Transportation Project Topics

The Evaluation of the Effects of Transportation Problems in the Distribution of Goods and Services in Aguata L.G.A, Anambra State

The Evaluation of the Effects of Transportation Problems in the Distribution of Goods and Services in Aguata L.G.A, Anambra State

The Evaluation of the Effects of Transportation Problems in the Distribution of Goods and Services in Aguata L.G.A, Anambra State



The purpose of the study means the objective of the study i.e. the purpose for carrying out the research.

This research aimed to identify the numerous obstacles that have militated against the growth of distribution of goods and services in Aguata Local Government Area. The research is equally targeted at discovering the solutions of distribution of goods and service throughout transportation means. This research is also aimed at proffering recommendations as to the possible mean by which the problem of transportation and distribution of goods and services can be eliminated as a tool for distribution growth.



For the proficiency and effectiveness of this research project and the restriction made concerning the use of primary data in collecting information which is the direct source of information to collection data project work. To this effect one has to take a secondary source of information this implies that all the work in this project was gotten from response respondents magazines newspaper book related to the topic on discussion. This is to abide by the rules stipulated by the body supervising the response project work.

For this review, we have to find out those transport problems that hinder the distribution of economic goods and services in Aguata local government area in Anambra state. Such problems are:

  1. The transport management in the local government area.
  2. Transport and production.
  3. Transport and economic development in the local government area
  4. .Managing rural transport in Aguata local  government.

Therefore the following are the review of the literature on the topic “an evaluation of transportation problems and their effects on distribution of goods in Aguata local government area” and the remedies to overcome these impending obstacles for prosperous economic development both in the urban and the rural periphery.

Transport Management System

In Aguata local government area, transport management is one of major impending factor in the distribution of economic goods and services these problems are based on late departure and arrival at designated stations. Management neglect their functions in controlling the movement of vehicles on duty. The time are not regulated for prompt services delivery.

Frequent breakdown of buses: why most of the  intending goods on distribution do not reach their destination is because of frequent breakdown of delivery van and trucks on duty. The management funds maintenance of their vehicles. However in most cases inadequate infrastructure constitutes to the breakdown of those vehicles by this we mean that most of the roads on which the buses ply are still in bad shape of instance Akpo and Achina are not freely accessible by motor car due to bad shape of the road and most annoying some of the parts have good roads.

The transport manager most often make poor recruitment and employment policies most of drivers and staff recruited into the company are often employed based on criteria. Moreover staffs are employed to position without regards to qualification also experience and competence drivers are not employed into the company.




In this chapter, the researcher related how the data were collect, the areas covered, the population studied and the method used in data analysis.


This study utilized a survey research design because it was a fact finding techniques in which the questionnaires was used  as the major instrument and also  the survey research focused on people aid also the survey research focused and their beliefs, opinion-attitudes and percentage of people about issue copies of questionnaire of people about issue. Copies of questionnaires were distributed to select potential entrepreneurs while oral interview were used for some others whom copies of questionnaires could not get to.



In the data analysis responses from the respondents were converted to percentages with appropriate statistical procedure. Much emphasis were placed on the research question with related to the objectives of study. A total of 40 questionnaires responded and they formed the actual population studied in this work the frequency distribution and percentages of respondents were as follows.




It is observed that the research work of this project that despite the construction of different forms of transportation system to cover the primitive system of transport and enhance distribution system. The aims were defeated. This is because some areas in Aguata local government area are still lacking the forms of transportation and consequently the goods proceed by them are not able to the distributed to the areas where they are needed.

The local government has not been able to bring out sufficient or more transit to aid in the distribution of goods both in rural and urban area. In this case efficient and effective distribution is lacking in the local government area because the aims has not been achieved for instance there have been road problem which contributes to the distribution of the few vehicles on line for distribution. This also brings delay in the distribution of goods at the it is needed. It also caused the spoilage of perishable goods. It has been found out also that management neglects their functions they do not discharge their duty effectively and providently. This constitutes one of the impending factor in the distribution of goods in both the urban and rural periphery.


It has been observed that all physical distribution activities, transport receive that highest public attention. This is due to its importance in the social economic activities involving physical distribution goods produced in this state must be moved from the place of production to the place of consumption because an item produced at one point tends to have little value unless it can be moved to the place where its demand or market exist. This goes to support our statement in this work that production and transportation are integral component of the production process.


The research is entitled evaluation of the effect of the transportation problems in the distribution of goods services in Aguata local government area.

The researcher therefore recommended that further research should be done on the same topic in various states in the country to enable us test its acceptability.


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