Business Administration Project Topics

The Effect of Manpower Training and Development on Employees Performance (a Case Study of Bedc Company Benin City)

The Effect of Manpower Training and Development on Employees Performance (a Case Study of Bedc Company Benin City)

The Effect of Manpower Training and Development on Employees Performance
(a Case Study of Bedc Company Benin City)



The purpose for this research is to probe into the evaluation of the effect of manpower training and development in service organization using Benin Electricity Distribution Company (BEDC) Benin City as a case study with a view to find out how the organization is performing in terms of its employees training and development.

The following are the specific objectives of the study:

  • To examine if training and development enhances employees’ skill and knowledge
  • To examine the effect of employees training and development on employees’ performance and productivity
  • To examine adequate training facilities that could help to improve the manpower training and development.




Manpower training and development should be based on a need analysis derived from a comparison of “actual performance’’ and behavior with “required performance’’ and behavior. Manpower training and development is one of the major ways organization invests in the workforce for greater return today and even in the foreseeable future.

Training is like sharpening an existing skill in order to reflect the trends in technology and other social –cultural environmental changes of an organization. Productivity is the goal of today’s competitive business world and training can be a spring board to enhance productivity. The aim is to enable them contribute their full measure to the welfare, health and development of the organization (Onah 1993). The main objective of training and development in service organization is to increase efficiency of employees with the resulting increase in corporate productivity. This accounts for why a large number of fund and time is expected by organization at one period or the order in the improvement of the skills of their employees at various levels.





In this chapter, the researcher shall be looking into ways and methods of administering the questionnaires; the statistical tool that will be used in analyzing the research data and the techniques applies in testing the research hypothesis.

Research methodology refers to different ways, methods, designs and system a researcher uses in administrating and collecting data in research work.




This chapter is designed to give and analyze the response to the research hypothesis formulated from the stated problems in chapter one of this write up. It deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data collected. They were analyzed using tables and chi-square (X2) statistical tool.




In view of the analysis in chapter four of this work, the following findings were arrived at.

The Benin Electricity Distribution Company (BEDC) Benin City is the distribution of electricity to their state.

  1. The organization runs a training school within the establishment in Lagos where priority attention was placed on the technical course because of high technical skill required.
  2. It was discovered that it is very expensive to embark on training programme especially courses outside the organization. Most of the courses available are technical oriented and management tends to over look administrative courses. Hence, only very small percent are sent on administrative courses.
  3. It was also discovered by the researcher that BEDC does not only provide training to their employees but it is mandatory that a three month course will be studied by the employee immediately after employment coupled with induction by management in order to enhance their inter – personal acceptance and to improve their performance. However, some employees sent or sponsored by the organization usually do not go back to their work rather they find other fertile areas.
  4. Finally, the researcher discovered that most of the employees are not worth being trained either due to old age, inability nature of the work or the reluctant on the part of the employee.


The essence of training and development in service organization cannot be over emphasized. It has been observed that training is very important in every aspect of an organization. It enhances the efficiency of staff, increases output and motivates employees for better performance. It has been discovered that training and human development are not isolated from human resources. Even in the advanced countries and in most computerized organization, training and development cannot be overlooked because; human are the ones to operate this equipment. Because of the fact that ours is a world that is currently undergoing rapid change particularly in the area of skill obsolescence and technological capability, training is not exclusively reserved for newly employed staff but also for the old employees as well. It is therefore important for the purpose of enhancing individual performance


The following suggestions are offered which in the opinion of the researcher may go along way in addressing issues relating to human resources training and development programme in service organization.

  1. The organization should restructure their training by including administrative courses into it so that the high cost of going outside for similar courses will be minimized. There should be free flow of information to enable all the staff aware of the training and development programme available both internally and externally.
  2. Each section should draw up a roster of training programme for each year so that every staff of the organization would at least be sent on course in a year. This will erode the situation whereby only some chosen few are sent on course.
  3. Staff qualified for training should be encouraged by providing study leave with pay, and where scholarship is given a proper contract should be undertaken whereby employee would serve for a certain number of years after his/her course. Emphasis should be placed on on – the – job training where employees already in the field impact knowledge on the newly employed staff.
  4. Finally, periodic seminars and workshop which are not too expensive should be organized for all staff to acquaint them with current changes in management techniques and current development programme.


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