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The Effect of Poor Teaching Method on the Academic Performance of Students a Case Study of Ovum Girls Secondary School Aba.

The Effect of Poor Teaching Method on the Academic Performance of Students a Case Study of Ovum Girls Secondary School Aba.

The Effect of Poor Teaching Method on the Academic Performance of Students a Case Study of Ovum Girls Secondary School Aba.


Objectives of the study

The purpose of the study was to address the gaps in information that most scholars have not addressed regarding state of education and learning conditions in Nigeria. In particular, the purpose was to investigate the poor methods of teaching in Ovum girls Secondary school, Aba.

The objectives of the study were:

  1. To determine the availability of skillful teachers in Ovum girls Secondary school, Aba.
  2. To assess the use of poor teaching methods in Ovum girls Secondary school, Aba.
  3. To determine the teaching methods most used by schools teachers in Nigeria.
  4. To identify the impact of poor teaching methods on academic performances of students in Ovum girls Secondary school, Aba.




Concept of Academic Performance

Academic performance according to the Cambridge University Reporter (2003) is frequently defined in terms of examination performance. Academic achievement refers to what the student have learned or what skills the student has learned and is usually measured through assessments like standardized tests, performance assessments and portfolio assessments (Santrock, 2006). The descriptive assessment information will usually be translated through grading system such as Grade Point Average (GPA) and course grade. This study will make use of Cumulated Grade Point Average (CGPA) since it provides information of the students’ academic performance across time.

Academic performance, which is measured by the examination results, is one of the major goals of a school. Hoyle (1986) argued that schools are established with the aim of imparting knowledge and skills to those who go through them and behind all this is the idea of enhancing good academic performance. The academic deans and the quality assurance committee are concerned about those who do not perform well because if this poor performance goes unchecked, the university may lose its reputation, which may result in loss of confidence in UCU graduates (Kyoshaba, 2009).

Thelma (1998) in her research on variables that associated with academic achievement of African-American has identified non-cognitive as one of the main contributor. African-American with high scores on measures of educational aspirations, values (courage, exciting life, cleanliness, imagination, and helpfulness), emotional intelligence, acceptability of mixed dating, self-confidence, satisfaction with academic advising and tutoring, being in control of academic outcomes, preference for long-term goals, academic self-concept, self-esteem, self-concept of ability, specific personality traits (achievement aspirations, affiliation, dominance, endurance, exhibition, harm avoidance, nurturance, order, play, and understanding), favorable opinions of their study habits and relationships with others, and low scores on alienation and reliance on family and institutions to solve social and academic problems, had higher grade-point averages than those with contrasting scores on these variables.




Research Design

This study adopted a Descriptive/simple survey research design. A survey research design according to Osuala (2001) centers on individual and their opinion, belief, motivation and behavior. The design was considered suitable since the study will solicit information from respondents in ovum girls secondary school Aba, Abia state.

Area of the Study

The study is conducted in Aba North Local Government in Abia state.

Population of the Study

The population of the study comprised all the Secondary School (JSS 1-SSS III) Students in Ovum Girls Secondary School Aba North, Abia state.

Sample and sampling techniques

The sample for the study was 200 students drawn from the population using random sampling technique. The sample was made up of both male and female students and teachers.



This chapter deals with the presentation and analysis of data obtained from the administration of the instrument (questionnaire) of the study. The data are arranged following the order of the research questions that guided the study.

In table 1, item1 with mean response of 4 accepted that there is a high class participation during lessons in ovum girl’s secondary schools. Item 2 with mean score of 3.4 also accepted that Teachers always use demonstration to teach during lessons in ovum girls secondary schools. Item 3 with mean score of 3.9 accepted that There is always use of recitation as part of teaching during lesson periods.. Item 4 with the mean score of 3.4 also accepted that Teachers gives class work to students after teaching during lessons.




The major focus of this paper is on assessing the effect of poor teaching methods on the academic performance of students a case study of Ovum Girls Secondary Schools Aba. The study was divided into five chapters. In the first chapter, we stated the problem of the study, its objectives and formulated for testing research hypotheses. In the second chapter, we reviewed literatures related to the topic. In the third chapter, we described the methodology employed or adopted to arrive at the study’s findings. In the fourth chapter Quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis were used to present and analyze data gathered from the study.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The teaching methods or techniques use for students in secondary school has become widespread in Nigeria relating to the poor performance of students in secondary schools. The results of the findings and the hypotheses tested showed that the result from this investigation proved that there is a significant relationship between availability of skillful teachers, the use of teaching methods and Poor teaching methods on secondary students in Ovum girl’s secondary school, Aba. Thus, Teachers in secondary schools are working towards promoting the performance of their students. The outcomes of this study would help the management of Ovum girl’s secondary schools to develop effective strategic planning for the future of Students in secondary schools in developing countries like Nigeria. Again, there is the need to sensitize the effective use of teaching methods or techniques among teachers in secondary schools.

In view of the above findings the following recommendations were made:

  • Government should employ effective teaching methods and promote teaching professional training courses to enhance quality education which will improve the performance of the secondary students.
  • The public and private owned schools should provide a conducive environment for efficient learning of students in the secondary schools.


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  • Caine, R. N. & Caine, G. (1997). Education on the edge of possibility. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
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  • Tomlinson, C.A., Kaplan, S. N., Renzulli, J. S., Purcell, J., Leppien, J., & Burns, D. (2002). The parallel curriculum: A design to develop high potential and challenge high-ability learners. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
  • Pellegrino, J., Chudowsky, N., & Glaser, R, Eds. (2001). Knowing what students know: The science and design of educational assessment. Washington DC: National Academy Press.
  • Wiske, M. S., Ed. (1998). Teaching for understanding: Linking research with practice. San Francisco: JosseyBass.
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