Political Science Project Topics

The Effect of Political Thuggery on Good Governance in Nigeria (A Case Study of Idah and Igalamela-Odolu Local Government Area)

The Effect of Political Thuggery on Good Governance in Nigeria (A Case Study of Idah and Igalamela-Odolu Local Government Area)

The Effect of Political Thuggery on Good Governance in Nigeria (A Case Study of Idah and Igalamela-Odolu Local Government Area)

Chapter One


In this study of research work, it is pertinent to know that political thuggery brings reproach and shame to a nation. It was for this reason that the following objectives are stated below:

  1. To examine the cause of political thuggery in Idah and Igalamela/Odolu local government area
  2. To identify the dangers of political thuggery
  3. To examine the reactions of the government on the issue of political thuggery
  4. To examine the socio-economic and the political implication of thuggery in Idah and Igalamela/Odolu local government areas
  5. To proffer recommendations based on the findings.




The concept of ‘’political thuggery’’ has gained national and international attention over the years. The rate of youth involvement in political thuggery is endemic if not pandemic.

In Nigeria, the act of thuggery cannot be said to be a modern problems as it origin came to be traced down to the era of the country’s independence.

According to Oseghea (2000), the country Nigeria was not politically strong or matured as at the time of her independence in 1960. Immediately after independence the country witnesses a lot of political upheavals between national opponents via the use of the thugs to achieve national heartfelt.

In 1962, there was violence in the western part of the country. This violence was within the action group.

According to Ojiako (1981), the dispute was as a result of the disagreement between Chief Obafemi Awolowo, the leader of the party and S.L Akintola, the deputy leader of the party. This dispute resulted to a violence fight between the thugs of the two leaders.

In 1964 western election, there was violence in the west which was masterminded by the politicians through the use of thugs to disrupt the election.

This eventually led to the declaration of the state of emergency in the west the then prime minister late Sir ALhaji Tafawa Balewa also. This was the case of the general election of 1965.

In this election, the United Progressive Grand Alliance and the Nigeria National Alliance were all involved in the use of thugs to achieve their selfish political ambition.

The issue of political thuggery which is usually associated with violence become more rampant in the second republic when interest for power between political parties resulted in violence in which unemployed youths were recruited as political thugs.

Therefore, it means that the act of thuggery is not a new thing in Nigeria. The country has never had ‘’free and fair’’ election in Nigeria since its independence without the use of thugs by politicians. This pattern of violence filled the national mobilization of clan identifies has become entrenched in the current democratic dispensation. This is to say that right from the first republic to date, there have been several reported cases of political thuggery.

Following the creation of state on 27th August, 1991 by the then military government under the leadership of president Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida Kogi State was born with the Igalas dominating the rest of the entire groups within the state. In terms of population, the creation of the state gave birth to Igalamela/Odolu local government, Idah and Igalamela/Odolu local government are neighbouring local government areas.





Research is the most important tool for advancing knowledge with a resolve that is typified by an insatiable desire for knowledge. The fact that human  being by nature are very inquisitive cannot be disputed. The merging of initiative and creativity to bring different variable together work on than on a trial and error or eliminating basis help us to get knowledge and with the development and advancement of such knowledge on can transform it into a better constructive research.

Osuala (1982), define research as the process of arriving at dependable solution to problems through planned and systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data.

Isaac (1999) defines research methodology as the process, basic principle and assumptions of the enquiry.

This research work is designed to find out the efforts of political thuggery in Kogi State. A case study of Idah and Igalamela/Odolu.


In carrying out this study, two ways of data collection were used. These two sources of data collection are:

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary


        Primary sources of data consist of that information or data collection at first hand by the researcher. The instrument used for gathering or collecting data for this study is the study of the questionnaire. A questionnaire was design and administered to the two local government areas under study.

Fifty percent of the questionnaire was administered to Igalamela/Odolu local government area. In the distribution of the questionnaire to respondents, the face to face question method was used. This helped to gathered information relevant to this research project.


