Biochemistry Project Topics

The Effect of Soaked Cassava Peel Meal Supplemented With Enzyme as Replacement for Maize on the Blood Haematological Characteristics of Broiler Chickens

The Effect of Soaked Cassava Peel Meal Supplemented With Enzyme as Replacement for Maize on the Blood Haematological Characteristics of Broiler Chickens

The Effect of Soaked Cassava Peel Meal Supplemented With Enzyme as Replacement for Maize on the Blood Haematological Characteristics of Broiler Chickens

Chapter One

General Objective

This work is aimed at investigating the response of Broiler chickens (Coturnix coturnix japonica) fed diets containing graded levels of soaked cassava peel meal as a replacement for maize in the diets of growing and laying Broiler chickens.

Specific objectives are to:-

  • evaluate the growth performance pattern (Body weight/ Body weight gain, feed conversion ratio) of the Broiler chicken-fed diets containing graded levels of soaked cassava peel meal.
  • determine the cost effectiveness of soaked cassava peel meal in broiler chicken
  • determine the nutrients digestibility of Broiler chickens fed diets containing graded levels of soaked cassava peel meal.
  • determine the carcass proportions of the Broiler chickens fed diets containing graded levels of soaked cassava peel meal.
  • estimate the hen-day and hen-house production of the Broiler chickens fed diets containing graded levels of soaked cassava peel meal.
  • investigate the effect of the different levels of soaked cassava peel meal on egg quality parameters such as (albumen height, Haugh units, shell thickness, egg shape index, egg weight, yolk weight, egg length, egg width, yolk height and albumen weight.



  Description of Broiler chickens

Broiler chickens

Broiler chickens are a highly specialized form of domestic chicken designed for meat production. Through selective breeding programs over the past 50+ years, broilers have been genetically modified to reach market weight at an extremely rapid pace, allowing them to be harvested for meat in just 5-6 weeks. Modern broiler chickens can gain up to 4-5 pounds of body weight during their short grow-out period, thanks to genetic improvements conferring traits like efficient feed conversion and accelerated muscle development.

Commercial broiler production takes place on a large scale in climate-controlled poultry houses under contract with vertically integrated poultry companies. These companies tightly manage genetics, nutrition, and processing to bring broiler meat to grocery stores year-round. High level biosecurity, vaccination protocols, and data-driven oversight from hatchery to harvest help maximize flock health as well as meat quality and yield. The USA produced over 8.5 billion broilers in 2020 for domestic consumption and export, more than any other country in the world. However, the immense scale and rapid growth achieved in commercial broiler chickens also raises animal welfare concerns that producers continue working to address through selective breeding and production innovations.

Laying broiler chickens

Laying broiler chickens are two types: the commercial layers and breeding stock. Commercial layers are kept alone without males because they are meant to lay infertile eggs. They are purposely reared for their eggs. Breeders on the other hand are kept with males mainly to produce fertile eggs for hatching at the hatchery; therefore both males and females are housed together in a specified mating ratio of 1:3 (Oladunjoye et al., 2005). Water and feed must be provided adlibitum to ensure maximum production. Feed and photoperiod are two factors that are of utmost importance in egg production as birds approach sexual maturity and become photo stimulatory. The ultraviolet rays cause the hypothalamus to release gonadotropin releasing factor (GRF) and luteinizing hormone releasing factor bringing about a change in the pattern of gonadotropin output. These effects result in rapid development of the ovarian follicle and increased steroidogenesis by the ovarian steroid producing cells. The estrogen that is produced in the interstitial tissue helps to increase the uptake of calcium from the gut and also acts on liver to produce the specific yolk lipoproteins. Also it causes changes of the vascular system, increases deposition of body fat, stimulate growth of the oviduct and play a role in the deposition of extra calcium in the bones.

