Accounting Project Topics

The Effects of Qualification of Accounting Teachers on the Performance of Secondary School Students in External Examinations

The Effects of Qualification of Accounting Teachers on the Performance of Secondary School Students in External Examinations

The Effects of Qualification of Accounting Teachers on the Performance of Secondary School Students in External Examinations


 Objective of the Study

The research study aimed to investigate the effect of the qualification of accounting teachers on the performance of Secondary School students in external examinations in Kaduna State. The present study sets out to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To find out whether the qualification of teachers affects Secondary School student’s  performance in external exams in Kaduna
  2. Whether teachers‟ experience in teaching affects Secondary school students‟ academic performance in Academics, in Kaduna state
  3. Whether teachers attending workshops, seminars, and conferences affect Secondary School Students‟ academic performance in Academics in the state.



 Conceptual Framework on Qualification of teachers on Teaching Methods

There was a change in the various ways in which the knowledge being taught in the schools are passed to the learners. In the past, the subject matter, society and the learner are the most important elements of education in Nigeria. But nowadays subject, it is the reverse. From the society-centred and subject-centred, we are now moving to student-centred or learner-centred education.

Method as the way of doing something is an approach adopted by the teacher to explain the subject matter to learners. The African accounting and environmental studies programme (ASSSP, 1994) described the teaching method as the general approach to conduct a lesson. While Onwuke (1996) perceived method of teaching as curriculum. In other words is the way of bringing learners into contact with subject matter. To find out the effect of qualification of teachers as variables on academics to our secondary school student, the following variables were considered viz: Qualification of teachers, qualification of teachers and teachers experience as variables

 Teacher as Variable

A teacher is a person who provides schooling for others. Teacher is he who facilitates education for an individual student he may also be described as a personal tutor. According to W. Louder, 1991, the teacher is the ultimate key to educational change and school improvement. Furthermore, the restructuring of schools, the composition of national and provincial curricula and the development of benchmark assessments are of little values if they do not take the teacher into consideration. A teacher doesn‟t deliver the curriculum, but he develops, define and re-interpret the curriculum. It is what teachers think, believe and do at the level of classroom that ultimately shapes the kind of learning that young people get. Therefore, appreciation of this fact is placing working with teachers and understanding teaching at the top of our research. There are three schools of thoughts whose described a teacher as someone who consciously and deliberately shows others how to do things. With this definition, we can say that anybody who occupies a leadership position in any sphere of the society is a teacher. This includes those who are not paid to teach in school like religious schools and parents. The second school of thought looks at a teacher as someone who imparts ideas, knowledge and skills in an organized classroom. There they mean a teacher is just anybody who can handle chalk and stand before the learners and pour facts for the learners to copy into their notes.

This group includes untrained teachers, half bated teachers and trained teachers. While the third school of thought views the teacher as “someone who is professionally qualified to impart knowledge and stimulate learning formally in a classroom situation”. Here a teacher is someone grounded in his subject area and must necessarily posses‟ basic teaching qualification, which enables him to be appointed to teach in institutions of learning. This group includes trained teachers, tutors, instructor and lecturers who are paid to teach in our institutions of learning. Teachers registration Council (TRC) [2002] define a teacher „ as a person who had undergone approved Professional training in education at appropriate levels capable of imparting knowledge, attitudes and skills to the learner”.

The Nigeria Union of Teachers NUT (1994) defined a teacher ‟‟ as a person who has the registrable professional qualification which enables him to be appointed to teach at any appropriate level of recognized education in any nation and who is of sound mind and is mentally alert‟‟. The word „teach‟ is sometimes synonymously used with such terms as impart, inspire, facilitate, guide, influence, organize, coordinate, disseminate, inform, direct, instruct, educate or counsel.




Research Design

The design of this research was survey methods. The performance of students in external examinations under this study was tested using questionnaire because of large number of the respondents.

Population of the Study

The population of this study consisted of all Secondary School Students in Kaduna south. There are a total of two hundred and seventeen (217) Secondary School in Kaduna State as at the time of this study. The population of Secondary School students was sixty-eight thousand, nine hundred and forty-four (68,944).



