Public Administration Project Topics

The Effects of Poor Records Management in an Office Organization in Federal Polytechnic, Oko

The Effects of Poor Records Management in an Office Organization in Federal Polytechnic, Oko

The Effects of Poor Records Management in an Office Organization in Federal Polytechnic, Oko

Chapter One


  1. The purpose of study is to know the effect of poor records management in an office organization.
  2. To know why some offices in the institution fell to keep records well.
  3. To know the problem associated with record management.
  4. To make suggestion based on the findings and also make recommendation so as to have effective records management in the organization especially in Federal Polytechnic, Oko.



Literature review is all about the researcher reviewing the works written by other authorities about a subject matter.

What is Record Management?

Records management is the practice of maintaining the records of an organization from the time they are created up to their eventual disposal. 150 – International organization for standardization (2001) defines records management as the field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of records, including the processes for cawing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transaction in the form of record.

150-International organization for standardization (2001) states that records management includes:

  • Setting policies and standard;
  • Assigning responsibilities and authorities;
  • Establishing and promulgating procedure and guideline;
  • Providing a range of service relating to the management and use of records;
  • Designing implementing and administering specializing system for managing records;
  • Integrating records management into business systems and processes.

A record therefore as defined by the international organization for standardization is information creative received and maintained as evidence and information by an organization or person, in pursuance of legal obligation or in the transaction of business.

According to Muolokwu (1993) records means data or information above a person, things or happening. They normally content history of things, occurrences, employees in an hospital and clients.

A records therefore, as defined by the international organization for standardization is information created, received and maintained as evidence and information by an organization or person in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction of business.




This chapter deals with methods and procedures used by the researcher in obtaining the relevant information and data. The research method is scientific in nature considering the format used, the format allow for systematic approach in order to get best result.


In this chapter, the researcher take a look at the research design of the study, area of the study, population of the study, sample of the study, instrument for data collection, validation of the instrument used, distribution and retrieval of the instrument and method of data analysis.


        The study was designed to investigate into the causes and effects of poor records management in an office organization.

In addition to find out the importance of good records management in the offices.


        The area of the study is Federal Polytechnic Oko which is located in Orumba North Local Government Area of Anambra State.


        Okoye (2006) defined population as the total number of people who are supposed to respond to the researcher’s questions within a given geographical area at particular point in time as well as institutions, objects and element relevant to a particular researcher’s interest. The whole population used in this research report covers the staff in records management office which is made up of the total populations of one hundred (850).




In this chapter, the researcher present the raw data collected from the field work using questionnaires, instrument and also analyzed the data using tables and simple percentage and frequencies and also drawing references from each analysis.



        In this chapter the researcher tries to examine the causes and effect of poor records management in an office organization with particular reference to Federal Polytechnic Oko.

In the cause of these researches the researcher discovered that record management could be seen as the practice of maintaining the records of an organization from the time they are created up to their eventual disposal.

The researcher also discovered that the and effect of poor record management could includes lack of trained personnel, inadequate space lack of money etc.

From the analysis above it is observed that poor records management affect both employers, workers and students in Federal Polytechnic Oko. And also non availability of space bring about problem event though the equipment needed the space where these equipment will be kept will become a problem.


        From research work made, the researcher gathered a lot of experiences and observations. In view of this, the researcher wishes t highlight the following points.

  1. Provides sufficient space and equipment for proper record management.
  2. Employ and maintain qualified and trained personnel for efficiency in work.
  3. Provide enough fund for the purchase of storage facilities.
  4. Sufficient attention ought to be paid to proper records management so as to enhance increased productivity.
  5. Provision of high motivational measures to the recording measures to the recording clerks so that their work will remain attractive and interesting because he that has information has power. Unlike when they feel aggressive or dissatisfied as discovered in the previous chapter that success in business organization depend largely on its record management efficiency.

It is therefore, the belief of the researcher that if the above recommendations are constructively implemented, there will be a lot of improvement in the records management of office organizations.


        In conclusion it was found that extents laid more emphasis on the importance of records management in an office organization. Availability of spaces very vital for efficient records management to take place without adequate money for the work, office will in turn affect the productivity of the organization.

Strong facilities are also need for safe keeping of documents. Where there are unqualified personnel to handle records that is filling and retrieving the filling clerk finds work ease thereby causing delay in filling and retrieving of documents. Workers should be properly motivated. This is highly recommended to enhance increase productivity. Again it will go a long way discouraging workers from feeling aggressive about their work.

Finally, provide an office organization cannot do without the key success (proper records management) there is need for availability of space, trained personnel, adequate finance motivation of workers and storage facilities so as to achieve the organizational set target, goals and objectives.


This research project is hindered by some obstacles through the researcher overcome some such problems are:

  1. Financial constraint which is an indication to the nation economic predicament as regards to transportation to go to some of the business organization in the Federal Polytechnic Oko for research work.
  2. Lack of proper data documentation; it was a bit difficult getting information and materials as promptly as possible.
  3. Accessibility: the road to the company was not so good.
  4. Fear of victimization: This was also experience too as some of the workers were reluctant to neither question no talk about issue concerning the company for fear of victimization.


  • Ademolekun, L. (2002) Public Administration in African. Printed by Polygraphic Ventures Limited, Ibadan.
  • Cole, G.A. (2002) Personnel and Human Resources Management. To international, Pad Stow Cornwall.
  • Denyor, J.C. (1980) Office Management. 5th edition, Evans Ltd, London.
  • Geoffrey White Head (1973) Office Practice made simple. Printed in create press ltd. Buagay.
  • Mailey Paul, (1985). Mastering Office Practice. Macmillan Education Ltd. London.
  • Muolokwu, C.N. (1993): Modern Office Administration. 1st Edition Optimal Press Publisher Ltd, Nkpor.
  • Osuala, E.C. (Professor) (1995): Record Management and Records Preservation. Pitmans Ltd, London.
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