Egg and egg production of Broiler chickens

Coturnix eggs are characterized by a variety of colour patterns. They range from snow white to completely brown. More commonly they are tan and dark brown speckled or molted brown with a chalky blue covering. The average egg from mature female weighs about 10 grams and about 8 % of the body weight of the broiler chicken hen as compared to 3 %

for chicken egg (Shim, 2005). The eggs have first class protein. They contain amino acids, which are the building blocks for body growth such as hormones, enzymes and antibodies. The egg has 4.30 % less fat and 5.00 % more protein than the hen egg (Wentworth, Cigan and Schaaf, 2009). Shim ( 2005) reported that care must be taken in collecting and handling broiler chicken eggs because they are thin shelled and more fragile than chicken eggs.




 Location of experiment

The research work was carried out at the poultry unit of the Department of Animal Production, School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Federal University of Technology Minna, Niger state Nigeria. Minna lies on latitude 9° 281 N to 9° 371 N and longitude 6° 231 E to 6° 331 east. The mean annual rainfall is between 1000-1500 mm. The vegetation is southern guinea savannah zone. (FUTMIN, 2012)

Duration of the experiment

The research work was carried out for 12 weeks and in two phases. These two phases were the growing phase and the laying phase which lasted for 6 weeks each.


Growth performance and carcass characteristics of Broiler chicken fed diets containing graded levels of soaked cassava peel meal.

Feed preparation

  Sources and processing of cassava peel

Cassava peels were collected from cassava processing factory located around Mobile market in Minna, Niger State. They were soaked in room temperature water for 3 days in an enclosed drum to allow fermentation process to take place. After the 3 days the peels were removed and drained in a basket and then spread thinly on polythene sheets to sun-dry. The peels were turned at regular intervals to allow even drying. The dried cassava peels were milled and later stored in polythene bags until ready for use. (Tewe and Kasali, 1986).

Sources of other ingredients

Other ingredients used for the formulation of the diets like fish meal, vitamin premix, lysine and methionine were purchased from feed mill while maize, groundnut cake, bone meal, maize bran were purchased at the Minna Modern Market. These ingredients were measured, milled and used with the already soaked cassava peel meal for the feed formulation.



The result of the proximate analysis of soaked cassava peel meal used in this study as shown in Table 4.1 showed that soaked cassava peel meal (FCPM) has a dry matter value of 89.50 %, Crude protein value 5.70 %, Crude fiber value 14.83 %, Ether extract 0.47 %, Ash 9.47 % and Nitrogen free extract 59.03 % while fresh cassava peel (FCAP) has a dry matter value of 18.90 %, Crude protein value 4.20 %, Crude fiber value 28.60 %, Ether extract 3.26 %, Ash 7.47 % and Nitrogen free extract value 55.50

%. Soaked cassava peel meal has higher protein content as compared to fresh cassava peel this is as a result of biosynthesis which has taken place during fermentation. Fermentation increases the protein, amino acids and vitamins as reported by Ganiyu (2006). The fiber content of the FCPM decreased as compared to the FCAP this is because fermentation helps in breaking down the cellulose content of cassava peel as reported by Dairo (2011).




The results from this study showed that Broiler chickens responded positively to soaked cassava peel meal (FCPM) inclusion levels up to 50 % without any deleterious effect on their growth.

The nutrient digestibility of Broiler chickens fed diets containing graded levels of FCPM were significantly highest at 50 % where the nutrients were better digested. It was therefore concluded that broiler chickens fed 50 % inclusion level of FCPM had the best digestibility. Also at 50 % FCPM inclusion level carcass characteristics were not adversely affected.

Up to 75 % FCPM replacement in terms of hen-day and hen-house production showed no significant difference therefore up to 75 % FCPM can be substituted in the diet of laying Broiler chickens without having any deleterious effect on egg quality traits.


From the results obtained from this experiment, 50 % inclusion of FCPM is recommended in the diet of growing Broiler chickens while 75 % inclusion of FCPM is recommended in diet of laying Broiler chickens.


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