Education Project Topics

The Effect of Play Way Method of Teaching and Concept Formation on the Learning of English Language in Primary Schools

The Effect of Play Way Method of Teaching and Concept Formation on the Learning of English Language in Primary Schools

The Effect of Play Way Method of Teaching and Concept Formation on the Learning of English Language in Primary Schools


Purpose of the Study

This study investigates the areas of interference of the play way methods and concept formation in learning of English Language.

  1. Determined the play way method of teaching have any effect on the learning of English language in primary school.
  2. Examine the concept formation in teaching have any effect on the learning of English language in primary school.




The quest to identify significant and potential factors leading to success or failure in the acquisition or learning of a second (SL) or foreign language (FL) has been part of research in second language acquisition (SLA) for quite some time (Olshtain, Shohamy, Kemp and Chatow, 1990). Because these potential factors are many, any investigation of this kind needs tG have some clear understanding of SLA as a phenomenon, particularly the many different aspects that are involved in the learning or acquiring of a second language. Having some understanding of those aspects would provide a good basis as to the kind of factors to be investigated. Ellis (1986) refers to Second Language Acquisition as a non-uniformed as well as an unpredictable phenomenon. This view immediately signifies the complexity nnd diversity of acquiring or learning a second language. The complexity of SLA as a process leads Beebe (1988) to suggest that a multiple interdisciplinary approach can be used to view SLA in order to achieve a full understanding. Included in this multiple interdisciplinary perspective are: the psycholinguistic perspective which stresses the central role played by the mental processing in second language acquisition; the sociolinguistic perspective which puts an emphasis on the role of social context in the acquisition of linguistic code and how the social context influences the development of communicative competence in second language; and the neurolinguistic perspective which seeks to establish relationships between the brain and acquiring, knowing and using a second language. Beebe suggests further that second language acquisition be looked at from: a classroom research-based perspective which concentrates not only on the ways in which second language instruction affects the processes, rate and ultimate level of second language attainment but also the interactions and activities that are going on in the classroom; and a bilingual education perspective which generally focuses on the role of first language (L I) on the acquisition of the second language (L2).




Research design

The researcher used descriptive research survey design in building up this project work the choice of this research design was considered appropriate because of its advantages of identifying attributes of a large population from a group of individuals. The design was suitable for the study as the study sought to examine the effects of play way method of teaching and concepts formation on the learning of English language in primary school.

Sources of data collection

Data were collected from two main sources namely:

Primary source and Secondary source

Primary source:

These are materials of statistical investigation which were collected by the research for a particular purpose. They can be obtained through a survey, observation questionnaire or as experiment; the researcher has adopted the questionnaire method for this study.

Secondary source:

These are data from textbook Journal handset etc. they arise as byproducts of the same other purposes. Example administration, various other unpublished works and write ups were also used.




Efforts will be made at this stage to present, analyze and interpret the data collected during the field survey.  This presentation will be based on the responses from the completed questionnaires. The result of this exercise will be summarized in tabular forms for easy references and analysis. It will also show answers to questions relating to the research questions for this research study. The researcher employed simple percentage in the analysis.




It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was to examine the effects of play way method of teaching and concepts formation on the learning of English language in primary school.

In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in examining the place of marketing information system on organizational decision making.


This study was undertaken to examine the effects of play way method of teaching and concepts formation on the learning of English language in primary school. The study opened with chapter one where the statement of the problem was clearly defined. The study objectives and research hypotheses were defined and formulated respectively. The study reviewed related and relevant literatures. The chapter two gave the conceptual framework, empirical and theoretical studies. The third chapter described the methodology employed by the researcher in collecting both the primary and the secondary data. The research method employed here is the descriptive survey method. The study analyzed and presented the data collected in tables and tested the hypotheses using the chi-square statistical tool. While the fifth chapter gives the study summary and conclusion.

  • Conclusion

Based on the findings of this study, the researchers concluded that the teachers could, through this study strive to adopt proper teaching methods that appeals to pupils’ senses which promote their interest in school work. They would equally understand that though interest is innate, the pupils still need activities that promote their interest in school work and achievement.


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