The Effect of Periwinkle Shell Ash and Dust on the Compressive Strength of Concrete
The research aims to investigate the influence of periwinkle shell ash (PSA) and Periwinkle shell dust (PSD) on the compressive strength of concrete.
The specific objectives include
- To determine the oxide composition of both periwinkle shell (ash and dust) using X-ray Florescence Analysis(XRF).
- To determine the degree of strength improvement in concrete obtained with mixes incorporating 0%, 5%, 10% and 20% PSD as replacement for cement and 0%, 5%, 10% and 20% PSA as replacement for cement in grade 20, 25, 30 and 40
- To determine the compressive strength of the concrete and compare their effect.
- To investigate the microstructure of the periwinkle shell (ash and dust) using Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM).
- To develop a statistical model that could be use in predicting the strength of concrete mixed with periwinkle shell ash or
When designing concrete for durable performance attention must be paid to the strength, durability and other performance standards. Due to the availability of concrete and its flexibility in formwork, concrete has become the most popular building material available and is known for its good compressive strength.
The construction industry which is the largest user of concrete relies heavily on cement for its operation in the development of shelter, pavement and other structures (Alabadan et al., 2005). However, the cost of cement production and the effect on the environment has encouraged more researches in the use of agricultural waste to partially replace cement. However, it has been shown that the hydration process of concrete is slowed down by the addition of these substitutes and early stage strength is reduced in comparison with normal ordinary Portland cement concrete Abdulawal and Warid- Hussin (2011) and early stage strength is reduced in comparism with normal ordinary Portland cement concrete.
Several works has being carried out on agricultural wastes such as the use of palm kernel shell ash as substitute for sand in concrete Falade (1992), properties of sawdust concrete (Sumaila and Job 1999). A study was also carried out to determine the workability and compressive strength characteristics of corn cob ash blended cement concrete Adesanya and Raheem (2009); and strength of binary blended cement composites containing saw dust ash (Ettu et al., 2013).
Periwinkle shell as an agricultural waste product has been researched upon in various way such as the use of periwinkle shell ash as partial replacement for cement in concrete Dahunsi and Bamisaye (2002); strength characteristics of periwinkle shell ash blended with cement concrete Olusola and Umoh (2012), the suitability of periwinkle shell ash as partial replacement for ordinary Portland cement in concrete (Olutoge et al., 2012). Periwinkle shell which has also being used as aggregate such as investigation on periwinkle shell as coarse aggregate in concrete Falade (1995), determination of the engineering properties of sandcrete blocks containing periwinkle shell Job et al., (2009) and Suitability of Periwinkle Shell as Partial Replacement for River Gravel in Concrete(Agbede and Manasseh, 2009).
Sustainable Concrete
In today’s society, the word sustainability has become part of human existence and covers all aspect of human endeavors including the concreting industry. Sustainability means “meeting the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs” (Naik and Asce, 2008). The environment, economy and society are the components of renewed sustainability. The word sustainability has been largely aligned with the environment, due to the huge CO2 content being emitted by industries including cement companies and thus emitting greenhouse gases leading to environmental hazards.
The need to continuously produce low cost building material due to the rapidly growing population and construction of infrastructure for our expanding cities the world over has lead to huge demand for sustainable material. The question then is we have to identify how a sustainable development will be executed (Mehta, 1999). The following are the related concerns which lead to sustainable development (Meyer, 2002)
- Previous mistake could be corrected by purifying the polluted water andsoil
- Reducing the global warming by neglecting the contamination of air, water and soil and curtailing CO2emission
- Balance between consumption and generation of natural
- Searching for equilibrium between economic development and preservation of the environment (that is balancing between upgrading social life and living standard by avoiding the disturbance of the environment as much aspossible).
It takes the professional responsibility of engineers to develop a fully sustainable concrete through improvement of the current building codes and laws. They also need to take the following special responsibility to develop a world view in problem solving which considers the effects of infrastructure decisions on the earth and on all living things.
Benefit of Using Agricultural Waste Material in Concrete
The use of agricultural by-products such as rice-husk ash, wood ash, silica fume and other pozzolanic materials, in addition to coal fly ash, can help to reduce the need for portland cement in addition to creating more durable concrete and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Malhotra 2004; Mehta 2002; ACI 2004). Ezeh and Ibearugbulem (2009) found good prospect in partially replacing cement with periwinkle shell ash in river stone aggregate concrete while Adewuyi and Ola (2005) successfully applied waterworks sludge as partial replacement for cement in concrete production. Elinwa and Awari (2001) investigated the potentials of groundnut husk ash concrete by partially replacing Ordinary Portland Cement with groundnut husk ash. Many other researchers have confirmed rice husk ash a pozzolanic material that can be used to partially replace OPC in making cement composites (Cordeiro et al., 2009). A number of researchers have also found good prospects in using blended cements made with sawdust ash (Elinwa and Ejeh 2004).