Respondents’ Personal Information

This section presented respondent bio-data (Personal information) which includes name status, guardian age and educational background among others. A total of four hundred and twenty respondents which involves seventy (70) teachers and three hundred and fifty (350) students constituted the respondents of this study who dully completed and returned their questionnaire. However, four hundred and twenty eight questionnaires were distributed to the respondents but eighteen (18) questionnaires, three and fifteen for teachers and students respectively were not completed and returned. The analysis therefore was done based on the four hundred and twenty competed and returned questionnaires.



Summary of the Finding

The Focal point of this research was to asses qualification of teachers on the academic performance of the Secondary school students in Kaduna State.

After a thorough analysis of data obtained through the questionnaire and the achievement test, which are the major instruments for this study, the researcher discovered that the teaching and learning of academics education as a school discipline is an indispensable tools if teacher was given due considerations for the improvement of teaching and learning of academics in Nigeria. This means that academics as a problems solving and integrative school discipline cannot be separated from the institutionalization of an effective use of qualification of teachers, teacher experiences and teachers, attendance of workshops, seminars and conferences; i.e. in-service training.

Going by this study it was quite revealing that qualification of teachers has great potentialities that can help in salvaging the Nigerian Society from the various ills it currently saddled with. This is because the campaign comes with the desired methods through various Medias to effectively educate and mobilize Nigerian to live peacefully with each other.

In the course of this study, the research also discovered that the teaching and learning of academics education serves as major component of information to those occupied large areas in improving the standard of living peacefully.


Academics education is a pervading discipline that affects all aspects of human life. Teaching and learning of academics education serves as an effective and efficient instrument for the enhancement of the people. It avails both academics experts and scholars to avail themselves with relevance information thereby promoting their knowledge of uniting the ethics of the country through its teaching and learning, since these processes and procedures change from time to time.

Since the secondary concern of this study is to highlight the importance of the qualification of teachers and experiences in teaching and learning of academics education on the different levels in our  Secondary Schools in Kaduna state and to advance modalities that may enhance the taping of its full benefits for the teaching and learning system in Nigeria as a whole. Therefore, the desired success to be achieved in galvanizing the advantage of incorporating the teaching and learning of academics education into the activities of students, it is therefore becomes pertinent that the student and the society to understand the composition, structure and the socio-cultural orientation of every locality in the state as well as the country at large.


The above submission boils to the simple fact that, despite the shortcoming associated with the teacher, his qualification, qualification and experiences over years; it can still be operatively for the achievement of its fall potentials and benefits, if appropriate steps are taken by the authorities concerned.

With the above narrated recommendations in mind therefore, the following recommendation are made. The issue of proper enlightenment and understanding of the relevant authorities which is being encouraged the academics teachers to go for in-service training so that to boast their profession in the teaching of academics. This is important so as to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the total transformation of the Nigerians socio-culturally, educationally and economically.

  1. The teacher qualities are the tools or system towards achieving its laudable goals and objectives in teaching academics education in Kaduna state and Nigeria in general. However, through the teaching of academics students or the society will know the importance of peaceful coexistence, the peace that will continue to marginalized the haves from the have not. The types of peace people desired, similarity and stability that will continue to breed and sustain accounting vices in thesociety
  2. Governmentshould provide adequate funding for the academics programmers and activities, and provide the necessary materials enough and qualified manpower for academics in the state and the country in general. Give enough time and encouragement to academics teacher in allowing them to attend conferences, seminars and workshops organized by academics association of Nigeria and other conference organized in educational sector.
  3. Government should encourage the get together in an occasion where different ethnic groups gathered, interact with others in sharing ideas, discourage the tribalistic attitudes share al the responsibilities
  4. Since academics was recognized in the Nigeria policy of education to be taught at secondary school level,  secondary one to three (JSS I-III) and to be taught up to tertiary level is a very good plan and it is a very great achievement but up till now the course was not recognized at Senior Secondary School (SSS) level. Therefore what remain now is to insert the subject into the Senior Secondary School level syllabus so that to be taught from secondary to tertiary level ofeducation
  5. As we all know academics deals with man directly and study man wherever he is, academics is a corrective subject to human society if effectively oriented ethnically, religiously or other sentiment would discouraged. This will facilitate the emergence of visionary, honesty and transparence citizen.


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