Business Administration Project Topics

The Effect of Time Management as a Tool for Organizational Survival

The Effect of Time Management as a Tool for Organizational Survival

The Effect of Time Management as a Tool for Organizational Survival


Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study was to assess effectiveness and efficiency of time management in improving organizational performance in bank industries. Specifically the objectives are:

  1. To find out the awareness of effective time management among employees
  2. To examine the effectiveness of time management in service delivery in bank industry.
  3. To know if time management can ensure timely completion of assigned duties in bank industry
  4. To describe challenges facing bank industry in implementing time management.




This involves the activities like identifying, reading, evaluating, describing, summarizing, discussing, citing and synthesizing various documents with information related to the research problem under investigation with an intention of incorporating them in the study. (Kamuzora, 2008)

This chapter is the basis on which the research is built. The aim of the research was to examine management of time in improving organizational performance in bank industry. The researcher conducted a conceptual overview of the study, theoretical framework, and empirical studies in order to generate research ideas focused on research objectives and questions. This chapter involved reviewing various studies and literatures relevant to the problem being investigated or being exploited and within the frame work of the theory structure. The general orientation of this literature review is then critically to review and contribute the previous work in a relevant area which in turn serves as the study guidelines for the researcher

Theoretical Literature

Time management starts with the commitment to change, it can be accomplished by having goals that are already set and you prioritize all future work on the goals which have been set (Benson, J. and Brown, M, 2007).

In the management of time there should be a process of getting rid of wastages of time that are not necessary and focusing on proper distribution of time to different activities (Benson, J. and Brown, M, 2007) came up with a concept for a program of training involving management of time, which is still being utilized. Key elements are: pinpointing tasks which eat up time and changing expenditure of time.

(Benson, J. and Brown, M, 2007) add that, managing time effectively is a factor in performance of work and therefore, can contribute to the profitability of an organiztion. Engaging in managing time, especially planning behaviors, can have a positive effect on group performance. Also, managing time poorly has been linked to high levels of strain (Benson, J. and Brown, M, 2007), being exhausted emotionally (Peeters & Rutte, 2005), and problems to do with health to do with health ((De Vos & Soens, 2008). It is defined as a mix of time sensitivity, goal setting, task prioritization, and outcome observation. This definition shows that management of time is an example of regulation of ones’ self enhancing improvement in performance, intellect and find successfulness in their careers (De Vos & Soens, 2008). Management of time improves success by stress reduction, maintenance of equilibrium and increase in production. Engaging in time management, for example behaviors of planning can add positively to the performance of a group (De Vos & Soens, 2008). Also, poor management of time is linked with heightened levels of strain, being tired emotionally (Ward, W. 2007), and problems of health

Management of time is a behavior which aims to gain the wise utilization of time and should be linked to activities that bare fruits. (Ward, W. 2007). This emphasizes, the utilization of time isn’t a goal, and can’t be pursued alone.

The first constituent is being aware of future, past and present (Ward, W. 2007), and examining how one utilizes time, that aid in completion of tasks that are in line with their abilities. (Claessens, 2004) identifies this component as the assessment of time behaviors.

The next constituent is the tools that are used in preparing to use time well. According to (Ward, W. 2007) who named this component as coming up with behaviors.




The research was carried out and organized under the following areas; research design, study area, the population, sampling techniques, research instruments, and data collection procedures and data analysis.

Research Design

The case study design was used as a model of investigation out of which collection of data was be possible. This design uses single area and allows variety of data  collection methods to be deployed.

Study Population

Due to big sizes of populations, researchers often cannot test every person in the population because it would be too expensive and time-consuming.

A researcher can take samples of 10% of a bigger population and a least 20% for a smaller population ad that a sample of above 30 to 500 is a good representation of the population (Sekaran, 2007). This is taken as a rule of thumb.




Data analysis and presentation of results


This chapter presents the study findings and their implications regarding the assessment of time management in improving organizational performance. The analysis of the study findings was directed to the specific objectives and some of research questions of the study. The specific objectives were:

  1. To find out the awareness of effective time management among employees.
  2. To examine the effectiveness of time management in service delivery in bank industry
  3. To investigate if time management can ensure timely completion of assigned duties




The researcher discussed, summarized, concluded and gave the recommendations on assessment of time management in improving organizational performance in bank industry based on the analysis and data collected on the study.

Summary of findings

The study was expected to determine the effect of time management on productivity in Post bank. This could be achieved by using the following specific objectives:

i.To find out the awareness of effective time management among employees: Under the management and the leadership of post bank, they opted to find out from the employees if they were aware of effective time management in order to find out where to fix their time management issues where a higher percentage knew and were aware that they needed to manage their time well but something had to be done about those who were not aware.


The findings show that, Time management is satisfactory in First  bank and it has direct link to the corporate performance because, majority of the respondents understand and implement time management although there are some challenges that limit the implementation.


To the Management

  1. Educating the employees on effective time management in order for them to know the importance of it and exactly how to do it. It is important that the employees know that the more they know how to effectively manage time, the more they can be able to achieve.
  2. They should also enhance the service delivery time by giving specific timelines for specific duties in order to serve the maximum number of customers and achieve the maximum number of set goals. Managers should invest and buy working tools like enough computers, printers, required software, standby generator and create conducive working environment by re- arranging sitting positions in a way that employees can sit comfortably, also management should make sure that they train employees on how to use them effectively, so that duties can be performed smoothly.
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