Computer Science Project Topics

The Future of Database Management in the Era of Big Data and Cloud Computing in Nigeria

The Future of Database Management in the Era of Big Data and Cloud Computing in Nigeria

The Future of Database Management in the Era of Big Data and Cloud Computing in Nigeria



The Main Objective of the study is to appraise the future of database management in the era of big data and cloud computing in Nigeria; The specific objectives include

  1. To determine the nature of database management, big data and cloud computing.
  2. To determine the future of database management in the era of big data and cloud computing in Nigeria.




In today’s business environment, the importance of data cannot be overemphasized as economic and social activities have long relied on data to survive. But today the increased volume, velocity, variety, social and economic value of data gestures a paradigm shift towards a data-driven socioeconomic world. In parallel with the continuous and significant growth of data; better data access, availability of powerful ICT systems, and ubiquitous connectivity of both systems and people has come. This has led to intensified activities around Big Data and Big Data Value. Powerful tools have been developed to collect, store, analyze, process, and visualize huge amounts of data. Open data initiatives have been launched to provide broad access to data from the public sector, business and science [1]. In the Journal of Science 2008, “Big Data” is defined as “the representation of the progress of human cognitive processes, which usually includes data sets with sizes beyond the ability of current technology, method and theory to capture, manage, and process the data within a tolerable elapsed time”. So also , the definition of big data as given by the Gartner defined it as high-volume, high-velocity, and/or high-variety information assets that require new forms of processing to enable enhanced decision making, insight discovery and process optimization” [2]. Big Data can be described as a massive volume of structured and unstructured data which are so large and very difficult to process this data using traditional methods and recent software technologies. [3]. Furthermore, Big data is the elusive, all-encompassing name given to enormous datasets stored on enterprise servers for example, data stored in Google (which organizes 100 trillion Web pages), Facebook (with 1 million gigabytes of disk storage, its data keep increasing on a daily basis), and YouTube (which contains 20 petabytes of new video content per year). Big data is also used in science, for scientific applications such as weather forecasting, earthquake prediction, seismic processing, molecular modeling, and genetic sequencing. Many of these applications require servers to run with tens of petabytes of storage, such as the Sequoia (Lawrence Livermore) and Blue Waters (NCSA) supercomputers [4]. The three main terms that generally signify Big Data are: i. Volume: This has to do with the amount of data generated on a daily basis which is so large and keeps increasing with time. ii. Variety: Today data is created in different type, form and formats such as emails, video, audio, transactions etc. iii. Velocity: This has to do with the speed it takes to produce data and how fast this data produced needs to be processed on time to meet individual demand. The other two properties that need to be critically consider when talking about Big Data are Variability and Complexity as depicted by [3]. i. Variability: this goes along with velocity, and it has to do with how inconsistent the flow of data can be with respect to time and far it can go. ii. Complexity: the complexity of the data must be considered especially when we have multiple source of data. The data must be rearranged in such a format that will be suitable for processing. Recent trends in Technologies today has not only supported the collection of large amounts of data but is has also utilizes the management of such data effectively. And such technologies also supports the daily transactions made all over the world ranging from Bank transactions, Walmart customer transactions, and social media transactions such as the once generated from Facebook, twitter, Instagram, YouTube etc. Some common characteristics of big data as highlighted by [5] includes the following: a) Big data incorporates both structured and unstructured data. b) Big data discourses the following speed and scalability, mobility and security, flexibility and stability. c) In big data the time it takes to retrieve information is critical to be able to emphasize how important various data sources are which may include mobile devices, radio frequency identification, tablets, the web and a growing list of automated sensory technologies etc. There are various definitions used to define cloud computing however, most researchers agree with [6] definition who defines Cloud Computing as “a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This definition gives Cloud Computing, a more general description.





The processing of large volume of data has exacted numerous challenges.

These  Cloud  computing  technology  poses a lot of  security  issues  due to the fact that it   involves numerous  technologies which include networks,  databases,  operating  systems,  virtualization,  resource  allocation,  containerization, resource  scheduling,  transaction management, load balancing, concurrency control, managing  contents distribution in a content delivery network (CDN) and  memory management.  The problem confronting the study is to appraise the future of database management in the era of big data and cloud computing in Nigeria.

The research methodology and procedures are presented as follows:

  1. Method of research.
  2. The study area.
  3. The sample population
  4. Method of data collection
  5. Method of data analysis
  6. Reliability g. validity


The descriptive survey study method was used in conducting this research. This is a method of research which concerns itself with the present phenomena in terms of condition, practices, beliefs, processes, relationships or trends invariably, (Salaria, 2012). According to Aggarwal (2008) cited in Salaria (2012), descriptive research is devoted to the gathering of information about prevailing conditions or situations for the purpose of description and interpretation. This type of research method is not simply amassing and tabulating facts, but includes proper analysis, interpretation, comparisons, identification of trends and relationships. This study method offers an opportunity to study a particular subject e.g. an organization in-depth or a group of individuals and usually involves gathering and analyzing information that may be both qualitative and quantitative. This method was used because it seeks to describe systematically, factually, and accurately the situation or area of interest in question.




This chapter deals with the presentation and analysis of the result obtained from questionnaires. The data gathered were presented according to the order in which they were arranged in the research questions, sample percentage were used to analyse the demographic information of the respondents while Chi-square test was adopted to test the research hypotheses. 100 was correctly filled and returned during the research.




This chapter presents the summary and conclusion that can be drawn from the study. It also presents the researchers recommendations with regards to the findings of the study and proposed areas for further studies by other researcher.


The Main Objective of the study is to appraise the future of database management in the era of big data and cloud computing in Nigeria; The specific objectives include

  1. To determine the nature of database management, big data and cloud computing.
  2. To determine the future of database management in the era of big data and cloud computing in Nigeria.


from the study reveal that the future of database management in the era of big data and cloud computing in Nigeria is positive.


This paper aims to investigate the future of database management in the era of big data and cloud computing in Nigeria.

The study focuses on database management in the era of big data and cloud computing in Nigeria.

This study is a case study of a selected area. The study was delimited to the following scope of the study. The study is to be carried out in Nigeria with data gotten from internet users.

This study had several delimitations. This study will only use internet users ans service providers instead of other subjects.

As a result of the inability of the researcher to effectively study the whole population strength, a representative number was chosen as the sample size population, 100 respondents was used as the sample size. Data was collected from primary and secondary sources. Primary data was obtained through questionnaire and personal interviews with the respondents. Tables and simple percentage was used as technique of analyzing the research questions.


The study recommends that Organizations should consider how any data within the system can be retrieved and returned when the contract for cloud services expires. They should ensure that the cloud provider specifies how data will be transferred back if required and agree on timeline, which shall be included within the contract. Most importantly, all government agencies should instruct copies of the data to be deleted, overwritten or otherwise rendered inaccessible upon expiration or termination of a contract.


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