Periwinkle shell as being described as a light weight material with a bulk density of 515kg/m3 compared to river gravel with a bulk density of 1611kg/m3. The low bulk density of periwinkle shells suggests that lighter concrete can be produced from them. The aggregate crushing value (ACV) is 59.6% and 27.1% for periwinkle shells and river gravel respectively. The ACV values suggest that periwinkle shells are not suitable for normal dense concrete because a maximum ACV value of 30% was recommended for normal dense concrete. The values also suggest that river gravel is more adequate for concrete and can withstand more load than periwinkle shells. Materials with density between 300 and 800 kg/m3 can be classified as low density concrete, while those with densities between 960 and 1300 kg/m3 are the moderate strength concrete and the ones having density value in the range of 1350 to 1900 kg/m3 are structural light weight concrete. Normal concrete are those with density of 2200 to 2600 kg/m3 (Olarunge and Olabisi, 2003). Therefore Periwinkle-gravel concrete of 1:0 can be classified as structural lightweight concrete while the other mixes can be classified as normal weight concrete.
Moreover when agricultural wastes are recycled for use in concrete, some important properties of the hardened concrete such as ductility and durability can be improved upon. The following are the advantages of using agricultural waste in concrete:
- Rice husk ash (RHA) improves compressive strength of concrete (Safiuddin, 2010).
- Sawdust ash (SDA) improves self compactibility in concrete (Elinwa and Mahmmod 2002)
- Utilization of Palm Oil Fuel Ash (POFA) in concrete could reduce the cost of concrete production due to less cement use and disposal problems minimized (Rukzon et al, 2009).
- Using Periwinkle shell in concrete as aggregate produce light weight concrete (Agbede and Manasseh,2012)
- Periwinkle shell ash (PSA) improves comprehensive strength and lowers water absorption and porosity (Umoh and Olusola,2012)
- Periwinkle shell ash (PSA) increases the setting time of concrete (Olutoge et al, 2012)
The main materials used for the experiment were sourced from different locations and each of them were tested to conform to the required code of practice. Below are the lists of materials namely:
Ordinary Portland cement (OPC), Periwinkle Shell (ash and dust), Fine Aggregate, Coarse Aggregate and Water
The fine aggregate (sand) and the coarse aggregate were obtained from a block industry in Zaria. The tests carried out includes, particle size distribution analysis, specific gravity and bulk density.
The Dangote brand of Ordinary Portland cement with strength class of 42.5R was used as the binder and obtained from a local dealer in Samaru Zaria. Both physical and chemical properties test were carried out on the Cement in accordance with BS 4550: Part1, NIS 367:1997 and Part 2, NIS 368:1990.
Ordinary Portland cement(OPC)
Cement Consistency
The result of the consistency test for cement paste are presented in Table 4.1.
Replacing cement either partially of fully with waste such as (PSD and PSD) in concrete production has gained considerable importance because of the requirement of environment and for sustainable construction in the near future.
Based on the research conducted, the following conclusion and recommendation can be drawn.
- PSA which has a combined (SiO2, Al2O3and FeO3) of 70% with loss of ignition (LOI) value of 2 is classified as class F pozzolana while PSD with a combined (SiO2, Al2O3 and FeO3) of 70.47% is considered a class N pozzolana. Based on their physical properites PSD with a specific gravity of 2.21 is lighter than PSA which has specific gravity of 2.46 and they are both lighter than OPC with a specific gravity of 3.15. At a 20%PSD replacement was unsound due to high presence of unburnt lime (CaO)
- Increasing replacement leads to increase in slump value and decrease in strength in both PSD and PSA concrete. The optimum strength of PSA and PSD concrete for all grades was 10% replacement based on the 75% strength of control sample recommended by ASTM
- The SEM analysis indicates that pore space in concrete increases with increasing replacement in both PSD and PSA concrete, thus increasing the permeability of the concrete and reduces strength. The high presences of lime in PSA lead to uneven distribution of calcium hydroxide at 20%
- Strong relationship exit between percentage replacement, workability and strength in predicting the compressive strength of concrete. The relationship becomes stronger at higher grades for PSA concrete with grade 30 giving the best relationship with R2value of 999.
- Based on the result it is recommended that in concrete production, PSD and PSA can be used to replace OPC up to5% and 10%
- Based on the research the presence of organic element in the Periwinkle shell dust result in increase in the setting time of the concrete which could serve as a retarding
- Alkality test should be carried out in the future to determine the pH of both materials
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