The secondary sources of data collection comprised the consultations made in cause of literature review in the textbooks, newspapers, documentary and journals. The information obtain from the secondary sources of data collection add credibility to the research and help to provide to the research and help to provide insight into the topic under discussion.


The population of the study for the purpose of this research work comprises of the population of the two local government under study. A total of 100 subjects were selected from the 100 local government for the study. In each local government 50 subject were selected.




This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data collected from ‘’the field. The information gathered from the questionnaire issued and through oral interview and from personal observation shall be used.

The questionnaire was, designed so ‘that the responded can grap the real meaning of the questionnaire and possible answers to be provided. Hence, the responses of the respondents are presented to be true and fair.



This chapter is mainly concerned with summary of the entire write up. Recommendations were provided at the end based on findings.


This project work is an attempt to discuss the effect of political thuggery on good governance in Nigeria. A case study of Idah and Igalamela/Odolu local government areas.

Attention was focused on the introduction. The introduction helps to show the  various reasons that triggered the under taking of this project work or research. In this case also it highlights the over view of the study, causes and effects of political thuggery and government perception about thuggery activities in Igala land and state as a whole. In chapter three, attention was focused on research methodology. This described the methods used to gather information data collected were analyzed and discussed as related to political thuggery in the local government area under study.

Summary of entire work was made, conclusion drawn and recommendations made.


This study shows that political thuggery adversely affects the socio-economic development of the two local government areas under study. This is very true as it affects the common among the people. It leads to the destruction of lives and properties, it retard the development of the people socially and economically. It affects the developmental plan of the government and also damages the image of the local government and the state. Political thuggery is caused by factors such as illiteracy, lack of parental control, unemployment, poverty and other factors. The effect of political thuggery is endemic if not pandemic. This evil among us have given the country international bad names. Political thuggery must be stopped. It must be seen as disease with a cure, that means all hands must be on deck. Salisu (2010)  all hands must be on deck to totally eradicate this act of political thuggery in Nigeria.


The following recommendations are necessary as they touch on the solutions to both the causes and effects of thuggery.

  1. Employment should be provided by the government and non-government organization (NGOs) to youths especially at the local level of government. Employment should be base don merit and party affiliations. Merit and spread should be given a pride of place. Therefore, winner takes all syndrome should be jettison.

The government at all level should work to retrieve arms from the youths and other carrying them for violence or thuggery.

  1. The government should compensate those whose properties are lost during thuggery activities and also to parents who lost their love ones to thuggery attack. This will help calm down the evil intention to retaliate via the act of thuggery by those affected.
  • Effective enlightenment strategies should be developed by government at all levels and youth agencies so that the youths should become aware of opportunities available at their disposal to implore their current social and economic status.
  1. The battle against corruption and mismanagement of public funds, which causes poverty must be won regardless of what it takes. In this regard, the activities of Economic And Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) and Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) should be intensified and much be supported by all.
  2. Also the National Assembly, State House of Assembly and the legislative councils of the local government should come up with legislation that will carry stiff penalty on thuggery activities in Nigeria so as to discourage the youths who see it as a means of livelihood and the politicians who use them to pursue their interest.
  3. The government should provide free education for the teeming population of the country. This will help in a great length to provide education for the youths and to make their heart jettison the activities of political thuggery.


  • Ameh, J.Y (2008)     Youths and Election Violence: Implication for Local Government Election in Kogi State. A Paper Government Election. A Paper Presented at a Two Day Workshop on Youth Restiveness and its Implication for Human Security at the local government. May, 2008.
  • Onamah, G.O. (2008) Poverty and Its Implications on Youth Restiveness at a Two Day Workshop on Youth Restiveness and its Implication for Human Security at the Local Government Area, May, 2008.
  • Okpe, D. (2008) Corruption and Corrupt Practices and Related Offences Commission (ICPC) should be intensified and must be supported by all.
  • Osaghea E. (2001) Ethnic Group and Conflict in Nigeria Volume 1, Ibadan, The Lords Creations.
  • Osuala, E.C. (1982) Introduction to Research Methodology, Onitsha: African Feb Press.
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