Urban and Regional Planning Project Topics

The Evaluation of the Role of Government in Solving Housing Problem in Awka-South LGA of Anambra State

The Evaluation of the Role of Government in Solving Housing Problem in Awka-South LGA of Anambra State

The Evaluation of the Role of Government in Solving Housing Problem in Awka-South LGA of Anambra State

Chapter One


The rapid hazardous growth of Anambra state as a result of a rapidly growing population, overcrowding, environmental conditions and the phenomenal changes in economic political and social conditions, pose obvious challenges can be as follows.

  1. The provision of accommodation facilities for the teeming and ever-increasing population of the state and its environment for commercial and residential purposes.
  2. To acquire develop hold, manage, sell, lose or let any property moveable within the state.
  3. Housing the homeless people of the state and providing more reasonable alternatives for those hither to or presently poorly accommodated.

The establishment of a home-ownership saving scheme in respect of any housing estate or building owned constituted and managed by the corporation. The above-mentioned in the aim of every succession government in the state, since the inception of the corporation.




State intervention in the form of public housing construction evolved during the period of colonial domination. This policy was exclusively directed at the provision of housing for the white colonial population “settled” in specially protected and developed areas, referred to as government reservation Area (GRA) prohibited to the local population the housing forms and spatial patterns of the GRA’S reflected the English nostalgia for the “garden city”.

The post-independence period saw the development and extensions of the GRAS and the introduction of special public housing programmes exclusively for the needs of the new national elites in the high hierarchy of the state apparatus.

In 1962, National Development plans was introduced into the budgeting system of the country instead of the fiscal and sectoral plans, which were previously used. From the first National Development plan (1962-68) it was the intention or policy of the government that low, medium and high income people should benefit from public housing and programmes of governments. However, the first ten years after independence does not have much to say about government efforts in the provision of public housing in Nigeria.

The first National development Plan (1962-68) mentioned housing as part of industrial estates, land acquisition and town planning. The plan indicated government’s aim of producing 24,000 housing units were built by the federal government before the outbreak of the civil war in 1967. The second National Plan (1970-74) was unique because government accepted as part of its social and political responsibilities. It emphasizes housing provision for all social groups whether displaced or not from the competitive housing market.


Nigeria has a land mass of 923,768 square kilometer is with a population of 140,003,542 according to the report of 2005 National Population census. The average population density according to Global strategy for shelter (GSS) is approximately 124 persons per square kilometers making Nigeria one of the most densely populated countries in the world.





The research is going to adopt the approach to issue study as empirical facts which investigates contemporary phenomenon within its real life context are not clearly evidence. Therefore we are going to select high key information form the state under study. Most of the information was collected from oral interview was done identify the level of deterioration in the existing housing stock and environment at large. This is considered to be of great importance in the physical features of the environment and the away of people living in the study area.


The research is design to cover Anambra Housing co-operation and the entire Anambra state. The findings in this state would inference to what is obtainable in different state of Nigeria. Places like Awka, Enugu are the placed where government has attempted to envisage houses for public consumption. The junior and senior staff of housing co-operation will form the population and also other civil servants practicing estate surveyors as well as properly developers also forms the population of the study as the element for the research questionnaires for data collections.


According to the National census conducted 3006 by the National population commission of Nigeria, Awka was recorded to be one hundred and eighty-nine thousand, six hundred and fifty-four (198,654)



The data presented and analyzed were collected by the use of questionnaire administered to staff of Anambra corporation property developers estate surveyors and values civil servants in Anambra state. The data collected were analyzed, presented on a frequency and percentage volume. The responses were collected and put together in tables to present a clear picture of the result of the findings.




The importance of shelter in the life of every normal human being cannot be overemphasized. It is one of the basic needs of human existence. After the general introduction and background of the study, this work reviewed the past literatures and about what different people has to about housing and how the funds and disbursed. Our discussion of organizational structure of Anambra state housing authority revealed that the director general of housing is the chief executive of the departments. The research also arrived at the following revelations in the course of discussion.

  1. Delay in or non-payments of compensation for land compulsorily. The state is responsible for land development.
  2. Delay in obtaining a certificate of occupancy consent mortgage is a problem to general property development of the state.
  3. There is a permanent loss of structure of the property development in state.

After due consideration of the state problem at the on-set of this project, we arrive at the following findings that inhibit the successful implementation of housing for all in Anambra state. Land is not readily available for commencement of development most of the existing government layouts have no infrastructural facilities that can attracts allotted to start developing their plots. There is also the fear of what will happen to who enters the layout first and commence development. No bank gives loans to an individual without selling it on landed property which ownership is evidenced by certificate of occupancy.


Having made elaborate attempt to highlight the various problems plaguing this country with a particular reference to Anambra state (Awka), I strongly believe that housing problems not only in Nigeria but practically every other entry can be solved provided the right solutions are applied to them. The issue is can Nigeria be honest, sincere and truthful enough to call a spade? Can they easily put off their corrupt nature and money loving tendencies and be patriotic enough to fight a common cause soling her numerous housing problems.

However, in the light of the preventing economic situation in the country now, the provision of how houses is no longer feasible.


Having identified the key input required for the production of housing and some of the areas of bottlenecks which exist, it is not necessary to propose of steps that may facilitate easier availability of these inputs. Housing studies have shown that each country has cultural, political and economic consideration that require housing finance solutions to be unique to that country. Thus new, the innovations financing mechanism have to be related to our country’s situation.

It is recommended that the government should promulgate a decree on the new National Housing Policies that will embody the recommendation already made. If the recommendations are acceded to, it will go a long way in reducing the constraints faced by individuals in the provision of Housing accommodations.


  • Poju, Onubokwu 1985, Ibadan Housing in Nigeria Ifediora G.S.A 1996 Ile Ife
  • Appraisal framework UNN Press Nsukka, Policy and principle unife Nigeria. UNCHS 1993
  • National trends in Housing Production Practices Volume 4. Nigeria.
  • UME J.A. 1973, Compulsory Acquisition of and compensation in Nigeria sweet and Maxwell. London.
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