The Effects of Coronavirus on Academic Performance of Secondary Schools Students Within the Kwabre Districts of Ghana in the Ashanti Region
Objectives Of The Study
The study aimed at investigating the impact of pandemic on students learning and performance in mathematics.
- To examine the impact of COVID-19 on education. .
- To investigated the various challenges that hinder continued/online education during the COVID-19 lockdown
- To find out if COVID-19 Schools close down has effects on the academic programme of Senior Secondary Schools
- To examine the impact of coronavirus pandemic outbreak on the students academic performance
Overview of Coronavirus Disease
Coronavirus Disease is a contagious disease that first emerged in Wuhan, China in 2019. It was later coded “COVID-19” by the W.H.O which stands for Coronavirus Disease 2019. The Coronavirus outbreak remains one of the worst global pandemics for decades. The mortality rate soared and the easy of spread was upsetting. Research shows that older people and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer were more likely to develop serious illnesses from coronavirus (W.H.O, 2020). Some of the symptoms of Coronavirus include; Sore throat, runny nose, constant coughing/sneezing, breathing difficulty and fatigue.
This section presents Methodology used in the study. It is presented under; Research Design, Target population, Sample Size ,Sampling Technique and, Research Instruments, Validity of Research instruments, Reliability of Research instruments, Data collection procedures and Data Analysis Techniques.
Research Design
This study used a descriptive survey research design. In using this design, data collection was carried out in a structured process. Kumar (2005) argues that the goal of descriptive research is to describe the characteristics of a selected phenomenon and involves the collection of data without manipulation of variables. The sole purpose of descriptive research is to provide an accurate and valid representation of the factors or variables that are relevant to the research question .Descriptive survey research is helpful in indicating trends in attitudes and behaviors, and enables generalization of the findings of the research study to be done.
Neuman, (2000). This design is appropriate for this study because it will enhance the amount of quality information.
Chapter Four
Results and Analysis
This section deals with the empirical result from the study. A total of 222 questionnaire were distribution from which 200 copies were recovered. 22 were either not returned or incorrectly filled.
- Demographic Information of Respondents
The study establishes that the Coronavirus pandemic has adverse effects on academic performance. COVID-19 has major effects on school characteristics, including research, academic programmes, Staff professional development and jobs in the academic sector etc. These effects were felt by both educational institutions, educators, students and parents and other stakeholders in education. The study emphasizes the need for adoption of technology in education, as a way to curb the effects of Coronavirus and other future pandemics in education. Thus, the study acknowledges that the decision to shutdown schools for Coronavirus across the world may be hurtful, but it is sensible considering the rate of spread, and the dangers imposed by COVID-19 pandemic. The unprecedented school closures for Coronavirus remains a lesson and a warning to the entire educational world particularly those who are yet to embrace or adopt emerging learning technologies that support online or remote education. Stakeholders in the education sector have to develop robust strategies to deal with post-Coronavirus era.
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