exerting a far reaching influence on the daily lives of people. Advertisements develop self-concepts in order to induce purchase decisions.

The six fundamental principles, on which advertising campaign run, have been unanimously agreed upon by researchers. These include (Shahid, 1999):

  • To score attention;
  • To arose interest;
  • To develop and sustain that interest;
  • To create desire;
  • To incite action; and
  • To create good will.

After choosing an appropriate strategy and deciding upon the advertising objectives, media selection is the next important consideration. Media are the vehicle that is used for the delivery of the message. Some important tools of advertisement are newspapers, magazines, radio, radio, direct mail and mail order, outdoor display and transportation (Wells, Burnett, and Moriarty, 2000). Advertisements are not intended to create sales in the short-term, even though this can be seen as a triumph. However, they try to create long-lasting relationships with their consumers and try to persuade others to buy their product.





This chapter presents the methodology adopted for the study. The methodology is a scientific method employed in collecting, collating and analyzing data for the study. This chapter therefore discusses the research design, population of the study, sample size, sampling techniques, instrument for data collection, method of data collection and techniques of data presentation and analysis.


The research design used for this study was the survey design because the views of substantial amount of respondents are needed. Survey design is used when a researcher is interested in the attitude, perception and behavior of people towards a variable or phenomenon. Moreover, survey design allows researchers to collect data from a few people which represent the entire population of the study. In effect, the use of survey design for this study ensured that selected respondents for the study represent the entire population of the study.


Population refers to the people who live or work in a particular area, city or country. It is the total number of a particular group of people living in a particular area. The population of this study covered everybody in Benin City, Edo State which is estimated at 1,147,188 million in the 2006 census. The population of this study comprised male and female in the seven local government area which make up Edo State senatorial district namely; Egor, Ikpoba-Okha, Oredo Orhionmwon, Ovia-North-Easth, Ovia-South-West and Uhunwonde LGAs respectively.




This chapter deals with the presentation and analysis of data gotten from the administered questionnaire. The analysis is based on the three research question formulated for the study.

The presentation of data was done with the aid of frequency tables, simple percentages and means scores through the 5-point likert scale.




This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendations based on the findings of this study as well as for further study.


The purpose of this research was to find out the Effect of Peak Milk Bond FM Advertisement on Consumer’s Buying Behavior in Edo State. The study was anchored on the agenda setting theory of the mass media and diffusion of innovation theory, both which guided the study to relate the effect Bond FM advertisement have on consumers buying behavior.

The data were collected using questionnaire and analyzed by simple percentages. The sample constituted 150 male and 150 female (300) consumers. Thus 300 copies of the questionnaire were distributed and comprise to the respondents.

The findings of this study show that consumers have a very positive attitude towards peak milk Bond FM advertisements. The study also revealed that peak milk Bond FM advertisement influences consumer’s buying decision to a high extent. It is evident that this studies confirmed  that peak milk Bond FM advertisements has a high influence on consumers, that it influences them in a way that it make them to buy the product and in place of other brand.


  • The answer to the research question was found on table 6. Table 6 revealed that a merger of SA and A showed that 251 out of the 300 respondent strongly that their attitude toward peak milk Bond FM advertisement was very positive. Whereas, a merger of disagree and strongly disagree indicated that only 15 respondent strongly disagreed that they have very positive attitude toward peak milk advertisement while 34 said they preferred to remain neutral. This clearly indicates that the respondents have a very positive attitude towards peak milk Bond FM advertisement which means that the advertisement is very effective. This is in line the study of some group of researcher (Tsang, Ho, and Liang, 2004; Haghirian and Madlberger, 2005; Brackett and Carr, 2001) whose studies have shown that Bond FM advertising messages has positive influence on consumers’ attitude towards advertising.
  • It was found in table 6 that 166 respondent strongly agreed that their attitude towards peak milk Bond FM advertisement were very positive. 85 respondents agreed that their attitude towards peak milk Bond FM advertisement were very positive. 34 respondents were neutral as to whether their attitudes towards peak milk Bond FM advertisement were very positive. 15 responses disagreed that their attitude towards peak milk Bond FM advertisement were very positive and none of the respondent strongly disagreed that their attitude towards peak milk Bond FM advertisement were very positive.
  • 120 respondents strongly disagreed 105 disagreed, 50 were neutral, 20 agreed and 50 strongly agreed that their attitude towards peak milk Bond FM advertisement was neutral.
  • 60 respondents strongly disagreed, and a significant number of 195 disagreed that their attitude toward peak milk advertisement were negative and only 35 were neutral.
  • Only 70 respondents strongly disagreed and 200 respondent disagreed that their attitude to peak milk Bond FM advertisement were negative while only 30 were neutral.
  • Table 7, graphically illustrate data that displayed extent to which peak milk Bond FM advertisement influences consumer’s buying decision. It shows that 104 respondent strongly agreed that to a very high extent peak milk Bond FM advertisement influence their buying decision. 166 responses which is more than half of the total responses agreed that peak milk Bond FM advertisement influences their buying decision to a high extent.
  • Similarly, it show that 108 respondents strongly agreed, 130 agreed that peak milk Bond FM advertisement influence their buying decision to a high extent, 40 were neutral 22 disagreed while none strongly disagreed.

This indicate that peak milk Bond FM advertisement have high influence on the consumer of the product. This is in contrast with   the study by Source Dynamic Logic through a survey conducted in 2009 on the consumer behavior to different types of advertisements for products including Bond FM, Online and Magazines. The study revealed that advertisements have modified the consumer behaviour in such a way that they only go for brand favorability despite of ad awareness in every type of media.


The study reveals how consumers think, feel and behave towards Bond FM advertisements of peak milk. While consumers do not swallow hook, line and sinker whatever advertisements are beamed to them, they are however drawn to Bond FM advertisement appeals of peak milk advertisements, that is, they are influenced by it to a great extent more than other brands.

The study also explains that Bond FM advertisements of peak milk appeals to the people to the extent that it persuade them to make a positive buying decision.


The study shows that consumers have certain variables that influence their buying habits such as price, taste, product design and advertisement.

Out of these other variables, advertisement was considered the most influential especially with Bond FM as the most preferred medium.

  • It is therefore recommended that in the advertisement of peak milk, the company should pay more attention to continuous usage of Bond FM as a medium of advertisement.
  • Bond FM should be considered first before any other media of advertising as its influence is most exciting and to high extent influences the buying decision of the consumers.
  • That the Bond FM advertisement of peak milk should be sustained to ensure consumer’s continuous patronage.
  • The advertisement of the product should also be carried out in other medium.
  • Consumers of peak milk should be occasionally be encourage by incentives in form of gift items and promo.

Suggestions for Further Studies

The researcher suggest that the scope of the study as well as the methodology can be expanded through other studies such as

  1. The effect of peak milk Bond FM advertisement in Nigeria.
  2. The effect of peak milk Bond FM advertisement in other station
  3. The effect of peak milk Bond FM advertisement on delta radio Asaba


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